Top Tips for a newbie


I am starting the 5:2 diet this week and was wondering what your top tips for success are?

A bit about me.....I started on MFP in January 2013, lost about 2 stone, watching what I eat and doing a mixture of exercised including insanity, weights and running. This year I have carried on and am gradually putting weight on, 10lb to date.

I have read allot about 5:2 and it sounds very effective, including the heath benefits. I also like the idea of being able to go out for a meal or have a glass of wine (within reason) at weekends.

Any of your tips would be appreciated. Thanks in advance x


  • Chicken noodle soup is my saviour. 128 calories for a whole big tin of the Heinz stuff, really tasty and surprisingly filling. There is a weight watchers version that is 55 calories a tin and the tins are half the size but they are expensive unless you find them in the pound shop or similar.

    The soup is warming but a bit high in sodium.
    I have 100g of baked beans on 1 round of wholemeal bread for breakfast (as late as I can on fast days). That's about 150 calories and it keeps me feeling full enough that I don't crave snacking things. Sometimes I have beans on toast for tea as well :-) A bit of black pepper adds to its gorgeousness.

    Huge salads are really helpful. Just a squirt of lemon juice as a dressing is super low in calories too.

    I also have my "I can eat what I like tomorrow" mantra, which is helpful. I try to keep my hands busy so extra guitar practice on a fast day is helpful, I drink a ton of fluid too.

    I exercise on fast days. Bike ride generally but I don't go mad and tend to keep the rides to under 10 miles or I get really hungry. When I started 5:2ing, I didn't ride on fast days to start with as I felt a bit wobbly after the ride but it's fine now.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Chicken noodle soup is my saviour. 128 calories for a whole big tin of the Heinz stuff, really tasty and surprisingly filling. There is a weight watchers version that is 55 calories a tin and the tins are half the size but they are expensive unless you find them in the pound shop or similar.

    Great tip about the chicken noodle. I'm going to give it a try.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Thank you so much for the tips.....
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    This is a highly flexible eating plan. The consensus it that whatever works for you within the parameters of the plan is what you should do. So when you fast is up to you, what you eat is up to you and when/if you exercise is up to you. If you search the group posts you will find some recipes for fast days.

    It is important to determine your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) so you have a goal of how much to eat on non fast days. Fast days you can eat what you want up to 1/4 of your TDEE. I like high fiber, high protein foods because they fill me up and give me energy.

    I also recommending checking out the FAQ for the plan. Lots of good info there.

    Thank you for posting. There is lots of great support within this group so post again if you have additional questions or comments.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    At the top of this group there is an announcement thread that has lots of references and links.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Thanks everyone........well today is my first 'fast'. I have calculated my intake for today and it comes in at 600 cals which I am happy with for the first day. I have made some lamb stock and veg soup for lunch and I am having seafood for dinner. I have factored in an emergency apple lol. It is 11.16 here and I haven't thought about food so far. Off to the gym at lunch time, so I may feel different later on........