Eating Primal/Paleo



  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Got a little off track today but remembered "Don't Cheat with Wheat" & I never!!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hi! I am a little late seeing this but Welcome! I am also a low carber (well, I need to be but can only muster some times of the year! I am blessed with too many farms near by and farm markets!) I think the info on Mark's Daily Apple is sound as far as carbs go, and that he is a littl more lenient as far as just doing our best and making this a lifestyle. I have been at this about 5 years, and yes I do fall off the wagon, but I soon realize the error and get back on! It's easier each time. I see more positives than negatives each time, and more motivation to continue. I hope you will too!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Terrific! That one rule keeps me from straying very far, for very long.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    My cheats have had some sugar & whipping cream which also had sugar in it! But it was Turkey Dinner at school. I am the kitchen manager & I have one assistant so we were VERY busy. It was the real deal but I did awesome food wise but caved on the crustless pumpkin pie with whipped topping! I stayed away from the mashed potatoes, the stuffing, the corn, and the homemade buns but I did put a tiny bit of gravy on my turkey.
    I also had a BAD headache by the time dinner rolled aound so I had an apple with nut butter instead of cooking a full meal. Woke with the headache this morning too and am wondering if maybe it is dehydration or what is called carb flu (which I thought would have happened by day 2 not now). Although I have been drinking water but maybe it just isn't enough!
    Made a compliant omelet for myself, husband & 8 yr old grandson this morning! yum!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Today was a good day but maybe a little low on cals! Had bacon, eggs & vegetables for late breakfast (was waiting for the headache to go away with pain med) then ate an early dinner out with others which was prime rib & a tossed salad. I'm just not hungry so I'm done for the day!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    vhuber wrote: »
    Today was a good day but maybe a little low on cals! Had bacon, eggs & vegetables for late breakfast (was waiting for the headache to go away with pain med) then ate an early dinner out with others which was prime rib & a tossed salad. I'm just not hungry so I'm done for the day!

    Without seeing you diary, but with your descriptions here, it might also be that you're not eating enough, or often enough. You seem to be frequently skipping a meal, which some people don't respond well to (yeah, I know, we're supposed to be able to, but that "supposed to" assumes we haven't spent a few decades screwing things up, and such things can't be fixed overnight). Try to make sure you're getting three meals in for a while and be sure to hit you calorie goals.

    Also, you mentioned previously that your day ended with "774 grams" of sodium, which I assume is actually 774 milligrams. That's actually very low, and if you've been consistently getting that, you may be depleting your sodium levels, especially paired with a low carb/high fat way of eating (which is naturetic). I highly recommend making sure you're getting enough food, sodium, and water. One of the nice things about Paleo is that you can kick pretty much all conventional wisdom to the curb, including the "avoid sodium!!!" thing (in fact, if you avoid sodium on this way of eating, you're very likely to crash and burn, because whole foods are naturally lower in sodium and you risk deficiency; contrary to the impression conventional wisdom gives, we need sodium).

    As for the homemade mayo, what didn't you like about it? And what oil did you use? If you used olive oil, what kind did you use? The type of oil makes a large difference, even if you use a light-flavored one (I can tell a noticeable difference between my pure olive oil batch and my olive-avocado oil blend batch even when nothing else is different). Also, dijon mustard and salt make a pretty huge difference in the flavoring, as well. You may just need to experiment a little to get the flavor right. My favorite recipe is this one, and the jars my nut butters come in are perfect size for it. This makes it far easier to experiment, as it's not nearly as time-consuming or failure-prone as the blender methods are. :smiley:
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? I know that when I don't I tend to have a low-grade headache that just doesn't want to quit.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions!
    I have found myself nauseous after eating. I don't know if it's a bug or what but it makes me absolutely not hungry. I have been lucky to get 2 meals down a day. I try to have proteins & fruit or proteins & vegetables. Cooking them in coconut oil & eating avocados! With eating like this I'd say I am fasting! I also exercise but not strenuously like I use too. I lift weights 3 days per week, walk on the TM, ride a recumbent bike or use the elliptical about 5 days per week. I do try to drink 64 oz of water per day.
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    If you're consistently not eating enough calories, I'd worry if you're exercising more than you're intaking.

    why are you feeling nauteous? are you reacting to a specific food? or all foods?
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Any foods! I just don't feel hungry so I feel like I am force feeding myself & I get nauseous. I "fasted" or never ate yesterday 4 p.m. till 10 a.m. this morning. I made myself eat 2 hard boiled eggs with a cup of grapes at 10 then I ate homemade beef & vegetable soup for lunch at about 2. Soooo not hungry & thinking of eating again is not appealing. In 9 days I have lost 2.5 pounds, that is not rapid nor slow!!!
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    vhuber wrote: »
    Today was a good day but maybe a little low on cals! Had bacon, eggs & vegetables for late breakfast (was waiting for the headache to go away with pain med) then ate an early dinner out with others which was prime rib & a tossed salad. I'm just not hungry so I'm done for the day!

    Without seeing you diary, but with your descriptions here, it might also be that you're not eating enough, or often enough. You seem to be frequently skipping a meal, which some people don't respond well to (yeah, I know, we're supposed to be able to, but that "supposed to" assumes we haven't spent a few decades screwing things up, and such things can't be fixed overnight). Try to make sure you're getting three meals in for a while and be sure to hit you calorie goals.

    I second this. I am never hungry when I am eating 80/20 primal (or paleo, for that matter. I still use full cream in my coffee, though as soon as I unpack my immersion blender I'm going to go back to BP coffee with coconut oil -- I can't wait to make homemade "no-fail" mayo again, too!) and so I have to keep an eye on calories or I eat 800 calories or less for the day, which stalls my metabolism.

    Also, you're right about the nuts. They can really add up. I try not to have nuts every day. Red wine is allowable on most paleo plans, but I find that for some reason red wine also stalls weight loss, it's hard to stop at one glass when I'm relaxing with friends, and sometimes I crave carbs the next day. So I don't indulge much.
  • lujo321
    lujo321 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm never really hungry either but I'm not sick when I eat. It is very easy for me to forget to eat. At work I'll glance at the clock and realize I forgot to have lunch. Sometimes I'll get a slight headache and realize I forgot to eat. But I have no problem eating. I'm very new at this so I don't have much in the way of advice but what you are describing doesn't sound normal or pleasant. I hope you find the right balance for you soon and start to feel better.
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    Well, none of that is me ... I love to eat. I never forget a meal. and I like my snacks too. I'm too much a foodie ... I suspect that keeping it under 100 carb grams is the only thing that's preventing me from gaining weight these days.
  • sarabeth624
    sarabeth624 Posts: 33 Member
    Eggs sometimes give me food aversion. At the very least they often make me not be hungry until I eat something else. Which for me is a benefit, but since you're wanting to eat more and interested in tweaking, try laying off the eggs for a few days and see if your appetite perks back up.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I started my day primal but after that I had 3 baby candy bars & 3 pieces of pizza! It was my grandsons b-day & I have not had pizza for over two months! I am not going to beat myself up over this cuz this is life & I KNOW life is NEVER straight nor narrow!!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    I would say based on my own experience that the weirdness and headaches are wheat and carb related. If you do right and eat well throughout the day, with protein, fat, and low carbs at each time you eat, you will do better. You also may be low on electrolytes, make sure you are getting ample sodium because on low carb you NEED it. It gets flushed out easily. Magnesium, potassium...add those to your tracker and see how you fare. Any imbalance can cause you to feel like *kitten*. So can going up and down with carb intake. A binge will make you crash for a bit. Not to beat yourself up, but just be aware of the consequences. I have been at this over 5 years and still struggle sometimes! Its what we do MOST of the time that makes the impact.