Tri friends & inspiration



  • aceink64
    aceink64 Posts: 21 Member
    I did one sprint this year (after 1 last year), a long sprint (almost international distance), an international distance and 3 half marathons this year...signed up for a sprint, the long sprint again and a 1/2 IM distance this coming October (Beach to Battleship in Wilmington, NC)...kind of freaking out about the 1/2 IM because of the distance...but I'm working on my base more this winter with steady sessions of swimming, biking and running that won't burn me out but that still challenge me. Plus I have a steady plan already in place for the last 20 weeks leading up to the big race. No plans for an IM ever...I just never have any ambitions to ever run a marathon;) haha...
    Would love to have more friends to bump ideas off of and rant about the ridiculousness of our training sessions, haha!! So addicted to this sport;)

    That half sounds like a fun race I just might sign up for it, if I can figure out how to get to North Carolina
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    This is my second season of doing tri's. I have been a runner for a few years. Last January, I decided to give Tri's a whirl, so I joined my local YMCA tri club to get swim training help. (I was not much of a swimmer as a kid) I participated in their winter "indoor tri's" (pool swim, spin bike, treadmill run) as part of my training program. Last summer I completed 3 sprint distance events and loved them. This year, I'm planning to do several longer events, including the Timberman 70.3 in August. My biggest concern is staying injury free during training, so I"m practicing yoga 2x's/week and getting ART message therapy to help keep my legs healthy. At 57 years old, this is the key to success.

    Thankfully, my wife is very tolerant of my newest passion, though she doesn't necessarily see the appeal in such a prolonged sweat fest. :)