Avoiding a Binge - Tactics



  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    and another page

    This one is actually a bit of fun. Its interactive and the idea is that you read it when you feel a binge urge, and it helps you avoid binging.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I just read these posts and they had some useful ideas:

    'Lesson 2' is a big one for me.

    That was great, thanks for sharing!
  • sailrunner
    sailrunner Posts: 41 Member
    Reading this series was a big help - taking 30 minutes for reading got me thru the "I just want to stuff - never mind that I know I'm not physiologically hungry". Had a cup of hot water and that also gave me something to do that had some soothing value. Best was the sense that I'm not alone in this. My BF and I have been doing Fitness Pal now for several months. He's learning a lot and keeps gradually losing weight. My binges simply mystify him - how I can eat 4000 calories a day?
    I used to simply refuse to record binge days. Progress for me has been to relive each thing I ate - doing a check in about how it felt and what was going on. Recognized so many patterns others have referred to. Big one for me was/is the - well, I've blown it - might as well eat anything I've ever craved. Lots of judgement showing up.
    Thanks to each of you who has posted.
  • Acacia2India
    Acacia2India Posts: 446 Member
    Great idea for a thread.

    Just like in the 'Me vs. The Binge' monthly threads, I think of 'The Binge' as a separate being.

    TB is often around me, trying to take control of my body and get me to binge. I speak directly to him.

    'no. I'm not giving you a chocolate'
    'I said no!'
    'I'm stronger than you. you're not going to win.'
    'I can feel you starting to want the chips. I'm not going to give them to you. absolutely not. no way'
    'I'm not going to listen to you. I'm not going to give in. you might as well give up because this is not going to work'.
    'Why would I give you all this food when it means that I put on weight??'
    'I'm telling you now, don't try to have any more of the food in the fridge because I'm not going to give it to you'
    sometimes I'm a lot ruder but i don't think I can post that here.

    Basically the minute I feel TB approaching I let him know I'm not going to stand for it.

    I don't speak with any love or sympathy. I take a very tough, firm, mean, heartless approach. I don't feel any sympathy or compassion towards TB.

    I feel love and forgiveness towards myself when I binge. but not towards TB.

    This works for me a lot of the time. I also feel that TB has learnt that I mean business (or maybe its me that's learnt that :wink: ). Sometimes a few sharp words and he gives up.

    I would be interested to know if this helps anybody else. But it really does help me to think of it that way.

    This is fantastic. I'm absolutely going to start doing this. Thank you for posting!