Daily check in - NoVEmbeR give up!

canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
well, i tried :\ nobody else made one yet, so . . . .

me, i took november 1st off. went back to bed at 10 am today for a 'short' nap and found myself sleeping until 3pm. i took it as a sign the groke doesn't want me to go lifting today, so i didn't.



  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    i skipped nov 1st s well and probably it was a good thing BUT i always get so nervous i am going to give up when i take a day off. i have a run planned with a friend today which i need and then plan to go to the gym later to lift. i think rest days are critical but it is so so easy for me to lose steam.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Am experiencing the hungries as per usual for day after deadlifts!! aargh I want to eat all the things!!
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm having a hard time believing it's November already. How? When? Huh?

    So, this week has inadvertently been a rest week. It wasn't on purpose, but between a brutal workout on Tuesday, school stuff, and some scheduling issues, here we are. I think it'll end up being a good thing, but I'm annoyed because it just happened, rather than being intentional.

    I'm rock climbing tomorrow, then back to 5x5 on Tuesday.

    Hope you all had a great Halloween!


    PS - @ Canadian -- I love the thread title! Well done! :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    psych101 wrote: »
    Am experiencing the hungries as per usual for day after deadlifts!! aargh I want to eat all the things!!

    lol! not surprised after your last deadlift stats. i saw your 'walk around and flex in the mirror' thing on the last thread and loved it too.

    @crabada, that new pic you have up is gorgeous :smile:

    workout a:

    squats: bodyweight warmup, 2x5@45, 1x5@65, 5x5@80. good enough for me; 5lb up from last time when i did extra volume, and form felt pretty good. throughout the rest of my workout, i kept dropping down atg during my rests and kind of practiced 'finding' my glutes and lower core while down in the hole and recruiting them to start the bounce to come up. i share that thing with crabada that once i pass parallel it's like those muscles just disappear from my sensory feedback radar, so trying this without the bar on my back really let me catch myself in the act of not using them. gonna work on reversing all that.

    ohp: hah. sheesh, ohp. 4x5@45, 1x3@50, 1x4@50, 5x5@50. i did FOUR SETS at 45lb intending to call them my working weight, but the fourth set felt pretty good so i went up to 50 for the last set. intending to call that my last set. except i didn't get all 5, so i rested and tried it again. and again. and then finally, by the time i got 5x5 at 50 it felt like i'd figured something out with the form, so in the end i just went ahead and another four sets. so 5x5 at 50 lb on overhead press, and it took me 6 sets just to get to where i could do those 5 complete sets. though i say it myself, my form was pretty good the whole time. LONG rests in between though.

    deadlift: lots of warmup reps at lower weights. lots. i have been letting my upper back round a little, and i've lost that concept of the true hip hinge where you lean back on your heels just setting up, and let your hamstrings take the full stretch. so i was trying to get all that back. i did sets at 80, then at 100, and things started to come together . . . and then something happened in my left knee that felt like really bad news, but could have just been one of those tendon twangs that you get. so i put the weights back and went and walked round the park and it seemed okay, so i came back and kept going even more cautiously. in the end i did 8x1@135 . . . so still out in front of my bodyweight by 4lbs ;-)
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited November 2014
    Originally posted in Oct. thread:
    logg1e wrote: »
    Went back and did the four remaining sets of bench press at 56lb! PT spotting me was not impressed and said it wasn't really worth doing :smiley:

    I'm sorry. What?!

    Unless I'm reading this wrong, I think it's time to ditch this particular PT.

    Good Morning, you all are rockin' as always. I hope you all are having a great Halloween!

    I'm a Spartan Racer!

    Deadlift 1x5 @50lbs, these I'm iffy about my form. I need to look up more info. I mean I keep my back straight and lift with my legs, but I just feel something is off. More research is needed.

    Super cute costume. I hope your race went well!

    Something that has helped a TON with my deadlift form -- or at least making me feel more comfortable with this lift -- is to think of it as a PUSH instead of a PULL. Really push through your legs, through your heels, into the floor, rather than pulling with your back.

    My trainer friend literally yells "PUSH" when I do these -- which is awesome, but also a little embarrassing. He's loud. :) And when he's not there, I yell it to myself in my head.

    psych101 wrote: »
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 176lbs - BOOYAH!!

    Deads take so much out of me but god damn I love them!! My fav lift of all time!

    JUST YES. Me too!

    Awesome job!

    @crabada, that new pic you have up is gorgeous :smile:

    Thank you! That's really nice of you to say. :)

    And good idea on trying to find the glutes and hammies without the bar. I'm stealing yet another of your ideas!

    And DAMN on those OHP. You did about a million of them. I'm impressed. Same with your DLs. Good for you for taking care of your knee -- and awesome on the weights.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    . . . and this guy in the gym (yet again). different guy, but just ggngngghhhyyngh. i've seen him in there, think i worked in with him once doing squats. so this time he walks past me while i'm doing deadlifts, says 'just your warmup weight, huh?' and he was being flippant at me, but actually, buddy . . . yes. it was 115, and i had intentions of going further so long as nothing else made a loud noise at me.

    but i took it all seriously. said 'well, maybe. i'm just going carefully here, watching to see how it goes with one knee before i go up.' oh ah he says, clearly not listening. 'well it's great to see you pushing yourself.' i mean what? didn't i just say i wasn't pushing myself? what does that mean? that i'm so feeble it's astonishing that i haven't given up yet? that 115lbs as a warmup is worrying enough that it needs to be rephrased as 'pushing' just to calm your heart down?

    so i tried again and said patiently 'well, no. i'm not pushing at all. right now i'm just camping out here to try and clean up my form; i've gotten sloppy lately and i want it back.' oh sure sure, he says, and then some more about 'well, it's good to see you're still in here trying.' I MEAN WHAT? i am not 'trying', dipshit. i'm LIFTING. watch this.

    he's probably the reason why i did 8 reps at 135 this morning.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    hahaha @canadianlbs what a douche bag!! Seriously - could he BE any more condescending!!! That my friends is why I lift at home! And managed to eek out 5 chin-ups yesterday woop woop! didn't even know I could do them but HOT DAMN I can!! woohoo! and yep, I flex inbetween sets - honestly I've become so into myself since I started lifting, its embarrassing how many times my hubby has caught me flexing something or trying to find my abs if the light is right lol
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    psych101 wrote: »
    and yep, I flex inbetween sets - honestly I've become so into myself since I started lifting, its embarrassing how many times my hubby has caught me flexing something or trying to find my abs if the light is right lol

    With those guns i would flex all the time too!! My hubby catches me flexing as well. HEHE But yours are way better!
    @crabada, that new pic you have up is gorgeous :smile:

    I agree!

    Early morning workout for me since i have a busy next 2 days and didn't want to mess up my week to much. Need pre-workout if i do that again. :s Or could be my monthly or maybe since i haven't been eating AS much as i could. Ehh whatever today sucked.

    Squat 5@75, 95,110,130 went for 150 and it just didn't feel right so i re-racked it after 3 and got my head back into it and got 2 more, rest for 2 mins and got 4 more.
    Bench 5@45,55,65,75.... 90 and FAILED not even one.. Friday i got 2 and 1.. today nothing.. ugh. so finished with 5@85, 75
    Row 5@50, 65, 75, 90 didn't even try for the 105 cuz the 90 was heavy so finish with another set at 90.
    15lb each side lunges 3x10
    decline situp 2x10
    hyper extension 25lbs 3x12
    band hip thingies. 2x20 left side and 2x15 right side. left is weaker so working/concentrating on that side more.
    Later in the day i did 2x5 banded pull ups and 2x20 feet/shoulder elevated hip thrust.

    Also did a workout with my daughter, 7 min workout app.. offda, cardio stuff.. i was huffing and puffing when that was over.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    psych101 wrote: »
    And managed to eek out 5 chin-ups yesterday woop woop! didn't even know I could do them but HOT DAMN I can!!

    just your warmup set, right ;) that's amazing. i skipped most of my pullup stuff today, what with the ohp madness and the mega-deadlift volume and all. and you know what, if i looked like that avatar pic you have up i'd probs be flexing a whole lot as well.

    *coughcough* well, i do anyway. but usually just in the privacy of my own room.

  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    Ok good day(my 3rd) with more weight and better form:
    Sq 1x5@45, 1x5@65, 3x5@ 85, 2x5@95,
    Op 1x5@45, 1x5@55, 1x4@55, 2x5@50
    DL 1x5@45, 1x5@95, 4x5@115

    Sunday nights seem to be the bomb for no one else on the weights I use! Yippeee :)

  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    Hey y'all - I am back to it again.
    Have been doing for two weeks properly and nice to see my deadlifts havent suffered but everything else seems to be suffering.

    Got access to two gyms - one home and one work, so have no excuse which is nice as if I am busy at work I know I can get home and go and vice versa!

    Also have some pain in my groin - can anyone offer any advice to help, as dont really want to stop doing squats. Have remained at the same weight for the last three workouts to make sure that my form is correct and to try and avoid any further strain on it.

    Hoping to make this a good November and good habits in ready for Christmas.

  • meglo91
    meglo91 Posts: 65 Member
    edited November 2014
    I skipped posting the last few workouts but still did them. But today was Workout A so:

    Squats 1x10@45, 1x5@70, 5x5@100
    Bench 1x10@45, 1x5@70, 5x5@ 95 -- but these are getting harder.
    Barbell Rows - 1x10@45, 1x8@65, 4x5@90, 1x4@90 -- I kind of whiffed the very last rep, so will repeat 90 lbs. next time. I want to make sure I'm not just muscling these up and the form is very very hard for me to get just right.

    Happy to have broken 100 lbs on squats. Looking forward to getting past the 100 mark on benches too. Still loving lifting.

    Afterward I ran a fast mile on the treadmill just to burn a few more calories and then called it quits.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    psych101 wrote: »
    hahaha @canadianlbs what a douche bag!! Seriously - could he BE any more condescending!!!

    yeah, it was a real typical left-handed putdown. take something you're doing and simply fail to acknowledge it in any way as a genuine accomplishment. just recalibrate it and reclassify it as 'trying'. in other words: not achieving a thing in real terms, but we'll give you an a for your effort at least.

    i had this little old chinese guy ask me a similar question once when we were both leaving at hte same time. i guess he'd seen me at the other rec centre i used to go to during the summer, and he just asked me what i was 'up to by now', on the deadlift. so i told him. it was also 115, as it happens, but it was my max weight at that point. and see, he didn't try to sell it up or sell it down; he just said 'that's pretty good - for someone your size.' i didn't mind that, because a) it was true, and b) it was honest. there was no kind of agenda in it, just one person who lifts taking a serious interest in how it's going for another person who lifts.

    i kind of like the little old chinese women and men at my gym :D they're always doing incredible things and just ignoring all the b.s. going on around them.
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Workout B today

    Squats - I think I hurt my right hip somehow. I started my warm up with stretches and then just the bar and I couldn't even get parallel. I did some more stretches and did 1x10 @ 45 and then 1x5 @ 70, 1x5 @ 85 and 1x3 @ 95. Then I STOPPED. I was really worried about hurting myself

    OHP - 1x10 @ 45lbs, 5x5 @ 50lbs

    DL - This one I rocked! 1x5 @ 95lbs, 1x5 @ 115lbs, 1x3 @ 130lbs, 1x2 @ 130lbs.
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    Split workout A between yesterday and today so that I could do legs when they were fresh and then run 70 minutes today.

    Squats yesterday 5x5 @65 lbs with good form, below parallel. That sounds so wimpy, but I'm getting better and really concentrating on form.
    BP 5x8 @55 lbs
    Rows: 5x5 @70 lbs
  • meglo91
    meglo91 Posts: 65 Member
    Whizzlers, do squats hurt you only when you're lifting heavy or do they hurt with just your body weight as well?
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I am so far behind, but it isn't my fault, I have just started looking at October data at work so I am use to not starting a month until half way through it.

    It is deload week and I ended up skipping yesterday's workout and just kind of fitting it in with today's.
    So DL's warm up and then 95 lbs x 5, 115 lbs x 5 and 140 lbs x 8
    OHP warm up and then 30lbs x 5 40 lbs x 5 and empty bar x 12 (I pretty much just got bored and figured that was enough)

    I kind of mangled my usual plan for accessories because I did monday and tuesday together.

    Front squat 75 lbs, assisted pull ups and incline push ups.

    Tomorrow I do my monthly time trial for 5k and 100 burpees. These are my "fitness" tests that I do so when I don't lose gain weight because I ate too much food I don't feel too bad. Over this last Wendlers cycle I added almost 30lbs to my total calculated 1rm, so the 5 pounds I gained over October was put to use at least...

  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    StrongLifts 5x5 / Workout B

    Squats -- 5x5 @ 100 lbs.
    - OH HELL YES. Triple digits!
    - These actually felt really awesome! I didn't even feel like I need more than the 90 second rest between sets. There was a little bit of discomfort in my arms from the weight, but nothing unmanageable. Still working on widening my grip, so this is to be expected.
    - Really concentrated on pushing through my heels and think it helped to take my adductor out of the lift a bit. Will keep my head here (in the heel push), but also start trying to think about using my hammies and glutes on the press up.
    - All in all, thrilled with these. Did I mention TRIPLE DIGITS?!!?

    Overhead Press -- 1x5 @ 45 lbs. (yay!), 1x5 @ 20 lbs. dumbbells (gah!), 3x5 @ 50 (Curl vs. straight bar. Meh.)
    - So glad to have done a set with the regular Oly bar, but it wasn't going to happen for the remaining sets. Way too much arch in my back. Regardless of the weight, this bar will take some getting used to simply because it's so much longer than what I've been using.
    - Decided to switch the 40 lbs. barbell for the remaining sets, but then couldn't find the straight bar. Finally did, but some girl was using it and said she'd just started. Phht. (She was kinda snotty.)
    - Did one set with a 20 lbs. dumbbell in each hand, but these sucked. Movement wasn't smooth at all, so...
    - I switched the curled barbell for the last three sets. Grip was weird -- tried to keep my wrists as straight as possible, but just awkward to hold the curved part -- but overall the movement was much better. Kept my back straight and core engaged.
    - I'll try the 45 lbs. barbell again -- hopefully get at least two sets next time, and slowly work my way up to finishing all five sets here. Will then progess in 2.5 lbs. increments.

    Deadlifts -- 1x5 @ 90 lbs., 1x5 @ 135 lbs.
    - These make my heart just pound pound pound! In the best way!
    - I'm still concerned about form here, and I didn't feel like I was as clean as I would have liked. I missed Larry yelling "PUSH!" every rep. :)
    - I may deload 10-20 lbs. on deads until I feel super comfortable with the push vs. pull. This is definitely a mental thing, since I can and have done these at 135 lbs. for weeks. But I really feel like this is where I'm going to get injured if it's going to happen, so better safe than sorry.
    - I really do love deadlifts so, so much. They make me want to smile and jump up and down and high five everyone in site. Plus, I feel sexy afterwards. :)

    Accessory work:
    Skullcrushers - 3x12 @ 20 lbs (dumbbell)
    - The first couple sets weren't too bad, but I was feeling it by the third for sure! And my form may have gotten a little wonky -- I could see and feel my forearms turning out in order to finish the press up. I'll ask Larry to watch me on these next time we're at the gym together.
    - But glad to do some isolated tricep work -- I want amazing arms, and these will help.

    Seems like this was my first really good workout in weeks. Feels awesome to be back on track. I think my rest week helped. Plus, I have also discovered that as much as I like the *idea* of morning workouts, I feel and perform better in the afternoons / evenings. I am going to embrace this knowledge and plan my gym visits accordingly.

    Hope your days were great!

  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    @ Whizzlers -- I'm also experiencing some groin / adductor issues. A rest week helped quite a bit, but it (it's just my left adductor) was still a little tender today. But good enough to squat, and today felt great -- I concentrated on really pushing down through my heels, using the outside of my legs a bit more, and that seemed to help a lot.

    I have a wide stance with my toes pointed out, which I know can engage the adductor more than a straight foot stance. So I made some micro adjustments pulling my heels in a bit so feet weren't pointed quite as much, and I think that helped a lot too. Might just want to play with those two ideas next time.

    @ Meglo -- Nice job on those triple digit squats! And you'll be there on BP in no time. (I'm jealous -- been stuck at 75/77.5 lbs. forever!)

    @ Symba -- Sorry to hear about your hip. Any idea what's going on? And good for you for stopping before making it worse.

    AND YES TO DEADLIFTS! Did you ***PUSH*** ?!!? :)

    Awesome job, Ladies. Keep on kicking *kitten*!


  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    @crabada - cheers for that :) will have a go at changing my stand and see how that feels. Have been practice squatting without the bar in different positions, so I will try that next time and see how it feels. Will also concentrate on pushing through the heels and less on the hips xx