upcoming event?

akmfp Posts: 56
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
Anyone down for a challenge? Thinking something on the lines of a 10k (walk or run) on a weekend sometime. I can finish a 4k in 40 minutes with walk & jog. I am thinking of something big for a bi-weekly event? So that our daily/weekly routines can have a bit more purpose... Maybe a competition for whoever can burn off the most calories, or maybe something fun like sharing pictures of who looks the most tired!

What do you think?


  • addiec1
    addiec1 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm up for a challenge.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I'm up for the challenge. I may do the run/walk outdoors if the weather permits. That's okay, right? I'll soon be exclusively on the treadmill.
    As an aside, I ran 10K yesterday! Not all in one go; I ran 5K+3K+2K with 4 minute walking intervals in between. It took me awhile and the last 2K were super slow going but I did it. :smile:
  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    Great idea! I'm in for a 10K walk. Can do it on the weekend.
  • addiec1
    addiec1 Posts: 101 Member
    Paytra great job with the 10k. My goal for the end of the winter is to be able to run all of a 10k. I need to get back to being able to run an entire 5k first though. I will run/walk a 10k this weekend.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Thanks, addiec1! I'm trying to run a 10K this winter, too (without the walking breaks).
    You'll be running 5K and then 10K by spring. Hang in there!
  • akmfp
    akmfp Posts: 56
    Great response! Unfortunately I had a lot going on recently, I started a new job on Tuesday and have to attend my sisters wedding this weekend. Let's schedule something for the end of November. I will put an event down for November the 29th (Saturday). However Sunday is fine to post results too.