
Eating my feelings. :( Dang it. It's like I want to pour fat on top of chocolate on top of simple carbs. I recognize I'm doing it but how do I stop myself mid-binge? I just wish I could get a big hug instead. :(


  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Maverick, Oh no, hang in there. When I feel a binge or stress coming on that will likely lead to a binge, my immediate action is to call or reach out to a fellow OAer to help me think through the process if I were to binge. If no one is available and I can't get to a face-to-face meeting, I'd tune into a podcasts or a phone meeting to listen to someone share about their recovery. Unfortunately we have to feel those feelings which is uncomfortable, and I still struggle with it after being in OA for several years. You don’t have to go through these struggles alone!

    I'm sending you virtual {{{HUGS}}}
  • sanddollar
    sanddollar Posts: 192 Member
    I agree with GrokRockStar, try to call your sponsor or another OAer, or listen to podcast or phone meeting. Here are some recorded phone meetings you can listen to anytime. This line by line meeting has totally helped me get to recovery... to listen to a recording of it call 209-255-1099. Access code: 740111#

    I believe there is a new recording every week. To call the actual meeting in progress call the same number and access code on Saturdays at 4pm (Pacific Daylight Time). You can also call an hour earlier at 3pm for the foundation meeting (which explains why the original Alcoholics Anonymous book (nicknamed Big Book) is very effective for compulsive overeaters. You can also get numbers of potential sponsors (that is how I found my sponsor).
  • youthlaxmom
    youthlaxmom Posts: 18 Member
    Sanddollar, thanks for reminding me of the recordings. I will put that number on my computer with a sticky note. I know I will need it sometime...
  • MadameMaverick
    MadameMaverick Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks guys! I don't recall what happened that day...I think I took a pill and knocked myself to sleep. I will keep those references for when I feel down. Hugs all