Just Starting

fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
so i have done a ton of research- in starting this- but nothing beets first hand experience &hind sight is 20/20

so my question is knowing what you do now- what would you have done differently in the beginning??

i am keeping fluids up- using mio fit for those electrolytes- trying not to get too much protein......

am i starting at a bad time?? just before holidays?? or just chalk up thanksgiving as a bad day and keep on trucking-- how bad will that 1 day derail me ? any experience ??


  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    fludderbye wrote: »
    so i have done a ton of research- in starting this- but nothing beets first hand experience &hind sight is 20/20

    so my question is knowing what you do now- what would you have done differently in the beginning??

    i am keeping fluids up- using mio fit for those electrolytes- trying not to get too much protein......

    am i starting at a bad time?? just before holidays?? or just chalk up thanksgiving as a bad day and keep on trucking-- how bad will that 1 day derail me ? any experience ??

    It's trite (but true) - there is NO "bad time" to start. Once you decide to - go for it. There will always be "challenges", just deal with them the best you can, one day at a time.

    Like any major change in you "comfort zone", there will be a learning curve but in this case there is plenty of "help", support, and advice available. This group is a great place to start, as is the Low Carber Daily group.

    Read through the back post threads to expand your knowledge base and find answers to many of the questions you'll have as you go along and don't be afraid to ask if some things just don't seem clear.

    While there are some "basics" that one simply must adhere to, none are overly restrictive and in most cases others have found "substitutes" for various food items that might just not appeal to you.

    LCHF and NK (Nutritional Ketosis) are two variations on a similar theme but they are not the same thing and one is not necessarily "better" than the other - depends on the individual, their goals, and specific needs.

    Take your time, learn, and decide what works best for you. Don't expect "miracles" (LCHF is NOT a "lose weight fast" program, it's first and foremost an "overall wellness" plan - weight loss is a "nice" side benefit.

    Don't fret over T-Day - with a few, relatively minor, changes in what you put on your plate, it really is quite possible to stay "on course" and even if you go a little "off-track" on that day it isn't the end of the world - Black Friday is another day and you get back on.

    As to what I (or anyone else) would do differently if they had a "do-over", you are likely to get a wide divergence of opinion - most of which probably wouldn't apply to you (and might lead you astray).

    For me, going "cold turkey" (going from 150 carbs/day to <20) worked and I'd do it again.

    Not so for my bride. She tried but the change was just too great, too fast. She started over at 100 and dropped 10-20 each week (or so) and eventually got there.

    Which is right for you?
    Only you can answer that question.

  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I have low carbed in the past and enjoyed it to lose weight. I didn't know about MFP, what keto was, how low carb diets worked, etc.

    Keep in mind that low carb is basically a way to get to restrict calories but with the high amount of fat you're eating you don't feel as hungry so you eat less.

    It might be difficult for you with the holidays, but by then you probably have experienced weight loss. For me, I have more energy and clarity while in ketosis. Those benefits might outweight the mashed potatoes and pie for you.

    One day won't completely derail you unless you let it. It may knock you out of ketosis which leads to a slight gain (or a stall) and then you have to get yourself back into ketosis which might take a couple of days. You might struggle those days with keeping yourself feeling full until your adapted again. Its a choice you have to make and whether its worth it. I just had my birthday and yes I ate ice cream cake (and WAY too much of it) but this is the one time of year I have it. I accepted a stall and I had to commit to myself it wasn't going to turn into more than that one meal. I have a problem with this mentality of "Well, I already ate a lot of crap, might as well continue today and then start back up tomorrow." That was/is a cycle that is tough for me to break. After I had my son, one meal lead to one week lead to 7 months of not dieting at all. It helps me when I plan ahead of whether or not Im going to cheat. If I commit to eating low carb on a holiday well before we get to that day, its easier for me to stick to. At this point I plan on sticking to low carb on Thanksgiving. Between eating before, bringing sides that are low carb friendly, and maybe having a low carb treat for myself when I get home, I think I will be successful. I love pumpkin pie, but I have determined its not worth it for me to then have to get myself back into ketosis and feel more hungry for the few days after. Now Christmas eve and day I am already planning to "cheat" but I'm hoping to keep my calories in check by still logging.

    I think its a personal choice, but maybe other people's perspective might help you with yours.

    Good luck!
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    Welcome! You should start whenever you feel is a good time for you. The only thing I would have done differently is added the chicken broth and the "lite" salt in the beginning. I had terrible cramps that kept me away at night and the added sodium seemed to end the cramps.

    As far as cheating goes, I had one cheat meal during my dhs birthday and one on my birthday and that turned into a 3 week stall. So I will not be cheating on Thanksgiving. I'm adapting all the recipes to lchf and my family will have to deal. :smile:
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    Thank you all for input i greatly appreciate it- today is day 4 and so far so good- going to be out running so i am going to try and find those sodium pills

    i am always open to advice and my diary is open if anyone has any feed back thanks
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Welcome Fludderbye!
    I have to reiterate what the others have said in that there is no 'bad' time to start but kudos for you for looking ahead and seeing where there may be pitfalls! I am a bit worried about Thanksgiving myself, and as I am going to my sister-in-law's, know that I can't control the menu. I am okay with that. I will bring a few carb friendly sides and a dessert (still to be determined, so thank you MelRC117 for starting the discussion about recipe ideas, I'm going to follow that pretty closely) and try to stay on plan. If I slip, I slip and I would not beat myself up over.

    As far as what I would do differently starting out, definitely the sodium intake...that is huge. I can't tell you how many cramps and headaches, not to mention dizziness, I suffered before starting to drink broth. Now I can tell ahead of time when I am low and make sure I have a cup of it.

    Also, I think being really conscious of what hunger actually feels like. Yes, eating LCHF does affect our appetites and over time you will see that you are not as hungry as often. But in the beginning, I think we are so programmed to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks per our 'routine', that our brain tells us to eat or snack, but our belly hasn't been invited to that conversation! I struggled with this a lot. Especially being the chef at home and wanting to sit down at dinner with my family although I wasn't even hungry! So, I have learned it's okay to sit at the table while they eat and enjoy the conversation. My husband worries about this at times, but as it's not every night that I don't eat dinner (usually just when I've had a big lunch), he's learning it's okay. So pay attention to how you feel when you are 'hungry' or actually eating.

    Oh one more really, really important thing. DON'T go to the main forums expecting support. It's not there. You may see some of your LCHF/Keto friends posting there, but the majority of MFPers are really not open to supporting others who are not with their programs. It's a tough environment and if you are looking for support, you won't find it there.

    Good luck and stay focused.
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    DAM5412 wrote: »
    Welcome Fludderbye!
    I have to reiterate what the others have said in that there is no 'bad' time to start <snip>

    As far as what I would do differently starting out, definitely the sodium intake...that is huge. I can't tell you how many cramps and headaches, not to mention dizziness, I suffered before starting to drink broth. Now I can tell ahead of time when I am low and make sure I have a cup of it.


    Oh one more really, really important thing. DON'T go to the main forums expecting support. It's not there. You may see some of your LCHF/Keto friends posting there, but the majority of MFPers are really not open to supporting others who are not with their programs. It's a tough environment and if you are looking for support, you won't find it there.

    Good luck and stay focused.

    Excellent post and despite my (overly general) comment regarding what might "apply" to the OP, these definitely DO APPLY to almost everyone.

    Thanks for cleaning up my "act".
  • LoraKay131
    LoraKay131 Posts: 58 Member
    hi there! im just beginning (THIS leg of the same journey) and ive read so much, so so much! i am using lite salt, and i plan on making my own special pumpkin dessert to take to the familys, and eating much ham and turkey with many veggies. :) one step at a time. one day at a time. one hour at a time.