Marathon crash and burn



  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Will definitely check out the book. As far as the race Saturday - went great. Didn't beat my previous times but enjoyed myself and finished with a 2:20:12 or something like that. Also got to run across the finish line with my 5 year old daughter so it was a great way to end my running year. Now its time to relax and fix all my aches and pains. Until next year...

    That's what it's all about

  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,691 Member
    edited November 2014
    Ha, sorry I can't help but laugh. Bonking is something completely different at this end of the planet. I'm sorry your race didn't go according to plan. My half last weekend was blighted by a head cold so I understand your frustration.
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    Will definitely check out the book. As far as the race Saturday - went great. Didn't beat my previous times but enjoyed myself and finished with a 2:20:12 or something like that. Also got to run across the finish line with my 5 year old daughter so it was a great way to end my running year. Now its time to relax and fix all my aches and pains. Until next year...

    Well, that's the thing about racing...for all the training, sometimes the wheels come off. My race day was cold and windy and at mile 15 my hamstrings started to cramp because of the cold. I know that feeling from skiing in conditions where the temperature is -25°F to -35°F and the muscles just don't fire so efficiently. I managed to get the legs warmed back up and working again for a few more miles but on the long, cold return loop they were cramping once again. It was interesting to the end because they were on the edge of cramping whether I walked or ran. It was all about NOT having an asphalt faceplant!

    The calculators were all over the place based upon various training runs...from 4:07 up to about 4:27. I thought a 4:30 was much more doable than the faster times. I used the 80/20 approach to the last third of my training and my long training runs were really slow distance runs in a Zone 1-Zone 2 (I use a HRM to help measure that).

    On the plus side, I did not miss my goal by much, as I ran a 4:42 marathon. But clearly it didn't break my way to a really fast race. You might consider slowing down to speed up.