Reset and tdee

When doing a reset, do you Refigure your tdee with weight gain or leave it at the original figure?


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Always eat correctly for amount of activity, and if in a diet, and where you are in your journey.

    For instance, if you kept eating at your current estimated TDEE with a deficit while you lost weight, that would eventually become your TDEE and you would no longer lose weight.

    So also now, TDEE is what you burn daily, that is estimated, and you have changed one of the major factors in that estimate - what you weigh.

    So if purpose is reset right now, so eating at maintenance, that went up as you gained weight.

    Now, obviously you don't go chasing a bad estimate higher, like if you kept slowly gaining weight eating at estimated TDEE, might be good sign that estimate is too high.
    Then again, eating 100 higher would take 35 days to slowly put on 1 lb of fat.
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks for that information