Oct 20

ronercat Posts: 273 Member
Hopefully everyone had a great weekend. Mine went pretty swell, but on Saturday I went to log my food on this site and it happened to be after midnight so I guess I get to start a new daily login streak.

I did not manage to find time to complete the challenge last week, but the one for this week is something I should be able to do. I should be able to get enough exercise in with all the work and school things going on, but I need to make sure I do it.


  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Hello my dear friends. I am so sorry that I kinda dropped off the face of the earth on you. Thank you Nancy and Pat for checking on me. I've not been in a real good place and have been dealing with far too many things. Between medication changes, blood work, my therapist and a very good friend of mine, I think I have finally pulled myself out of that dark place and have accepted things that I can not change so that I'm able to work on the things that I can change. Luckily, I'm only up 1 1/2 pounds. I wasn't really eating bad but I wasn't really eating at all. Some days I was lucky to get even one meal in a day. I have found out through the blood work that I was deficient in several different vitamins and minerals (which can happen very easily because of the gastric bypass). I have managed to get all of the supplements that I need and am working on getting myself back to where I need to be. Now it's time for me to get my head completely back in the game......logging, exercise, supplements, everything. And of course support. I'm no longer able to get to my gastric bypass support group and this journey just isn't possible without support. And silly me was ignoring the one support system that I do have access to.......all of you! So, I'm back....ready to give and get support. Time to get my butt back in the game!!!

  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    edited October 2014
    Welcome back Dee. Sorry to hear you had such a hard time recently. Sometimes our struggles in life can be so overwhelming at times, we don't know what to do. Glad you were able to get some support and figure things out. I hope to use your strength now to pull me back into the 'groove' of healthier eating and exercising.

    Zac....my weekend was 100% restful and stress free! I did nothing! OK, I ate, slept, played with the cats and did a bit of crafts, but other than that....zip, zilch, nada! The US survey team had to postpone their survey for us, so I decided to take a 2 day break and did nothing. Now back at work, we are trying to hold the momentum as they are now coming the 2nd week of December. I am taking a week off in Novemeber 'just because'!

    So what is the personal challenge this week??? I seem to have missed all of them so far! Guess I can look on the board and see what it is!! Have a great week folks!

  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    This week it looks like the challenge is to give up a food or treat you enjoy for a week. My goal is to do no fast food...we will see how well this goes. I have made it so far, but the challenge is young haha.

    Dee, I am glad that you are back. We are definitely here for support. We may never meet in person, but we still care about how you are doing, not just in regards to weight loss, but in all aspects of life. That is one of the great things about this group. It gives me warm fuzzies just thinking about it.

    Nancy, that sounds like a great weekend. Sometimes it is important to just remove yourself from everything and just relax. Did the cats help with the crafts? I know that whenever I am working on something my cats are just suuuper helpful. (heavy sarcasm implied)
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    yeah....very helpful....especially when I am 'beading' and making jewelry!!!! I guess you could say that they certainly know how to 'separate' the beads for me (whether I like it or not!!!)