clearly something is not right here

elleryjones Posts: 88 Member
I've had a lifetime of being active and watching my weight. I've never been overweight and the heaviest I've ever been was with my second son when I gave in to the cheeseburger and meat cravings like nobody's business. (yum) Slowly lost the pregnancy weight with WW (170 lbs - 140) and then stalled. After a particularly grueling bootcamp class on the beach two summers ago I herniated two discs and was sidelined and on painkillers for a while. Painkillers killed both my pain and my appetite and I got down to 119 at my skinniest (a weight I don't remember seeing in years and years and years and years). Weaned off the painkillers and started eating again and gradually worked my way up to 130, then 138, at which point I found the IPOARM and the Eat More group. Gradually increased my intake and never really flatlined at my TDEE because I got really irritated with not having any pants that fit. This past month I've been trying to pay more attention to my workouts and trying to hit my macros, especially protein. I'm definitely stronger, yet fatter. It's not retaining water, it's not bulky muscles, it's fat. I have a big ole gut now and I really really don't like it.

I have worked out with weights for more than 20 years, teaching aerobics and lifting on the side. My weight usually fluctuated between 128 - 135). Even when I no longer worked at a gym (darned babies getting in the way of my workouts) I have worked out at home doing cardio or body weight workouts (squats, pushups, etc.). I took a break while pregnant with #2 but got back into it after he was born. I've always leaned more towards cardio than weights but have shifted that focus in the past few months.

Meanwhile, my gut (I call it Id), would like to know how to take up less room in my life. Halp!

Provide your stats (height/weight/age/bodyfat% if you know it/etc)

5'3" 142 42 bf - 24-25% (not positive)

What's your current gross intake of calories, on average?

according to my BMF and MFP, the past month I've averaged 1929/day

What's your current average intake of protein, carbs, and fats, in grams? (GRAMS, not percent!)

again, according to BMF, in the past month: protein 106, carbs 266 and fat 48

Do you use a food scale and measure everything?

yes although I don't have a digital scale. When I don't count out precise #'s I veer towards overestimating (e.g. Goldfish)

Do you track all of your intake, daily? (Everything?)


Do you take cheat days or days off?

not technically. Sometimes things come up but I don't consider it cheating (e.g. ice cream with my kids)

How much weight have you lost so far and over what time period?

I've been on MFP for a while. Started at lower calories at 138 and have done nothing but gain (and not in a good way)

Describe your activity (exercise and non exercise) and did you change that activity withing the last couple of months?

Besides last week when I had strep, I usually try to workout 3-5x/week. 30-45 minutes lifting in the mornings (New Rules, Fitness Blender, etc. I switch it up and add to things because often the given workout doesn't seem hard enough. ) No access to gym but have dumbbells and a barbell and other equipment at home. Legs workouts usually include squats in some fashion, isolated leg work, etc. Upper body I do pushups, bench press, OHP, working towards unassisted pullup)

How long have you been stalled and if it is not a complete stall please be very specific as to how much you have lost over the stalled period.

Have lost nothing, nada, zero, zilch. I am merely becoming stronger and yet squishier all at the same time. I have a paunch now and it makes me sad. I haven't had a paunch since I gave birth 3 years ago. My inches have gone up although I don't have the stats at hand.

Are you breastfeeding?

God no.

Do you have thyroid issues/risks or PCOS?

not that I know of.

Sorry this is long. I'm committed to doing this the right way but clearly I am doing something wrong. Id and my closet are begging for halp!!

edited to add:

as of 4/3/13 I ran my #'s:

my weight was 138.6, bf 24.49, BMR: 1395 and TDEE: 2286 according to heybales' spreadsheet

My BMF seems to think that my avg cal burn/day is 2398, I'm active for 100 minutes/day and I take 8230 steps on average per day.


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Tagging to get back to you shortly
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hi! - and lol at the breast feeding response.

    Do you log your 'non-cheats'? (the ice cream for example?)

    On looking at your diary, you are averaging a little over 2,000 calories. This seems pretty high. I am heavier and maintain on not much more than that.

    Based on the fact that you appear to have gained about 3 lbs over the last 6 weeks or so (I think, based on your commets), I would suggest setting your calories to a static 1,600 (no eating of exercise calories back) with the following macros:

    Protein: 110g
    Fats: 50g
    as minimums and the balance where you wish based on preference, satiety and energy levels.

    If you could check back with us in 2 weeks with an update that would be great - or earlier if you have any questions or concerns, or have significant hunger issues.

    Also, look to increase your NEAT as much as possible (non exercise activity such as walking more and just being more active in general).
  • elleryjones
    elleryjones Posts: 88 Member
    Will do. And I will. :)

    The "God no" breastfeeding response was because I spent about 3 years breastfeeding and it's nice to have my boobies all to myself now. :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Locking in order to keep track of active threads. Please PM either myself or SideSteel, including a link to this thread, when you are ready to follow up, or earlier if you wish to add any comments or questions, and we will unlock so you can do so.
This discussion has been closed.