Why are you doing Piyo?

ybodwen Posts: 342 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
Hey guys, I'm Julia, a 30 yr old (not for long!) mom of 3.
Just wondering what made you guys decide to do this program?

I have 20 lbs to lose and I love running. I hadn't found any strength type exercise that I enjoyed though, and felt that I needed that piece to keep me stronger, injury free and frankly to get rid of some arm jiggle. One of my MFP buddies told me about PIYO and since I loved Turbo Fire with Chalene I decided to try it- I love how it's short and doesn't require much space, equipment or even shoes :) and that I feel like my whole body is getting some much needed strength and stretching!

What about you guys?


  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I'm injured (low back/SI Joint). My usual go-to workouts (Turbo Fire and Zumba) were killing me even when modifying. I have poor core strength and zero flexibility b/c I've always hated yoga and ab workouts. (Which is why I probably got injured in the first place.) So PiYo could not be more perfect for me now. I'm weirdly excited about the no shoes thing too!
  • sylviedrozz
    it seems, out of all the beach body programs, to be the best at cutting inches and giving that long lean-muscled dancer body that i'm aiming for. plus i'm soo inflexible. need to get that sorted! chalene imo is better in this than turbo fire, here she's more chilled out and calm which calms me down too :)
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    Hi Julia! I'm Sara. A 26 year old mother of one who is 45lbs overweight.

    This is my second attempt at PiYo. The first time I tried I got through two weeks and had to stop due to medical problems. Now that my issues seem to be better under control, I'm ready to get back into it. The first time I loved how much stronger and more flexible I was after just those two weeks. I'm determined to finish, even if I have some not so good days. I need to be a healthier weight. I want to be stronger. My upper body and core strength are so bad right now that down dog is difficult. I also want enough endurance to keep up with my daughter.