Current Stats Nov 14th

I realize no one is really on this board this is more for me... and whoever else might come across this! ;)

Starting weight: 154 (What I weighed when I started working out again at 6 weeks pp)
Last weigh in: 128
Current weight: 125.5
Pre-pregnancy weight:
Goal weight: 115

Waist: 28"
Hips: 32"
Bust: 31"
Arms: 10"


  • bcs806
    bcs806 Posts: 14 Member
    I honestly stopped coming on here because no one else was. Plus it is inconvenient to have to go on my browser every time I wasn't to check the discussion board. I only have 5lbs to go to get back to pre-pregnancy. I am 144 right now. I am honestly happy with how I look overall. I just hate this c-section pooch. Ab work burns my incision the next day though.
  • I'm still here! It's just not as motivating to get on a web browser to check in since it's not very active anymore. I guess it's just the three of us! :smile:

    I'm at 128. I have three pounds to prepregnancy and eight pounds to my goal.

    I need to get into an exercise routine.... It's been over a week since I've worked out. :neutral_face: