Chat and Accountability Nov 22 - Nov 28

Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
Hey Folks Thought I'd get this one going.


  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Saturday Folks. Hope all is well with all of you.
    Finally able to start a decompress day. I really need it this week, Monday (as everyday) I started by checking what we call the Vista Report. It is a hospital wide report that identifies new admissions, discharges, and transfers. The report Monday includes 3 discharges (Death) from Hospice and palliative care ward. That was high for one day but not unexpected. It included one of my guys from the D ward who had been transferred to hospice a couple weeks ago. He was a Marine, and had played trumpet in the US Marine Corps Band. He also taught music when he returned to the area after his service. He was already on the ward when I started working there 4 1/2 years ago. I now only have one of my original 32 left. Understand something here, Harry is in a much better place now and I recognize and take some joy in that. But Harry was one of my great teachers in dementia care. He taught me more about the physiological response to music than all the research I've read. In fact he was the one to inspire me to dig in to it. Yet Harry never was able to speak a single coherent word to me. Dementia had already taken that from him. But Harry was a musician in the same way that I was and still am a soldier, it's not about what we do its what we are. Harry had an inner beat going that did not often allow him to sit down. In fact he was the only person I have ever seen that could keep three different beats going while music played. He would keep the back beat with his feet, the melody line with his hands and the front beat with his hips. and when he found encountered a song that he particularly liked he would do a perfect form *kitten* - heels body weight squat and clap the floor with his hands. It used to horrify the nursing staff until I explained to them the good form elements he was displaying and that trying to intervene put him at a higher risk for falls than letting him express himself.
    - So normally when I get a report like this on vista I can hang together till I get home and then decompress and honor him in my own way and for a guy like Harry take the next day as a sick day to get my head right cause I often don't play well with others when I get in this mode. But with Maris out and other folks out, plus events scheduled like Golden Corral, and Old Times Buffet Thanksgiving meal just have to suck it up and get through the week. Catching my self when it starts to grab me with the mantra your guys need you NOW you'll get it later. Keep moving. Keep humping that ruck. Time for you is later. Well today is later. So here to honor one of my favorite Marines, and one of my greatest teachers is Harry's favorite Song. Listen to the different beats and imagine a guys standing in place moving to all three God rest you well Marine I will see you at Heavens gate when it is my time.

    Hammer Jammer 1 out.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Follow up from last week.
    Heron - Thanks for all the info all makes sense. Don't know that I'll get knees back to even 80% but close would be good. I do the stuff I do with about 60% of my previous range of motion and stress tension. Any additional improvement would be very good. Will keep you posted. jeep on Jammin'! at Muay Tai. Great Metcon.

    Also My Boss is one of the better ones I've had in my life time. While she has some supervisory challenges I tend to treat her like a good Platoon Leader. As for me, I have no ambitions beyond giving my best to my guys everyday. For my duty position there are no advances. My annual performance eval is embarrassingly positive, and when I ask my Boss how to do my job better she has no answer (one of my frustrations with her). Your concerns about who gets credit etc are applicable (and well founded) to folks that have/want to keep moving up or feel a need for praise. I have none of that left in me at this point in my life and my satisfaction comes from the smile or reactions like Harry. I need no more than that. God Bless you though for being concerned. I do appreciate it beyond my capability to express.

    Arturo - Go Give Heron a Big ol hug and tell her that's from Big John!

    Cynthia - I'm in for your challenge as well. Bring it!

    Carol - BTW do you have dates for upcoming Paleo FX? I'm thinking of attending and will have to get leave request in sometime in Dec if I want to have the dates guaranteed.

    Back to chores and getting stuff done Have a great day folks I'll be opening the Hammer Jammer 2D (two penny) Nail Challenge Thread tomorrow so folks know what to expect.

  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    John: how wonderful that you're honoring Harry today. We are lucky for his service. Thank you for your service too John. You just KEEP serving! Keep on Jammin Hammer!

    Looking forward to details on the 2D Challenge!

    Here is the link for PFX 2015. Would be awesome to see you there! Not 100% sure that I'm going but I want to:
    Or just search on PaleoFX 2015
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Oops! Forgot to answer the question: PaleoF(x) Will be on April 24-26
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Thanks Carol!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Sunday Folks today is Dead lift Day. My son is also going to cook me a steak dinner for my Birthday today, We both have to work tomorrow so do what we can when we can.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Excited about the 2D challenge Hammer! And just completed another 4 mi walk with my BFF. Time VERY well spent on many levels!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Awww John, see you are such a nice guy. I have a sense that you just want to help people and not seeking nor need praise. I just don't like the idea of people taking advantage of your kindness and drive to help. I've seen that happen to others but you have so much life experience I should know that you know what's up. ;) I am happy that you have a good working environment and a boss that is not an A**
    Thank you for telling the story of Harry. I'm glad that he had someone that understood his needs at the end when he can no longer express himself.
    Enjoy your steak dinner! I LOOOVE steak. I can totally put away a 16oz ribeye and fixings lol. I miss cowboy ribeye :(

    Carol, I see that you've been kicking *kitten* this week! Here's to another week of kicking *kitten*!!

    So this week is going to be a mini torture for me. I'll be making pies (i make my own crust) and other baked goods as thanksgiving gifts for friends and neighbors with the pumpkins that I grew. So the house will smell like a freaking bakery and I'll be staring at all the baked goods and know that I can't eat them. :'(
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Monday Folks! Hope all is well with all of you.

    heron- I feel for ya lass on thanksgiving and Christmas our main event of the day is serving Pie to the guys throughout the hospital, we have to cook em first, then take them around to the wards. Fresh and warm. Pumpkin, Sweet Potato and Pecan Pies for 300. Will be Thinking of you on Thursday as well.
    - Keep on Rockin it Carol! Jam time is Fun Time!

    First Challenge is up

    Have Fun! (evil chuckle)
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Thanks Heron. I'm still at it over here. I am moving my first Carb Nite to Thursday. Pie is my favorite Heron!!

    Did you see John's challenge?. Day one is awesome. I talk SO MUCH!! Should be interesting.

    Happy Birthday Hammer!!!!

    Happy Monday Folks!
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    I guess I should get back into the habit of checking in. Happy Monday. I'm back @ work after a 3 day weekend of barn building and deer hunting. The nice thing about the deer hunting is I tend too walk quite a bit, 3-5 miles. Not a huge amount but it is up and down hills.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    3-5 miles is fantastic. The low end of that is a 5k. I wish I had an active sport. Sounds fun
  • aceronjr
    aceronjr Posts: 96 Member
    Oh, WE are definitely having PIE this Thanksgiving >:) Heron's pies will be the main desert Thursday. So all is not lost. We skipped CN this past weekend so we can pig out on Thursday. Then no CN again until Dec. For our first December CN we're thinking a late lunch of Japanese Ramen at an awesome Ramen restaurant in town, followed by a late dinner/supper of Indian Butter Chicken with Naan! :p

    Carol: When will you know if you'll be accepted as a speaker for PaleoFX?

    I'm thinking of flying in to Austin that weekend to meet up with some old college friends, and also see who I can catch after the PaleoFX sessions for a low-carb dinner. Who's all thinking of attending besides Carol and John? I won't be paying to attend myself however.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    happy Tuesday Folks! Another Great Day rising with the sun.

    Mark - Welcome home lad.

    Carol - I beg to differ with you. You have but to look at your tough mudder headband collection to know that you have a sport, and a Team Sport at that. It's up to you to train for it.

    Arturo - That would be very Koo-EL to have a meetup there.

    Local News chatted with Maris (my Rec Therapist for Dementia Ward) She is doing pretty good and may return to work today. I cautioned her on coming back too soon but we all do miss the lass. Today's Challenge will be an interesting one so come on over will have it up in couple mins.

    Keep on Jammin'!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    LOVE today's challenge!! Thx John
    Having fun with it !
    Arturo: no idea when but I will post it everywhere when I know for sure.
    John you are right! Tough Mudder is a sport!!
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Hey guys.....gosh it has been forever since I checked in. I was doing so well, really had a good morning habit with it...which got broken when I kept adding other bits into my morning routine ( which was 10 minutes of meditation and then checking in with you guys). Now 15 minutes meditation, 2 minutes planks (not in a row, can't do that), 2 per side unweighted turkish get ups. Once I realize how long I'd been out of touch, I felt overwhelmed by trying to catch up. Which I realize is a stupid reason for not getting back in here. So apologize if it takes a while to get caught back up with everyone's progress. I will.

    I've actually been doing pretty good. I think 6-8 weeks into CarbNite. Going well, slow from a scale perspective but well. Back in gym lifting. Regularly even - keep making gains there - tho' have no real idea what I can truly do. Following Keifer's Shockwave protocol via an app which I love. In the last week of a 4 week program and for the first time ever have followed a program. Lifting 4 times a week - tho' admit to doing the "quick" version about once a week.

  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Oh and as of now I have a hotel room booked with points the weekend of PaleoFX...not sure I'm actually going but want to lock in that at least. I think it will depend on who the speakers are. Tho' have heard my fav gal Sarah Fragoso is locked in, so maybe. If Kiefer locks, I'm going.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Wednesday Folks! Kim Good to see ya here, welcome home Lass. I like the Shock Wave protocol, After I complete this iteration of my program (around Christmas Week planning to incorporate it as well. To show great minds think alike my Son and I are planning to road trip from Ga to Austin. I have to get my leave requests in for the year before Dec 5th so gonna be there for sure now. If a bunch of us show up will have to get together and do a Fat2FitHQ WOD. That would be a blast.

    Good News sort of My Dementia Ward Therapist Maris returned to work yesterday. Gonna have to modify my sched (already Approved) to help her set up the Christmas Tree Friday. She can't do any lifting yet. Any one got any good Bone Broth Recipes? Gonna make her some over the coming weekend. She suffered a bunch of stomach damage when the Lap Band Slipped down. Having problems still keeping things down due to inflammation but doing better than she was. Keep her in your thoughts please.

    Have a great Day Folks. Travel safe.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Yay Welcome back Kim! You've been missed. Your morning routine sounds pretty good though.
    Here is Caveman doctor's famous bone broth John:
    Off to the gym before the kiddies wake! Happy Wednesday!!
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    Hey all, back to work today. Spent all day yesterday setting trusses for my new barn. did lots of climbing up and down.