Protein find!



  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    Okay, weirdly, my chips arrived at my house just before we left for a weekend. I'm in our room and just ate the bag and have decided I probably won't reorder. I got the sour cream and also the barbeque ones. I'll try barbecue tomorrow.

    In other news, we stopped at the grocery store to get food for tomorrow night's dinner and the grocery store had Quinoa chips by a brand called Simply 7. They were 140 calories a 1 oz serving, 12 g carb and 9 protein, so I thought that wasn't too bad a ratio for a once in a while. The chips were really delicious. I tried their sea salt.

    I'm not a big chip person anymore, but I am disappointed the Quest ones didn't do it for me. This is just my experience and others may love them.
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    These are the chips I found in the grocery store. 3.29 for a 3.5 serving bag, so a better deal than the Quest chips from a price standpoint. Much better in taste, but Quest wins on the stats.
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    I will check out Quinoa chips by a brand called Simply 7
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    edited November 2014
    I found the Protein Chips at GNC!
    Its a little closer than the Vitamin Shoppe some of you had suggested (2 hrs away from me)
    I didn't get any because they didn't have all the flavors so the deal was buy 3 get 1 free
    $3 per bag but the price is reduced when you get the 4th free.
    So maybe at the end of next week :smiley:
    Another great & yummy way for me to up my proteins which I always seem to struggle with :neutral_face:
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    I tried the bbq flavor yesterday from Vitamin Shoppe. I relaly liked the flavor and crunch. It is a pretty good size bag. I actually ate only half at one time and then the other half later. It was a nice treat and I was out and about doing errands so it was convenient to have in the car.
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    2BeHappy 2--the GNC closest to me was sold out too---I found them at the GNC in the mall. I was headed up to that area --otherwise I would not have driven 45 min and had to go to the mall for them ( I hate the mall)
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    Janet0513--I found them to fill me up fast---must be all that protein
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    Youre right Janet!
    Convenience is my goal being 5 weeks out and needing to find other ways to incorporate much needed protein w/out having to be near the microwave or oven 24/7!
    Wilrhy, the vitamin shoppe that others had suggested is like at least 2 hrs away so no matter how good the protein I wasn't going to go that far out for!
    The GNC that's closer to me is rather small so its no wonder they never have enough products in stock, when I was looking around for protein powders I ended up getting mine from the good ol' grocery store.
    I just wish local stores carried more of these good types of options, isn't that why they have a "health" section?!?
  • jamezln
    jamezln Posts: 182 Member
    edited November 2014
    The GNC in my town could fit in my basement, and I hate the fact you only get deals if you buy their gold card. Luckily there is a Vitamin Shoppe in both larger towns I visit regularly. You don't have to pay extra to get a deal. Makes no sense, plus they just have a lot more. Plus, from here learning of other places like Vitacost and one of my old favorites when I start to run low, I will search for the cheaper and order. My wife works in one of the towns with the Vitamin Shoppe so I may just have to get her to stop an grab a bag on her way out. I probably shouldn't, but they may come in handy when I return to week. GRRR....
  • JEMP65
    JEMP65 Posts: 68 Member
    Shipping is free on orders over $25.00. Online ordering of a case of chips, Isopure 20 oz bottle, or Quest bars should be easy to reach $25.00. Plus no driving or cost of gas, delivered right to your door. If you sign up for their newsletter, they will email you special offers and extra discounts. Just a thought.
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    edited November 2014
    I ordered 2 boxes (BBQ--and Cheddar) from The vitamin shoppe. If you join the site you get 10% off coupon sent to your email. This brings the price to $32.38 (FREE SHIPPING) for 16 bags @ 2.03 a bag ( better than what I paid at GNC They were $2.84 a bag. I stopped at another GNC yesterday that is a family owned store and they were $2.99 a bag!
    (I am a GNC member and this price beats the member price)
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    edited November 2014
    I had my 5 week post-op appt today so while I was in that town, I stopped in at 1 of their GNC's.
    Their deal was buy 1 for $3 or buy 3 get the 4th free which was like paying $2.25 each.
    I explained to the guy that Id heard about the chips but that w/out wanting to commit to the "deal" I wanted to try the cheddar 1 (knowing I like this as a regular chip flavor).
    Looking at the bag, the chips look like theyd be hard...its just a mild flavor to the regular chips but light and airy w/ a little bit of a crunch/crisp...I :heart_eyes: them!!
    THANK YOU KGLOWINS for starting this thread!
    I would never have known otherwise since I don't usually shop at the GNC (just not close enough).
    I plan on using these mainly for protein on the go as theyre very portable and convenient!
    I got the cheddar/sour cream, sour cream/onion and salt/vinegar because I know these flavors from regular chips...wasn't too sure of the sea salt and Im not much of a bbq person.
    Ive only had 1 single hamburger patty from my husbands burger 1 time while being out but I still prefer to take my own things...for the time being.
    So my thought for the next time Im out is to make tuna fish w/ light mayo and use my chips to grab the tuna with!
    Total: 255 cals~7 carbs~43 protein!
    I know several people who do fine on their protein...I still struggle to aim for minimum of 70 a day while keeping my carbs and total cals down.
    Sure I could get more protein in a lot of different ways but its going to take me 2 meals to get the same protein as this example and most likely a lot more of everything else that I don't need!
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    Glad that you like them--I needed the crunch!
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    Okay, the tuna fish idea is a really good one. I'm not nuts about this stuff as chips, but using them as crackers to hold stuff is a good idea.
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    Yeah, this is going to be a pretty quick and very convenient meal to grab and go with...cant wait to take this w/ me tomorrow while out shopping (running errands)
    IDK what protein bar can meet these #'s and only 1 sugar :smiley:
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    I may have to use them to eat my hummus too---this way I limit the crackers
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    edited December 2014
    Cyber Monday sale at Quest code CyberUS gets an extra 25% off I was able to get 4 boxes of Quest protein chips for $50.25
    (included shipping cost)
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    How many do you get per box and does each box come with 1 single flavor or a mix ?
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    Single flavor--8 packs in a box
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    coupon no good anymore.

    I did like the chips with mozzerella melted on them, so that's how I'll use them.