Frustrated with nutrition and weight loss!

Hello all. I'm new to Myfitnesspal and like it so far. I decided to try it as I'm very frustrated that I'm not losing weight! I was using a different app... The nutrition in myfitnesspal says I'm to consume 1380 calories, 50% carbs,30% fat and 20% protein. Sounds all wrong to me. Carbs are not my friend! Fat and carbs sound high... For exercise I walk, and have started jogging and doing Pilate's again. I currently weigh 145 lbs and am 5'6". Thanks!


  • Gemini61454
    Gemini61454 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi there sunny :) I'm too am an Iowan. With the cold and snow today it makes it hard to do things that I like to do to stay active. I was in your spot just about a year ago and needed to get back to a weight that I was comfortable. I have walked daily for about 6 years now for 30 minutes. I now do 50 minutes with interval runs on the treadmill. My kids got me a fitbit for Christmas last year and I'm a bit obsessive with it. I did some Beachbody workouts with my daughter in law last summer which was different and fun. I think that it helped me kick start my weight loss. For a few months I did the 5:2 fast and took off another few pounds. Now with cold weather coming on I am paranoid that it will come back on. I thinks Carbs are necessary if you exercise, but hang in there and keep yourself accountable by logging everyday so that you know what is going in. They really preach calorie deficit and I do believe it works, along with balance. I'm a couple of decades older than you, and started out at 149 last January and now I'm at 126. I am 5' 5" and shrinking.
    Friend me if you like. I am not real active in the day to day communication. I still do work full time and my free time is spent babysitting the grandkids(and their grandpa :)
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    You can change your macros, most people do. Personally I don't like using percentages to figure out my macros. Generally you need a minimum of 0.8 - 1.0 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Fats you need a minimum of 0.35 - 0.45 grams per pound of body weight. And you can fill in the rest with carbs or with whatever you like. Just remember carbs = energy. As long as you're in a calorie deficit, you will not gain weight. If you haven't already, buy a food scale and weigh everything. Eyeballing it doesn't cut it for most people.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Remember that veggies are carbs. So perhaps its grains and not carbs that are not your friend? you could try decreasing grains and increasing veggies. :)