New to group - seeking some advice

I'm new to this group, although I've been on MFP for 1+ years. I'm realizing more and more that I'm an emotional eater. I'm beginning to understand the link for me between stress and snacking. I'm going through a period in my life where my stress is increasing........ troubled teenage son, stressful job -- you know, the usual suspects.

What are some practical tips that you can share with me on how to avoid emotional eating? I'm motivated and working to do better, but I need some practical advice as well.

Thank you; your advice is appreciated :)


  • awesomekaty
    awesomekaty Posts: 40 Member
    Here is something that tends to work for me. If I go too long without eating or deprive myself and get really hungry, I gobble up anything in sight as soon as I'm around food. I guess it's because not eating makes me just as emotional (usually upset and groggy) as some other emotional triggers.

    Best of luck to you!
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Katy, Great advice; thank you :)