November 20

ronercat Posts: 273 Member
How is the week going for all of you out there?

It has been pretty good for me and pretty busy. I have had a lot of deadlines with school and work that have come up and it has kept me from working out as much as I would like. At least I got in some racquetball. The next big thing I need to take care of on my to do list is to organize the Christmas program for my church. It is time to pick out some music and to get the choir together haha. It shouldn't be too bad, I just need to make sure I get to the sheet music store at some point before Sunday.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend planned (or some of us might already be in Dubai having a great time). My weekend is pretty relaxed, but I am excited for the symphony on Saturday. They always do a great job and I hope my date enjoys it.



  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Hi Zac,

    Glad your having a good week. Overall the week has been fairly good but sadly cold and raining so it's made outside activities difficult. I will ride in the rain but work has been keeping me busy.

    Nothing much planned for the weekend. If the weather clears up I have a nice long ride route I would love to do that would take me into the redwoods.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Hi all...back from my short break. Sure did need a 'no-brainer' few days away from the stress of work! Managed to walk the malls and get over 10,000 steps in per day so that was great for wise...well, I just won't go there! lol But today am back to eating my greens, and more greens! Stayed with a girlfriend in her apartment and they even deliver McDonalds in Dubai if you want it!! Great weather too...found a great beach to walk along too. Now gearing up to go back to work! hohummm!

    So you manage the choir?? Sing too? Such talent! And must keep you busy!! Well done!!

    Pat...hope you get your ride into the redwoods. Sounds absolutely beautiful...peaceful and relaxing!!! Hope the weather turns out well for you!

    Norah and Dee...hope you are keeping well too!! Gearing up for 'turkey day'??

  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    I do enjoy singing. I have been in a few things here and there, but I mainly do it for the enjoyment it brings me. Normally I am not in charge of the choir, but it was kind of falling by the wayside so I decided I would step in and take care of it. I can't sing in a choir if we don't have one so the motive is a little selfish haha.

    Thanksgiving is always a great time with the family and such, but this year I am working towards mitigating the damage the actual meal causes. I am hoping to play basketball the night before and some football on the day of. Fingers crossed that with those two things I don't end the week with a gain.

    What do you guys do to help combat Thanksgiving?
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Well....I usually sucumb to it...but last year I decided to go out for Thanksgivine dinner at a private compound's was soooooo bad, I hardly ate, so that is what I did..go to a place that the Thanksgiving food was awful! This combat it...I am NOT having the going to save up for Xmas dinner that I am making when I get back to Arizona for the holidays!! I hate to miss it, I have cooked Thanksgiving for the past umpteen years and invited about 12 friends over, but this year will give it a miss...besides....have to work on, that sort of settled things!!

    I think your plans for sports Zac are great...and you should burn a heck of a lot of calories doing that!!!