New to 5:2

I posted in the MFP community and they re-directed me to this community. I am just going to post exactly what I posted before:

Hi there, I need some advice about the 5:2 diet.

I am relatively new to intermittent fasting. I started back in August on the 16:8 window diet and found it worked great, but that was before I started collage in September. Since I became a student money has been tight and because of that, I have only been able to eat what I can and when I can. Since September I have tried sticking to the 16:8 window but when you can't afford food all day until you get home at 10, then it's better to eat than not eat at all (right?). This also means at times I haven't been able to eat 100% healthy. I am trying my best to eat healthy but at times there are no resources in my house so I end up eating 2 tortilla wraps with a bit of dipping sauce at 10 Pm (past the eating window) and feeling dreadfully guilty the next day because compared to how I normally eat when I do have groceries (LOTS of fruits and veggies with lean fish and little grains) it feels like i'm going way off to the deep end. I also find myself eating around 330 calories a day because I'm trying my best to eat only what is remotely healthy in my house but again that ends up being steamed cauliflower, 2 eggs, and some toast.

Because of all of this, my hormones have gone all out of whack. My period was late in September by 10 days and then in October, my period was late by another 10 days, I'm scared if I keep this up I won't get it at all in November and on top of that, my digestion has been completely haywire. I still want to continue to loose weight, I have about 10-15 more pounds to loose before I reach my goal weight and my boyfriend is a PFT so I start my weight training program today and I want to be able to be fully fueled for our sessions. I was doing some research and it was mentioned that the 5:2 intermittent diet works best for people who have my type of situation but still want to loose weight, that way they get the calorie deflect but don't have to worry about it each day. I am trying to eat 1500-2000 calories on my normal days and then stick to 500 calories on my fasting day. Does anyone have any great results from the 5:2 diet and if so, any tips on how I should go about this? Is there a bit more lenience to what kind of foods you can eat if you are on a budget?

I would really appreciate any advice given, I find myself feeling a lot more guilty than I should on most days because I don't have the opportunity to eat 100% clean and I'd like to get over that feeling.

Thank you all in advance :)

Edit: I accidentally stated 1200 calories on the normal days but that was a mistake. I meant to say 1500-2000 a day.
