Tracking PiYo

I don't have a heart rate monitor so I'm wondering how everyone is tracking the PiYo workouts. I tried listing it as either aerobic low impact or calisthenics, light/moderate effort. Not sure which one is closer to accurate. Aerobics is higher and calisthenics is lower. On a sweat day it feels more like aerobics. What do you think?


  • Alcoria
    Alcoria Posts: 167 Member
    im not sure either so I just post what workout I did for the day instead
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    I don't have a heart rate monitor so I'm wondering how everyone is tracking the PiYo workouts. I tried listing it as either aerobic low impact or calisthenics, light/moderate effort. Not sure which one is closer to accurate. Aerobics is higher and calisthenics is lower. On a sweat day it feels more like aerobics. What do you think?

    I use Endomondo on my phone, which I know still isn't completely accurate, but until I can afford a HRM (or hopefully find one in my stocking this year for Christmas) it's what I have to use. They have a Pilates option for a workout so I just wear my phone in my arm band while I'm working out and use the calories burned vs what MFP says for Pilates. I try to underestimate that way if I go over a little on my food it all will even out at the end of the day.
  • Rosomom
    Rosomom Posts: 11 Member
    I have a HRM, but I take beta blockers which keep my HR low. From what I understand, the meds throw off all the formulas my HRM (or any other device) uses to calculate caloric burn. Essentially I am doing more workload than the HRM thinks I'm doing, so I burn more calories than it says. That being said, I usually just try to find some activity on MFP that is comparable to what I'm doing.
  • sarahelizaaaa
    sarahelizaaaa Posts: 30 Member
    I've been logging everything under yoga or pilates, which gives a pretty low calorie count. I figure I would rather underestimate than overestimate.
  • JourneyingJessica
    JourneyingJessica Posts: 261 Member
    I think yoga or Pilates would work. Piyo isn't a cardio work out (which is what a HRM tracks) they're short too so that doesn't help.

    For me, most of the piyo videos are in the 100-200 cal burn range. Drench & sweat can go to 200-300 cals. Yes I'm a sweaty mess after. It's just that they're short & cardio isn't big for most of them.

    I do get a higher cal burn, if i do some cardio first (20 min zumba, run a couple miles)

    Hope it helps!
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    I think yoga or Pilates would work. Piyo isn't a cardio work out (which is what a HRM tracks) they're short too so that doesn't help.

    For me, most of the piyo videos are in the 100-200 cal burn range. Drench & sweat can go to 200-300 cals. Yes I'm a sweaty mess after. It's just that they're short & cardio isn't big for most of them.

    I do get a higher cal burn, if i do some cardio first (20 min zumba, run a couple miles)

    Hope it helps!

    I've been adding in cardio afterwards, either running or the elliptical just to get an extra burn also. Also am adding in weights 3X a week just to really help get those muscles building.

  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    I also think that yoga or Pilates would be close to accurate for calorie burn, and probably your best option. Piyo isn't really considered a cardio routine, so I'm not sure that a HRM will be too accurate. HRMs are mostly for steady state exercise, like running, walking, cycling, swimming, etc.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    For the classes like Sweat/Drench that are a little more intense, I log it as low impact aerobics also. It shows a greater number calories burned and I definitely feel like that is accurate for those classes vs like Define: Lower Body etc.