where to start?

jillfrd Posts: 29 Member
so I've done mostly cardio to get down to my goal weight. now that i'm nearly there, I want to try and do more weights and 'get shredded'. what is the best place to start? I'm a gym member so have access to machine and free weights, but not sure the first step, I much rather have a program to follow! help?


  • I've been doing Stronglifts for 3 week now and I love it. It feels like I am doing so little (bc i am used to trying to do hour-long exercise classes) but I am getting stronger already. Most ppl here tout that one or New Rules of Weight Training for Women.

    I picked Stronglifts bc the book was free online. My only criticism is that all of the language used in the book is male, and the guy always addresses his youtube vids to men- "Cmon' guys, let's lift!" and "You dudes will be the envy of all your buddies!" etc.

    It irks me, but it isn't really an issue. One day I shall deadlift that dude, while teaching him about the importance of using inclusive gender pronouns.

    I am interested to find out what the rest of the group is using. I for one, am just elated to join a group with the word "thin" in the title. It feels good, even though my body is soft like a jellyfish. That ****'s temporary :)
  • emarose90
    emarose90 Posts: 52
    I really want to try StrongLifts - is this something you can just do on your own at the gym or is it better to have someone there with you?

    I currently do Body Pump and I love it (I hate cardio), but I really think I need to go on to heavier lifting now!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I really have no experience with weight lifting and have a tender shoulder (frozen shoulder years ago that never healed fully). I have a bow flex and would like to use it, but am baffled by all the hook ups, correct form and reps needed. I use the eliptical and walk but need something for toning up. I haven't looked into stronglifts, but it's an idea. I just want to tone up and lower my body fat.
  • idriven7
    idriven7 Posts: 24
    Hey Ladies,

    I just hit my goal recently and Now im looking to do a new challenge. I'm content with the stats however I want to tone up...or tighten up (particularly the mid section) The last couple of weeks I've incorporated weights. I do weights/strength training 1-2 a week now. And I don't have a gym membership yet.. Im hoping to sign up soon though.

    Do you guys take any supplements or vitamins?
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    I've been doing Stronglifts for 5 wks now. I love it. I have noticeable muscle definition and my abs are even more defined. However, I am still trying to cut some bodyfat. So I'm going to reevaluate my diet (any suggestions are welcome), but I'd definitely recommend the program. Like Sewingdiscont, It felt like I was doing so little because I was used to targeting isolated muscle groups (splits) 3-4x a week instead of compoud weight lifiting exercises 3x a week like in this program. It only takes me like a hour a 15 mins max to complete my workout for this program. Love it!
  • CantStopWontStop92
    CantStopWontStop92 Posts: 165 Member
    anacsitham5: I don't blame you, those Bowflex things look intimidating! I have a messed up hip from rugby (yes, I'm a badass) so I can understand feeling limited with your shoulder. What I found is just trial and error, and don't beat yourself up if you have to modify certain exercises!

    idriven7: I don't take anything, but it's not a bad idea! I was talking to Mel, one of the girls on here, about it actually and you can get protein and all that in your diet without having to purchase expensive pills and such. Personally I'm not willing to flip my diet upside down like that, but if you're more adaptable in that regards then more power to you! I had asked another user though out of curiousity and this is what he recommended:
    "For you. Id suggest some Fish oil at 1-2Grams a day. A good supplemental Protein Powder with good macros, A good womans multi vitamin. Along with a good diet and training program thats all you really need. Make sure ur eating a surplus of 150-200 calories a day to gain muscle. Watch your scale weight. If youre not adding .5lbs every couple weeks or so up ur calories by another 100-150 a day. If youre gaining more then .5 lbs a week drop them by 100-150 a day"
  • jillfrd
    jillfrd Posts: 29 Member
    I like the stronglifts, mainly cuz it's free :P I will have a better look at the program tonight and see what it says. I like the idea of only having to train three times a week, rather an 6-9km running every day!!
  • idriven7
    idriven7 Posts: 24
    Thanks for the tips. Right now I'm Taking Glutamine and Amino Acid, CLA, ACAI supplement and Krill oil. Ill have to add in that multivitamin.

    There's a new 90 day fitness challenge from Oxygen magazine. I'm a bit concerned with the protein intake. Every day the protein intake varies from 120-160g. Is that too much? I weigh 121 at the moment.

    Thanks in advance!
  • I really want to try StrongLifts - is this something you can just do on your own at the gym or is it better to have someone there with you?

    I currently do Body Pump and I love it (I hate cardio), but I really think I need to go on to heavier lifting now!

    You can do it alone to start. It would take you a while to work up to the kind of weight you'd need a spotter with.