November 3

NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
edited November 2014 in Social Groups
Hi all! I've been missing you, but stuck in such a slump. When life gets busy and the weather seems to be demanding that you cuddle up in bed with a good book and a mug of tea, how do you stay committed? What do you tell yourself that gets you to make the decision to stick to making healthy choices?

I've been starting and stopping logging and keeping up with my exercise since August and I am so done messing around! I made a promise to myself last night that I was going to put my health FIRST. That means a) I go to bed at a reasonable hour; b) I track what I eat; and c) I get to the gym *at least* 3 days a week where I will get back to running and strength training.

Fall is always so hard, but I'm doing so much better this year, and I just need to remind myself that doing these things makes me feel better and more energized!


  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Totally agree with you Norah! And welcome back!! We have to do this healthy journey for OURSELVES....coz no one else will be able to do it for us!! I keep thinking of the benefits that I will get from losing more weight....knees won't ache so much, better stamina, fight into smaller sizes 9so the cost goes down!)....etc. Hey Norah...did you get married?? I think you mentioned in a previous group that you were getting married??? please! Dee....glad you did well over Halloween!! Anybody see Pat???? Bet he is riding to his hearts content!!

    Lets all keep moving forward in our quest to get healthy and fitter (and lose some weight along the way too !!)

  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Hi Nancy! It seems so simple -- we're doing this for ourselves -- and that should be plenty motivating because WE ARE WORTH IT! I worry that so many years of not loving myself makes me think that's not enough.

    Not married yet -- that happens in April. Just brought my dress in for some major alterations, which is equal parts exciting and scary. Here's a picture of me after it got pinned (not sure how well you can see, but it's like 2.5 inches on either side to be taken in).

  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    Fall is a rough time of year for sure, at least in regards for taking care of your health needs. I have been in a similar rut. I could blame it all on school, but I need to take responsibility and make sure that I log my food, prepare good lunches and get enough exercise in. Norah, I am glad that you are doing better this year. Let's make sure that all of us take care of business through the end of the year and beyond.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    LOVE the elegant, sleek , and gorgeous grown you have for you special day!!! I was in a rut too....a bad one for a couple months, but kept on going!! I am now back on track.....and exercising daily and looging my food (I stopped doing that and gained 10 pounds), now it is coming back off. This is life....we tackle the ups and downs, and hopefully we pull our 'socks up' and 'run' forward!!!! This is great weather to get outdoors and be more 'mindful' of what we are eating and getting enough exercise in (agree with you Zac)!!! We can do this!!! There is no magic wand to wave to get us healthier and to lose weight, we have to work on it...and we are!!! just keep that photo in plain sight and that is your goal!!!! focus on your goal too...perhaps you want to be able to run a 5 k run or whatever....focus on that goal. I am going to do the same!!! First I have to think of a goal to get a photo of and post it on my wall/office etc! Hummm have to think about that!! Perhaps a dress size I would like to get into...that could be one for me!! So let us set our goals and get to them!!!
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Norah, absolutely love your dress. It is so beautiful. Lord knows, we all have our ups and downs. I disappeared for about a month because of downs. Working real hard to stay on track. I wish there was a magic wand. Wouldn't that make life so much easier? lol