What challenges can you share with the group concerning weight loss?

virgm2002 Posts: 29 Member
I will start the conversation. I have a slow metabolism. I am sticking to the 1200 calories I get a day. I have a torn meniscus so I can't do much in the way of exercise. When I was young, I use to wonder why older people seemed to eat less as they aged. Well, now I know! It is a rite of passage I never expected to happen to me. Here I am in my 50's trying to figure out what it means in real terms to my weight loss journey. Do any of you have any advice or words of wisdom?


  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    Metabolism has slowed right down. Can't loose if eat over 1200 even with great workouts. The good news is workouts get better as Loss improves. Still trying to figure out what I can do , hand torn knee and ankle ligaments on left , both rotator cuffs torn.....so far mountain hiking or running on padded surface is working. Think you gotta do both but bottom line for me is primary calories in vs out
  • virgm2002
    virgm2002 Posts: 29 Member
    Dear Phyllb, thank you for sharing. I'm certain many of us share similar stories. This is the conundrum. We want to eat right and stay active but, injuries sometimes prevent it. And, because we have a slow metabolism exercise is crucial to losing weight. I have started riding my bike a few minutes a day. At 1200 calories, the scale barely budges. At 1200 calories I am working overtime being creative in my selection of foods and food combinations. We do need to stay positive! We can achieve our goals. It is just going to take us a lot longer. But, we are living longer so why not make the sometimes excruciating effort to live a life of quality. We need to think long term. If I can stave off diabetes or some other illness for another few years by losing weight and eating healthy, it will all be worth it!
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    Favorite new food is can sliced heats of palm which is in a great vinagarette. Add red peppers, onions, celery whatever and have some great salads with variable mixes of veggies. Might add lime or fresh herbs.