Gastric Sleeve and Emotional Eating

Anyone out there that has had the sleeve and still after having the sleeve struggle with emotional eating? I feel like there is not much support out there for people like me and really could use some. I am 6 months out from surgery have lost 80 lbs. Having a hard time breaking this unhealthy relationship with food that I have.


  • torenees
    torenees Posts: 20 Member
    I can totally relate. I had a gastric bypass 12 yrs ago and there have been ups and downs all thru the years and I literally mean ups and downs. I too am an emotional eater. I eat more when I am stressed and anxious. I think when I feel most out of control of my life is when I am at my worst. at this time I am back up 30 lbs and it seems to be all I think about is my weight. I started out 318 and got down to 147 and now at 178 I feel as uncomfortable as I did at 318. I too am looking for support and would be glad to help you if I can. hope to hear back from you .