pre op testing

Hildabean Posts: 71 Member
One of the things my wls dr is having me do is see the pulmonary dr. He has issue 3 tests for me to do. Sleep study, pulmonary breathing test, and echo of heart. The pulmonary dr said he will be suggesting for me to go into ICU for 2 days after surgery. I did the sleep study Monday night, not fun and very uncomfortable. I don't find out results of that till the 14th. The other 2 tests will be on the 12th.

I am getting so nervous. Been eating bad lately and the Halloween candy isn't helping me at all. I am afraid of making the wrong decision. But I know this is the right decision.....just afraid of failure. Right now I have a sprained ankle so a lot of my exercise has been cut till it heals. Its all bruised up and I am lucky I didn't break it.

I need some positive words....kinda down in the dumps right now.


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Sometimes getting through all the "stuff" we have to do pre-surgery can really be overwhelming, but in the end it really is all worth it. Now, I hardly remember all of that stuff. I just know that over the past 13 months since my surgery, I have felt better every day, I have been able to do more, and my health and quality of life has improved SO much. I know so many people whose lives have improved so much that they have forgotten the discomfort and pain after surgery, and yes, the hassle of preparing for surgery. Once you get past all this, so much good will come into your life! I think a lot of us were afraid of failure because of how many times we failed in the past, but having this tool (surgery) will help you be successful!! You will do great!
  • Like PP said, it can be a hassle, and at times down right frustrating. I was canceled 2 times for my VSG surgery. (I literally did every test, and every hurdle each and every time) Which means, 3 upper Gis, 3 Endoscopy,3 Chest xrays, 3 sets of blood Tests, and 3 Echos/ekgs. LOL ANNOYING! Finally the third go around surgery actually happened and my insurance werent being Pains in the *kitten*. LOL. I am only 5 wks out, but already I feel amazing. And YEP I am forgetting the 3 yr struggle it took to get me here. God bless!
  • kchaki
    kchaki Posts: 75 Member
    Hi Hildabean, I'm just now coming across this post. I'm sorry you are struggling right now. I can only imagine your frustration. I have recently had my sleep study and will be receiving my training along with my new Cpap machine on Thursday. I had an echo done last year and all is good there and so other than the sleep study, they haven't recommended any other tests. Now if I were still trying for the VSG, then I would, but have changed to RNY. Good news is that your doctors seem to be very thorough with your safety and though it must be trying, you will get there!
    Yesterday I went to my final weigh in before paperwork is submitted to insurance. I have only lost 8 pounds since starting and I pray that I am not turned down. I hope I have this new lifestyle down in my head, but like you, the halloween candy screams my name at times. I've been pretty good, but am human. Also this is the time of year that I start preparing for my Christmas Cookies and will be baking soon. I don't know how I'm gonna do with that. Normally I would sample all of the cookies before giving as gifts, but I shouldn't be doing that this year. Guess will see how that goes? I have a knee injury that will improve as I lose weight, but like you, it does limit what I can do for exercise in the meantime.
    Like Reed said, looking at what she went through to get to her goal of WLS, it will be worth it! I spoke with a lady in weight management that has been working to get her surgery for the past 2 years. I can't say I would have the kind of determination that these two ladies had, I hope I would, but honestly just not sure. Anyways, hang in there, just keep on keeping on. I am thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way.
    Take care,
  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    Try to stay positive and realize that you are going through all this testing for safety and now you will have baseline levels to improve upon. Not fun but necessary. Good luck on your new journey!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Also, the time we have pre-surgery is the time to buckle down on the habits and behaviors you will need post-surgery. It frustrates me to see people so gung-ho to get to the surgery date and then struggle with the post-surgery routine. You have a good idea of what the post surgery eating is going to be like, start practicing it pre-surgery. It will help lose weight pre-surgery as well as minimize the newness of the post surgery experience.

    Use the time to your advantage!

  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    This is the second time I go through this process and now I am just waiting for a surgical date, so I know how the process can give you time for doubts. You know what is right for you so don't let the process get you down. You can do this. Keep focused on your goals and why you want to do this. Rob is right, use this time now to practice some of the post surgery eating. It will help you adjust easier. Throw the Halloween candy out and any other temptations with it. Best of luck and stay strong!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hildabean, I went through a ton of tests presurgery. Most of the testing was normal for all of us, but I did have a few that were specific just to me. Hang in there and try not to worry too much. I too was so afraid that this wouldn't work either. I was wrong, I'm not failing, I am succeeding.

    Hang in there and know that when the ankle heals you will be able to get back into exercising. That eventually all the testing will be done and you will be having your surgery. And that in a short while, you will be getting your life back!

    This is an exciting time for you! Look at all you have to look forward to and try to not let the tests and such bring you down.
  • Shoefly318
    Shoefly318 Posts: 69 Member
    I do understand your frustration.I am going through the pre op process as well. It can be very frustrating for me it's the time limits of everything clearances are only good for so long and tests also so juggling all that is like a balancing that I'm at the final stretch everything was supposed to be done this week but due to a confusion on the one of the clearances it will be some time next week.I just realize it's really to benefit us.and at the end of this journey this will all be worth it and a distant memory. You will get through this and just stay focused your going to do great.