November 5

ronercat Posts: 273 Member
How is everyone doing?

Out here things are going swell. The sun is shining, the air is crisp and so are the apples. The challenge of the week to eat our full servings of fruits and vegetables is not an easy one, but I am committed to doing it. I just wish that the things that are good for you tasted like they weren't. How do you all overcome the struggle of eating enough fruits and veggies? Or are all of you like my sister who just seems to love the stuff?


  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Hey Zac, things are ok here but not the best. I'm not going to make the challenge this week. It's not because I don't want to (I'm like your sister....I love fruits and veggies) but rather because right now we are completely out of everything. Money is tighter than tight and the food stamps don't come until the end of the week. I think I told you all before that I donate plasma for extra money. I haven't been able to give for the last few weeks. Every 3 months they take blood to make sure everything is good with you and the last time my total protein came out low. So when I went to give the next time they wouldn't let me give but I had to give more blood to be tested again. I had to wait 2 weeks for the results. My total protein was even lower this time. This is really hard for me to understand since most days I get between 80 and 100 grams of protein. After a little research, I found that not eating enough protein isn't the only cause for low protein and is actually very rarely the cause. There is usually some kind of underlying cause that makes you lose protein. I also found out that I have about 90% of the symptoms of extremely low total protein and hadn't put them all together as a problem. I have made an appointment with my doctor on Friday to figure out what the hell is going on. I can't give plasma again until this is all cleared up and that's $240 a month of our income. Have a feeling Christmas is going to be a very small one. Sorry to whine.

    So how is everyone else doing? Good I hope. Has Patrick checked in lately? Hope he's doing ok. Nancy, did you ever hear from Karen? Have a great day all!!
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Sorry to hear things are tight for you right now, Dee. I hope your doctor is able to help you get the protein issue sorted.

    Zac, I'm glad you've got some sun! We've had a lot of gray skies here lately and it's a bummer.

    I'm not part of the challenge officially, but I think I'll join you all in trying to get the fruits and veggies for the rest of the week. I always forget that I can just grab an apple and it'll be just as delicious as some other treat that's nowhere near as good for me, so hopefully the challenge will keep that in my head.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Hello everyone!! Nice to see you all checking in! Dee I hope your physician can sort out low protein problem. Let us know how that goes. Lucky you have 'crisp' days! We just had a horrible sandstorm 2 days ago and most of the staff work surgical masks home as we walked home to work....the sand just 'hung in the air'! The weather is trying to get cooler...we are still in the 90's, but the nights are getting a bit lower, so with the weather changing, so the 'coughs and colds sean begins!

    I CAN do the challenge this week..actually have done it....not because I am 'eating' those fruits and veggies....but because I started a green smoothie food challenge for me this week....I am putting the fruits and veggies in a blender and drinking it three times a day. These are actually very good! So 'yeah' I met the challenge this the only one I met so far!!!

    Dee, I have not heard from Karen...but having said that, it takes about 3-4 weeks for a simple letter posted by 'snail' mail from here to get to the that does not surprise me!! Really slow mail system here!!! I do hope she gets in contact with me....or any of us!

    So does anyone have any plans for the weekend??? For me...I am just hanging out at home. Want to try and declutter one of my rooms! I have decided I have way tooooo much stuff! Stuff that I do not need!! I save the 'stuff' up and have a garage sale...well it is called a 'jumble sale' here! I have no garage!

    Norah....join the challenge anytime!! It is nice to have others join in !! We can do this!!!! Now with the weather getting nicer for 'you guys' (not me) hope you get out and about either walking or getting some form of exercise in!

    Cheers, Nancy