I just joined. I agree with this forum.

47feeling60 Posts: 20 Member
I lost weight by eating more food. I ate more fruits and vegetables, less candy and cookies. I ate fish, less red meats. I did not eat refined sugar or sugar substitutes. I drank water instead of pop/soda. At that time I lost 20 pounds in 21 days. BUT.... gained it back when I started eating sweets again.

I am addicted to refined sugar. I have to stop eating it again to be healthier. I truly lost weight when I ate healthy, clean, fresh, foods and I was more than satisfied. I'm mad at myself for falling off the wagon per 'say. I quit a lot of vises in the last 14 years, sugar is one of the hardest habits to quit.

I'm back to MYFITNESSPAL again because if I don't do something about my weight and fitness right now, I will die a sad death that could have been prevented. I'm over 300 pounds and I don't want to die earlier than an old, old age. :'(