WeeK 4: Challenge Your Mind

This week's challenge comes from mellyboobear:

Learn something new about nutrition/wellness/fitness/health everyday for the week.

So get out there, Google up a storm, dust off some old books and feed your mind. Maybe post your findings here so we can all learn from them :smile:


  • NakeshiaBeard
    Is everyone out there learning some new things about weight loss?

    On Monday I learned how much not getting adequate sleep can effect your workouts! I learned this from experience. For some reason I barely slept on Sunday night, and after managing 4.5 hours of fitfull sleep, I had to get myself into work. I thought cycling to work (1 hour each way) would wake me up, but my gosh did I struggle! Pedalling was twice as hard as normal and by the time I got in I needed a double shot coffee! So lesson 1: get yourself to bed nice and early! Even if you don't sleep, just rest. Your body will thank you for it the next day!

    Tuesday (after a indulging in a few too many wines with dinner on Monday) I looked up what effect alcohol can have on the body after just ONE night of drinking: http://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/binge-drinking Obviously this is an extreme case, but scary non the less. I hope one day that I have enough courage to stop drinking alcohol altogether!

    What have you learned?
  • NakeshiaBeard
    How is everyone finding this week's challenge? I'm enjoying it, it's giving me a good excuse to check out the lifestyle and wellness section of the news over a cuppa!

    Here's a quick update on what I've learned:

    - Wednesday: Attitude is a HUGE factor in the weight loss journey (http://www.weightloss.com.au/weight-loss/weight-loss-articles/weight-loss-attitude.html)
    - Thursday: People will judge you no matter what your size and what they have been through... an old school friend got harrased for not being skinny enough to wear certain clothing by someone we both know who used to be overweight themselves! So rude!
    - Today: Salads aren't always healthy (http://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/diet-and-fitness/your-salad-may-not-be-as-healthy-as-it-looks-20141106-3jpji.html)
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I hired a new coach for getting me ready for cycling race season. She is a body building competitor and former cyclist so I have been learning about how to shed fat and burn more fat with my workouts and build power muscles.