


  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    I appreciate what you both are saying, but my weight loss is severely stalled and whenever I eat carbs, it goes up, so I can't risk it. Right now, I've got the constipation under control, I know what to expect. Now if I could just resist those late night binges of beef jerky, I'd be good!
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    Lately- I've been eating collard greens almost every day -that really helps. It's about 60 cal a serving and if I'm going to eat a carb, better it be from greens than grains.
  • boomerkae
    boomerkae Posts: 217 Member
    I've used Colace, one pill at bedtime, and a few hours after waking, all systems go. I only use it when I know I'll be home or near a bathroom, and only after 3-4 days without a movement. (that said, it's been twice). Worked like a charm.
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    I talked to the nurse at my f/u appt yesterday. She strongly urged me to try prune juice, either cold or warmed up. I will admit I have never had prune juice or prune anything for that matter, but it didn't sound good to me. I got some fibergummies instead and will try them.
  • SimplySusan63
    SimplySusan63 Posts: 88 Member
    I've seen it said time and time again, but the best 2 things any of us can do are WATER and WALKING. I also take VitaFusion Fiber or Target's brand of Fiber Gummies. I take 2 each day and make sure I get at least 64 oz of water each day. When I get constipated I can be sure I'm not keeping up with this regimen.
  • jamezln
    jamezln Posts: 182 Member
    I talked to the nurse at my f/u appt yesterday. She strongly urged me to try prune juice, either cold or warmed up. I will admit I have never had prune juice or prune anything for that matter, but it didn't sound good to me. I got some fibergummies instead and will try them.

    I think I mentioned prune juice around here somewhere. I use the Walmart brand since it, for me works the best. Goes through me like a tornado. However, I tried it after surgery, even cut it with water the way the paperwork said, and the sugar was so great that it made me nauseous. Simple sugars no longer agree with me. Even over Thanksgiving I passed n all the deserts....even my favorite pecan pie for fear getting nauseous. Prune juice is worth a try if you're handling sugar well.

  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    What about doing 1/2 and 1/2 w/ water that way the sugar content isn't as strong.
    We were advised that if we wanted to have an occasional 3-6 oz ( "100" juice) that we may want to mix it this least for the time being!
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    Carbs are not my friend.I'm sure some carbs are not a problem for plenty of people here. I'm not one of them. Sometimes I'll have fruit. Like today I had an apple with peanut butter and I just added some pineapple to my cottage cheese. But I don't do that everyday.

    I've always had this issue with weight management. All my tests come back normal,but I have the slowest metabolism in the world. with the sleeve, I don't get so hungry and it's easier to avoid carbs. Also, they don't sit well in my stomach anymore, so that helps.

    quest bars are helpful for getting fiber and take care of the 'want a sweet' craving.
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    I do re-fried beans--yest they have carbs but i work them into my counts for the day. I also do fruit in a smoothie if needed. I have the same problem as you--and this past year I had major back surgery so yes i have pain when i cannot move things along. I do use stool softeners and i have started taking coconut oil capsules. They also come in a chewable from GNC--maybe other places too but the caps were cheaper at Walmart. A woman at a weight mgmt meeting told me about them. They are really helping and coconut oil has lots of good reviews!
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    I tried 4 oz of prune juice and water but it was a no go. I broke down and bought some stool softener. Hopefully that will get me back on track. My sister says she uses Miralax (?) so after I get back to an good status I may try that daily.
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    Try whatever you need to---just to get things moving! LOL