Has anyone stopped bingeing?

Hey all,
I'm new to this group. I've ah MFP for about a year now. The problem is that Ido well for 1-2 weeks. But then it just takes 1 day for me to binge on pizza or ice cream and them I reset the entire program.

This viscous cycle happens every 2-3 weeks or so.

I know that I should just get back on track right after, but I never do. I always end up binging the whole weekend so that I can "reset" fresh again on Sunday or Monday.

How do I stop this cycle?


  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    I say don't wait till Sunday or Monday. Stop bingeing the next day after. I do that before and it only did not lead me to extend till Sunday/Monday, I event extend till the next Sun/Mon until I feel like it's already the right week.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I recently had a 2.5 year binge-free streak. I wasn't even thinking about binges. It was like I never even had an issue, so at least in that sense, I stopped binging. Something triggered it back, so that's something to deal with, but the cycle can be broken.

    I agree with @maicap22. Don't wait until Sunday or Monday to reset yourself. Do it immediately. This is all a mental thing, which makes it harder for people to be able to help you. There are workbooks out there and exercises that you can do to make it easier for you to resist binges, though. Do you try distracting yourself, because the binge-feelings are generally only there for about 20 minutes.
  • runningcat38
    i suffer with weekend binges too. If I binge on saturday then it carries on into sunday. I have gained 5lbs from my last 2 weekend binges!!