Protein find!

kglowins Posts: 111 Member
I thought I would share what seems to be a great little protein find. If you have not tried the Quest protein chips I highly suggest you do. Especially, if you find yourself wanting a little snack. They are 120 calories for the entire bag and contain 21g of protein. I have not tried all of the flavors. I have only sampled the BBQ. However, I thought they were great. Just thought I would pass along my find...


  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    Good tip-thanks!
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    Thanks. I haven't tried them but I am a big fan of the bars
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I have heard of them but I haven't tried them. My concern, for me, is that in my pre-surgery life, chips were definitely a trigger food. Now, I try to avoid foods that are reminiscent of foods that I might have eaten in an unhealthy way. Kudos to people who can still eat things like this, but I am always aware that certain things could put me on a slippery slope!
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    I will be trying these! TY
  • jamezln
    jamezln Posts: 182 Member
    garber6th wrote: »
    I have heard of them but I haven't tried them. My concern, for me, is that in my pre-surgery life, chips were definitely a trigger food. Now, I try to avoid foods that are reminiscent of foods that I might have eaten in an unhealthy way. Kudos to people who can still eat things like this, but I am always aware that certain things could put me on a slippery slope!

    Wow, I was or am aloud to eat Pita chips. It was not a good idea. I know exactly what you mean here.

  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    edited November 2014
    Thanks, I will have to look into these, as Im always on the lookout for different ways to get my protein in!
    I have some bars that Ive picked up here and there but Im not allowed to have them yet (Im 5 wks out) and I have to abide by the surgeons regulations on staying under Cals, Sugar and having so much protein per bar.
    It kind of limits my choices and I wonder how tolerable (cardboard) theyre gonna be :neutral_face:
    Since you posted your find, Ill post mine!
    A few weeks ago I was really struggling with getting my protein in w/ the limited options and after the disaster of adding unflavored powder to my broth and getting a mouthful of grit and grim (never again!), I found something that I thought would be a great bonus, I was way off!
    I found something called RAP (Rapid Action Protein).
    Now while some of you may not be sensitive to smells, taste or textures, I am!
    There are 3 flavors and I found them at store #2 and I was super excited!
    I want to say 6 come in a box for $10 and its 20 protein per bag/ husband picked them up for me.
    Imagine my shock when I opened up the box and found that the size of each serving was about the size of a skittles or starburst bag that you see at the checkout and it was a full bag!
    I thought maybe there would be between 5-8 pieces because they always blow pictures up so you can see all the writing.
    The strawberry 1 is the flavor that I chose, it was (very) mild in taste and it had a vitamin smell that turned me off!
    My husband tried 1 and he said it was "tolerable" but then he can take several pills at 1 time whereas I baby mine 1at a time...I have to psych myself up!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    edited November 2014
    garber6th wrote: »
    I have heard of them but I haven't tried them. My concern, for me, is that in my pre-surgery life, chips were definitely a trigger food. Now, I try to avoid foods that are reminiscent of foods that I might have eaten in an unhealthy way. Kudos to people who can still eat things like this, but I am always aware that certain things could put me on a slippery slope!

    This would be me. Ice cream and flavored chips were trigger foods and things I couldn't control myself with. I eliminated them from my life presurgery and have not added them back in in any form. My fear is finding I still have no control and sliding down that slippery slope into regain. Maybe others can but frankly I don't need them in my life, so why bother.

  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    I tried the Quest protein chips today (GNC had a sale buy 3 get 1 free) I had the sour cream
    They were good for the crunch factor ( I crave crunch) and great for the protein 21 protein 120 calories per bag. They were not as good as the old fat filled chips --before surgery but they did satisfy the munchies for me and gave me a boost for the day in protein.
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    Its great when others have tried a product and give it an honest review!
    Id love to try it only GNC that carries them cause the 1 grocery store we looked at didn't have them :cry:
    I also love the satisfaction of "crunch"
    At this point I don't care what its coming from...a carrot, apple, chips but I LOVE the idea of getting great protein from these :heart_eyes:
    If Im gonna have "chips" there better be something healthy in there!
  • JEMP65
    JEMP65 Posts: 68 Member
    They sell them at The Vitamin Shoppe too and they have free shipping on orders over $25.00.
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    IDK about the vitamin shoppe, Ive heard someone else mention that place before but Ive never heard of it till I saw it posted on here!
    Thanks :smile:
    I wonder what the cost is per bag...if its worth the cost of ordering :neutral_face:
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    edited November 2014
    They are a bit expensive--$2.84 a bag--I bought three and got the 4th free. It is not an item i would eat everyday but I like having something healthy with high protein around for when I need something to cure the munchies. Online --they are priced cheaper.
  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    I purchased the chips at the Vitamin Shoppe. They were 2 for $5, mix and match.
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    edited November 2014
    I need to check for a Vitamin Shoppe near me!
  • wildely
    wildely Posts: 7 Member
    I tried these in the Sour Cream & Onion flavor. As mentioned before, they have a very satisfying crunch. I'd consider the experience to be much like going from full fat, full sugar yogurt to sugar free, fat free yogurt: similar to the real thing, but not the same. Helps to have modified expectations. The seasoning seems to be intense at first, but fades with extended chewing. The flavor was initially unusual, but now that I know what to expect I like it more and more.
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    I meant to post when this post first went up. I couldn't get to Amazon fast enough. I ordered two boxes, 2 different flavors for 16.99/box or $2.08/bag and free shipping. Also picked up another box of apple quest bars while I was at it. I really like those wrapped around raisins.

    You can also order directly from Quest with minimal shipping cost. No matter how much you order it's under $5.00 for shipping. Pricing is a little bit better on the chips $16.75/8, the bars, if you order by the box are $24.99/dozen.

    I also noticed Quest makes protein powder. I've been really happy with Unjury protein, but may give the Quest peanut butter flavor a try sometime in the future.

    By the way, with Unjury, if you call them direct and set up an autoship, the protein is deeply discounted. It's the best price, best flavor, and highest quality protein I've found so far and they have a chicken soup flavor that's truly delicious. I'll add frozen vegetables to it when I make it.

    Okay, this is a novel. I'll sign off. I'll report back on the taste of the chips when they arrive.
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    Ty Authorwriter!
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    Lat night I tried the cheddar/sour cream and they really hit the spot!
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    Sorry, kids. The vendor selling the chips cheap with free shipping on Amazon is out of stock. So try the Quest site directly:
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    Here is a link for $10.00 off of a $30.00 order at Vitacost