Weight loss and chest pain

The past several weeks my chest has been occasionally hurting. It usually happens when I lay on my stomach. Feels like im suffocating and gets hard to breathe. It always gets better after I sit up. Is this due to the excess fat being gone and my lungs being weak or not having "padding" like they used to? Ive never had chest pains before. Im slightly worried but not too much.


  • jmarton1977
    jmarton1977 Posts: 49 Member
    Could it be gas pain? I used to have that a lot back when I was eating carbs. I haven't had pain, but I've certainly had issues breathing due to allergies acting up. Honestly, if you're really worried, I'd see a doctor. You can always log when it happens, and compare it to what you've eaten or stress levels or other metrics to see if there's a pattern.