November Roll Call & Introductions!

13Strong Posts: 502 Member
Name or Nickname?

What's the hardest thing for you in achieving your goals?

Have any November plans or events?

What's your goal this month? How are you going to accomplish it??


  • sweetpea2820
    sweetpea2820 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi sweet pea here,
    hardest thing for me to do is not eat chocolate. I always count it, but if I didn't eat it I would have more calories for better food. :)
    My goal for November is to do the 30 day shred. Would like to lose 5 lbs this month
  • bookfoxx1987
    bookfoxx1987 Posts: 98 Member
    Amanda/Mander here

    I think one of the biggest challenges when it comes to weight loss and eating right comes down to the people in my life. No one near to me eats the way I do. My boyfriend's diet is pretty atrocious and while he tells me constantly that he is proud of my progress, he still brings me home food that I shouldn't be eating. My mother is the same way. She is a fantastic cook and baker and when request certain substitutions or whatever, she says "Sure" but then I still end up with full carb pumpkin bread. It's frustrating and makes it much easier for me to slip.

    Goal for November: I'd really like to get to 150 this month, but at the very least, I don't want to gain any. I want to try and get myself on track, really keeping to a regular work out schedule.

    Events or plans - Nothing really other than starting my Christmas shopping and, of course, a small Thanksgiving with my family
  • clayswife13
    clayswife13 Posts: 73 Member
    Denise here :smile:

    The hardest thing for me is me. I tend to lose sight of my goals throughout the day/week/month and fall completely off track. But I am really in the right mindset now. I tried making small changes and that did not work for me so started today and going to make all the changes needed. (really just watching what I eat, counting calories, and working out). I know most people say "start small and make little changes" I know me and I know that doesn't work for me. If I make the changes at once I will stick to them better.

    Goal for November: Count all of my calories everyday (starting today), drink at least 8 cups of water a day, work out at least 60 minutes a week (yes I realize that is a small amount but I don't work out at all currently) :disappointed: and lose 5 pounds. Thanksgiving Day will be hard so I am hoping to get very close to my goal by then so that it can be a "cheat" day.

    November plans: finish Christmas shopping (almost done), get the Christmas Program for church together and start practices, Thanksgiving with my family, and last but definitely not least my 1 year anniversary with my hubby :blush: