New to Keto, questions a'plenty



  • volfan22
    volfan22 Posts: 149 Member
    TrophyWife - regarding the scale. I too have the SAME issue. Here's what I have done to help with that - I still weigh - but I don't really care what it says because for me this isn't a diet anymore - it's a full on lifestyle change. I have goals, and I'm working towards them - BUT - I dropped a fair amount of weight at first (and you will too) - but then it tapered off and I lose now about a pound per week. I also go 2-3 weeks at the same weight sometimes. I even gained 4 lbs last week and I didn't do anything different. BUT - I stay on plan. Take your measurements - you will find that even though the scale may not be moving much, you will be shrinking. I don't get how they don't directly correlate - but they just don't. I have gone from a size 16W to a 12 in 6 months. I have only lost 34 lbs though. I still have 35 more to go to be at my goal weight. Eat fat to lose fat - once you get into a habit of what you can eat and what you like you will find ways to make it work. Give it 6 weeks - you need to commit to it at least that long to truly begin to see the benefits. You're gonna feel like absolute crap in about 2 weeks (keto flu) - just increase your salt and ride it out. Once you come out of the flu you will feel truly amazing.
  • TheTrophyWife
    TheTrophyWife Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks again. You guys really are great. The CavemanKeto site has some good info. I'm definitely going to do the net carbs while I learn.

    Volfan, I'm already feeling like crap. I skipped going to my trainer because I didn't want to take a chance with making other people sick. I wish I had that option with work. I just keep to myself for the most part and everyone knows I'm sick so they're staying away. If it gets worse than this, I might need a drink. LOL!
  • volfan22
    volfan22 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks again. You guys really are great. The CavemanKeto site has some good info. I'm definitely going to do the net carbs while I learn.

    Volfan, I'm already feeling like crap. I skipped going to my trainer because I didn't want to take a chance with making other people sick. I wish I had that option with work. I just keep to myself for the most part and everyone knows I'm sick so they're staying away. If it gets worse than this, I might need a drink. LOL!

    You'll get through it. If you like Powerade - they make the zero version - drink a couple of those to get your electrolytes up.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    volfan22 wrote: »
    Thanks again. You guys really are great. The CavemanKeto site has some good info. I'm definitely going to do the net carbs while I learn.

    Volfan, I'm already feeling like crap. I skipped going to my trainer because I didn't want to take a chance with making other people sick. I wish I had that option with work. I just keep to myself for the most part and everyone knows I'm sick so they're staying away. If it gets worse than this, I might need a drink. LOL!

    You'll get through it. If you like Powerade - they make the zero version - drink a couple of those to get your electrolytes up.

  • TheTrophyWife
    TheTrophyWife Posts: 86 Member
    I don't drink Powerade or any type of chemically laced beverages. My beverages these days are water, coffee, more water, 6 more cups of coffee, and as soon as I'm done with these meds I'm having a freaking margarita. I'm going to have to find another way to get my electrolytes.
  • volfan22
    volfan22 Posts: 149 Member
    You can add salt to your water - it doesn't taste near as good as a powerade zero though (for me personally). Or better yet - just lick the salt off your margarita rim. ;) I love margarita's - haven't had many since starting keto though. And I live in Louisiana - we have a frozen drink drive thru on every corner. I miss my "to go" drinks. *le sigh*
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,754 Member
    I don't drink Powerade or any type of chemically laced beverages. My beverages these days are water, coffee, more water, 6 more cups of coffee, and as soon as I'm done with these meds I'm having a freaking margarita. I'm going to have to find another way to get my electrolytes.

    Magnesium and potassium supplements are cheap. I just take them with my fish oil, probiotic and multivitamin daily, plus the B12 and Vitamin D the dr has me on, heh.

  • RockLobster4
    RockLobster4 Posts: 18 Member
    I ended up going to bed and not having anything. I also didn't have any water yesterday, it was all about coffee.

    You have to make sure to drink LOTS of water on this diet! The recommendations I've seen have been at least 100oz per day, but I try to do 128-160oz per day. Apparently your risk of kidney stones increases if you're not properly hydrated, and anecdotally, most people notice that they lose more and feel better the more water they drink.
  • TheTrophyWife
    TheTrophyWife Posts: 86 Member
    I don't know about putting salt in my water but I'm willing to try anything. I spent the weekend sick in bed. I didn't eat much of anything and I didn't log what little I did eat. I'm out of ketosis but I still lost weight. I think maybe because I was sick but I'm not going to knock the progress. I'm trying to get back on the wagon but just looking at my breakfast is making me nauseous. The consistency of the eggs are nearly making me gag. I'm going to do the best I can to stay on track but I am seriously not wanting anything. Would it be so bad for me to just eat if/when I get hungry instead of trying to force the food in? I've been trying for almost an hour! I'd much rather drink my buttery coffee and water.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I don't know about putting salt in my water but I'm willing to try anything. I spent the weekend sick in bed. I didn't eat much of anything and I didn't log what little I did eat. I'm out of ketosis but I still lost weight. I think maybe because I was sick but I'm not going to knock the progress. I'm trying to get back on the wagon but just looking at my breakfast is making me nauseous. The consistency of the eggs are nearly making me gag. I'm going to do the best I can to stay on track but I am seriously not wanting anything. Would it be so bad for me to just eat if/when I get hungry instead of trying to force the food in? I've been trying for almost an hour! I'd much rather drink my buttery coffee and water.

    So don't eat. Fasting when you're feeling sick isn't an inherently bad thing (and can actually help speed recovery under some circumstances). Or just consume what does sound appealing. If that's butter coffee, then so be it.

    As for electrolytes -- there are a ton of recipes online that you can use as a base and experiment from. Here's one option -- (ingredients -- coconut water, salt, citrus). Or, in a pinch, drop some slices of lemons and/or limes into a bottle of water, and add a pinch or three of salt. The key for salt in water for electrolyte purposes is that you don't need much. You shouldn't really taste the salt that you've added.
  • TheTrophyWife
    TheTrophyWife Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks, Dragonwolf! Who knew you could make your own sports drinks? I'm adding this to the list of stuff I have to make now. I'm kicking myself for buying mayo. I got in as much of my breakfast as I could. Lunch went better but not by much. If you haven't tried the Starkist Creations Sweet and Spicy tuna pack, DON'T!. It was the most disgusting thing ever! I still ate it because I didn't want to go without lunch but I'll never buy it again.