Feeling sad..I have decided to sell my daughter's gelding

luckypony71 Posts: 399 Member
It is just to much to keep up with his leg. We had it under control. Then had a couple of really rainy weeks. Busy with school, work, more work and life. We slacked on the leg and now there is another flair up. He obviously needs to go to a home that has time to care for the leg properly. I know it is the right decision. I still breaks my heart. He came to us in 2008 as a green 5 year old that had been flipped to 3 homes in less than 2 years. I figured we were his 5th home. No one had the patience to work with him.

Now he trail rides, jumps 3ft, has worked cows. He is a great pony. I know I am doing the right thing by selling him. I am just so sad and I pray he gets a home where he will be loved just as much as I do.


  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    So sorry to hear that, I know you will miss him. But hopefully he will get a new owner that adores him!
  • epiphany29
    epiphany29 Posts: 122 Member
    I know it's hard but you are doing the best thing for him. Good luck. You will be rewarded for it.