Daily check in - NoVEmbeR give up!



  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    OHP day 3.

    Warm up and then 45 lbs x 3 55 lbs x 3 and 60 lbs x 6

    Accessories: Rows 70 lbs, incline push ups and assisted dips 3x10

    I am in all day training (including lunch) this week so my lunch and afternoon snack will be WAG for the rest of the week.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Made a pyramid out of OHP and hit all my reps at 72.5. Very happy with that! Next week will be same weight, but 4 sets of 6 reps.

    5x 85, 107.5, 127.5, 150, 175 then 10x 127.5
    3x10 SLDL @ 115

    10x 45, 5x 60, 4x5 @ 72.5, 5x 60, 10x 45
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited November 2014
    Deadlifts 5! Just realized this is my 4th cycle in a row! I don't think I ever stuck to 5/3/1 for that long in the past! lol. Next deload, if I take a week to test maxes, falls right into place with my trip to go see the wife... Yay :)

    Started with 2RE30Sx3 min of broad jumps to get the springs oiled up :p

    195x11.75 - barely failed to lockout on the last rep due to grip fail. It was an ugly rep either way xD

    Moved on to 4 rounds of KB goblet squats @ 30lbs x 20 with a minute rest between rounds. Ow.

    Finished with
    - 1/2 burpees x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
    - 1 arm KB power snatch @ 30 x 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (per arm)
    - TRX rows x 20, 16, 12, 8, 4

    for time and finished in 10:10 (time cap was 10 minutes, but I wasn't going to stop with 2 reps left! lol)

  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Got my @$$ to the gym finally!

    Squats, 1x10 body weight, 5x5 @35lbs. These still hurt. I really didn't think that I was going to make it through these. My legs felt like the might melt after the 2nd set but I pushed and made all 5 sets. really proud of myself here. They still hurt like hell though

    Bench Press, 4x5 @50lbs, 1x4 @50lbs.
    Oh man, I finally got brave enough to add weight to the bar and wow. That 5 lbs makes a HUGE difference. WOW. I didn't think I was ever going to get the bar up after I got it down to my chest, but I managed to get it up there over and over until I stalled on my last set, which is okay with me. I still made progress and that's something!

    Barbell Row, 2x5 @45lbs .... yeah... these HURT. After being out of the game for so long and not eating right (virus knocked me out and I'm just getting back to regular food) these about killed me. I almost didn't even attempt one set, so I'm thrilled that I got in at least 2 set!

    It was a great gym day I feel. I might have stalled and not completed the entire workout, but I pushed myself and I feel it haha

    And I got some new gear ;)

  • BealeAppeal
    BealeAppeal Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning Ladies! All your progress is inspiring! Workout 3 today and for some reason I killed it...seemed super easy, even with my increases. Could be my diligent work at eating better and trying to hit my macros.

    Squat: 5x5 50lbs
    Bench: 5x5 50lbs
    Row: 5x5 55lbs

    Looking forward to Friday!
  • LazyFoodie
    LazyFoodie Posts: 217 Member
    edited November 2014
    Awesome shirt mrmrsvoelkel!

    So my weights have gotten too heavy (and/or my calorie deficit and cardio are finally catching up to me) to keep up with weight increases.

    I thought Monday was going to be a great workout after a two day rest on the weekend and eating more food, but I couldn't do the last rep on any of my OHPs and couldn't even pick up the bar off the floor on deadlifts when I tried 150lbs which I thought was so weird because 140lbs felt okay on my last workout. Even 145lbs was really bad so I ended doing a set of 142.5lb deadlifts. The only thing good about Monday was I managed to bang out the 105lb squats I couldn't do last Friday. I ate some more calories than I normally would on a Monday to help recover.

    But I did some stairclimbers on Tuesday and my legs felt crazy exhausted afterwards. Not sore but tired. They felt so heavy like it was hard to just lift them up when just walking around. So I had a feeling my squats weren't going to be great today.

    Fast forward to today and I only added 2.5lbs to my squats. But I still couldn't do them. Ended up with 1x5, 1x4, 1x3 (went down for the 4th one and almost could not get up so counted as 3 reps), and 2x4. Benched at 70lbs and rows at 72.5lbs and both felt good! I was happy with my rows for once. I skipped my after lifting cardio and did some stretches instead to help my legs.

    The tentative plan is to see how I feel today/today morning and maybe skip cardio tomorrow. Even if I do go to the gym, I'll take it easy and do some elliptical on lower resistance instead of stairs or treadmill. I think I'm also going to up my calories as I've been losing weight faster than I calculated so hopefully I'll be able to keep making progress on the 5x5s.

    Question about squats- what do I do if I can't get up? Sit on my *kitten* to lower the bar onto the safety bars? The safety bars are usually a few inches below the level I get when I squat in the cage. I also do squats outside of the squat rack (the sides are too high for me to go below parallel) but I think I'm going to stop doing that and use the cage exclusively or just be really conservative with what I'm doing if I'm using the squat rack.

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    nancy274 wrote: »
    Question about squats- what do I do if I can't get up? Sit on my *kitten* to lower the bar onto the safety bars? The safety bars are usually a few inches below the level I get when I squat in the cage. I also do squats outside of the squat rack (the sides are too high for me to go below parallel) but I think I'm going to stop doing that and use the cage exclusively or just be really conservative with what I'm doing if I'm using the squat rack.

    I usually squat in the cage or with safeties hooked into the rig (crossfit section) when I get to heavier weight. Set the safeties around I'd say 4 inches above knee height (I think? I never really paid attention. I'm 5'6" and I use the 2nd or 3rd hole... lol).

    If you can't get up, just slowly sit down until the bar is on the safeties then get out however you want. I call my exit move the goron roll of shame because I roll into a ball and make a weird disappointed sound/grunt lol. (If you've played legend of zelda you'll know what I'm talking about xD)

    If you don't have any safeties, and have to drop the bar, make sure you drop it back, and not over your head. move your hands out of the way then get the hell out of dodge because the bar WILL bounce.
  • LazyFoodie
    LazyFoodie Posts: 217 Member
    krokador wrote: »

    If you can't get up, just slowly sit down until the bar is on the safeties then get out however you want. I call my exit move the goron roll of shame because I roll into a ball and make a weird disappointed sound/grunt lol. (If you've played legend of zelda you'll know what I'm talking about xD)

    Thanks! I can totally imagine that move and the sound effect. Haha.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    edited November 2014
    Krok I haven't a clue what you post about at the moment, but I recognise big numbers in there!

    voelkel Great workout. Great outfit.

    BealeAppeal I remember reaching this point when my two goals of weight loss and weight lifting started to clash.

    Waves to everyone else

    So, finally got to the gym after last week under-eating and this weekend over-eating on holiday.

    Squats 5, 6, 6, 6, 6 at 90lb.
    Barbell rows 5x5 at 62.5lb or something.

    Where are the bench presses? Staff refused to spot me and I was too scared to do any without.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    nancy274 wrote: »
    Awesome shirt mrmrsvoelkel!

    Thank you! I try and support the cause all I can. I lost my mother to stage 4 breast cancer and I unfortunately since she was diagnosed at such a young age, I'm high risk for it as well. So this was a shirt I had to have <3

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Workout B Completed...ish

    I got a moment with a trainer after warming up and she helped show me form on the row then we talked deadlifts. She then set up a time on monday when I need to do them again and we'll go through the whole motion of the lifts. The spot was taken so we tried using a lighter fixed barbell but it's hard to get the right range of motion when it sits different on the floor. I see why that's the recommendation now, having tried a bit with the one bar and two dumbbells.

    Squat - added 10 lbs cause the 5 ones were right at the rack and thanks to crabada (much appreciation for the suggestions) I changed my grip and it didn't bother me near as much. I guess I don't need to hold the bar quite as hard as I was before.

    OHP - Just the bar, which felt heavy but I'd tried it before with a 20lb one at a different gym so the regular bar is a tad heavier.

    Leg Press - Cause I like it. 70 lbs added. I'm close to just being able to do it with the 45 weights, which is what people seem to leave on it anyways.

    Looking forward to monday and really putting the effort to the deadlift. I watched a girl do the lift today when I was on the leg press. She lifted heavy and that was awesome.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    logg1e wrote: »
    voelkel Great workout. Great outfit.

    Thank you! Great work out for you too, but that's crap that the staff wouldn't help.. geez...

  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Got my @$$ to the gym finally!
    It was a great gym day I feel. I might have stalled and not completed the entire workout, but I pushed myself and I feel it haha

    SO GREAT! Glad you're finally back at it and had a great workout! You kicked *kitten*!

    And I know what you mean about the 5 lbs increases on the bench press. I highly recommend investing in a pair of fractional plates, so you can do increases at 2.5 lbs. instead.

    Good morning Ladies! All your progress is inspiring! Workout 3 today and for some reason I killed it...seemed super easy, even with my increases. Could be my diligent work at eating better and trying to hit my macros.

    Nice job Beale! I love it when it feels easy. :) (Not very often for me! :) )

    nancy274 wrote: »
    Question about squats- what do I do if I can't get up? Sit on my *kitten* to lower the bar onto the safety bars? The safety bars are usually a few inches below the level I get when I squat in the cage. I also do squats outside of the squat rack (the sides are too high for me to go below parallel) but I think I'm going to stop doing that and use the cage exclusively or just be really conservative with what I'm doing if I'm using the squat rack.

    Krok's right about dropping it back. If you can, use the cage -- and I'd also suggest you practice failing a few times. I did a few weeks ago, when I felt I was getting to heavier weights (for me), and it made me feel so much more comfortable to know what to do.

    logg1e wrote: »
    Staff refused to spot me and I was too scared to do any without.

    What the hell?! They refused? Why? SO LAME (of them)!

    Maybe next time just do the last weight you could do comfortably and focus on strong reps, or add a few extra reps, rather than skipping altogether.

    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    ...but it's hard to get the right range of motion when it sits different on the floor.

    Looking forward to monday and really putting the effort to the deadlift. I watched a girl do the lift today when I was on the leg press. She lifted heavy and that was awesome.

    Nice job Dawn! You can also always stack plates underneath the barbell to get the right height.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    And here's mine:

    StrongLifts 5xt / Workout A

    Squats - 5x5 @ 120 lbs.
    - I wasn't sure about these since I'm still concerned about my adductor, but figured I'd just see how I felt. I was pleasantly surprised. I actually felt my adductor more in my warm-up sets than I did with the 120 lbs. working sets. Very pleased! :) Only 15 more pounds until I get my Big Girl Plates!

    Bench Press - 5x5 @ 80 lbs.
    - I freaking love bench press! These were nice and heavy, had a couple that I really had to muscle up, so thought maybe I'd fail at some point, but I didn't. I finished, and finished strong! So glad to be making progress on this lift again.

    Rows - 5x5 @ 80 lbs.
    - Rows aren't my fave. I never feel like I'm doing them quite right, but at Rich's suggestion, I'll concentrate on a very controlled movement next time rather than trying to get the squeeze at the top. (Still need to touch the chest on these, though, right?)

    Abductor machine -- 1x12 @ 90, 95, 100, 105, 110 lbs.
    Abductor machine -- 1x12 @ 90, 95, 100, 105, 100 lbs.
    Bicep curls -- 1x12 @ 20 lbs (barbell), 2x12 @ 12.5 lbs (dumbbells)
    Skull crushers -- 3x10 @ 20 lbs (barbell)
    Lat pull down -- 1x12 @ 55, 60, 3x12 @ 55
    Plank -- 30 seconds, 20 seconds (The break killed me. I should have just held the first one for a minute.)

    Two hours later, I walked out of the gym feeling awesome.

    Now eating all the chicken and eying an amazing rice krispie treat that's going to be dessert. :)

    Hope you all have a great afternoon / evening!

  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    I haven't checked in here in quite a while. Here is today's workout.
    Squats, 95 lbs 5x5
    Bench press, 72.5 lbs 5x5
    Inverted rows using TRX bands. (No barbell rows for me due to back issues)

    I also did some goblet squats and tried my hand at front squats for the first time (empty small bar only).

    Leg press 3x10 @ 95 lbs.
    Hip thrusters, body weight only.

  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Crabada - good job!!

    I started SL about three weeks ago, and I had been having problems with the OP - not quite making it to the 5 sets - I kept failing on the last 3 sets....The app recommended 40 lbs. but I would not give up on the 45 (empty Oly bar)...so today I decided to extend my rest period to 2 minutes and voila! I completed all 5 x 5! Yay!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Today was Squat Day:

    Back Squats, Good Mornings, Overhead Squats, Front Squats, Glute Bridges, Glute and Leg machine work, Clean & Jerk, finished with foam rolling and yoga stretches. Total workout time 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • meglo91
    meglo91 Posts: 65 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    nancy274 wrote: »
    Question about squats- what do I do if I can't get up? Sit on my *kitten* to lower the bar onto the safety bars? The safety bars are usually a few inches below the level I get when I squat in the cage. I also do squats outside of the squat rack (the sides are too high for me to go below parallel) but I think I'm going to stop doing that and use the cage exclusively or just be really conservative with what I'm doing if I'm using the squat rack.

    If you can't get up, just slowly sit down until the bar is on the safeties then get out however you want. I call my exit move the goron roll of shame because I roll into a ball and make a weird disappointed sound/grunt lol. (If you've played legend of zelda you'll know what I'm talking about xD)

    GORON ROLL Of SHAME! Clearly they are all just disgruntled powerlifters. Love it.
  • meglo91
    meglo91 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey all. Am giving you a double post because I didn't post on Monday.

    Monday's workout: cardio warm-up then:

    Squats: warmups then 5x5@125. Fine fine fine. No problems with these.

    OHP: 4x5@75 lbs, then 1x4. Could. Not. Do. the last one. Also my shoulder felt like butt afterward. Will repeat or possibly deload next time.

    DL: Warmups then 1x140 (really 145 because the Pentagon's fitness center apparently does not have 2.5 lb weights).

    Still felt pretty good.

    Wednesday: warmups then:

    Squats: 5x5@130 lbs. I bet these are going to start getting much much harder in about 15 lbs or so. For now, still A-OK.

    Bench: 3x5 then 2x4@105 lbs. These were hard hard hard today. Also, my right shoulder still hurt like a mother.

    Rows: 4x5@95 lbs. I hate these and so used the excuse that I needed to go catch the bus to skip the last set. Will repeat this weight.

    I felt like total butt today, probably because I have not been sleeping well. Also my shoulder hurts. Also I did Workout B, then ran on Tuesday, then did Workout A today. I am finding that my rest days need to actually be rest days now. Blah.

    On the bright side: I discoverd today that a skirt I bought a few months ago is loose and will need to be tailored. Also, I put on an outfit today and noticed that I am a lot more hourglass-y than I was a month or two ago. My waist is smaller and so, for a wonder, are my upper arms. I felt like I looked goooodd for the first time in a while. It was nice.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    meglo91 wrote: »
    I felt like I looked goooodd for the first time in a while. It was nice.

    YAY! :)

    And awesome lifting!