
Hi, Id like to introduce myself. I am Amber, 33 yrs old and have 165 pounds to lose. I have a wonderful hubbie and three amazing kiddos. Looking for support from others in the same boat as me.


  • Willovyne
    Willovyne Posts: 3
    Hi, Amber!
    I'm just starting out, too. I joined MFP 4 months ago but am just now really getting down to business. Definitely looking for support as well. Feel free to friend me. I wish you success on your journey!
  • johnm8703
    johnm8703 Posts: 118 Member
    Welcome Amber and T!
    Feel free to add me. I'm 35 and have about another 100 pounds to go! I'm a father of 2 so I can totally relate to the struggle of parenthood and healthy eating! Best of luck to both of you on your journeys!!!
  • twentyco
    twentyco Posts: 70 Member

    I started with 140 to lose --- I'm 43, so a little older, with one daughter. It's going more slowly than I'd like, but it's going --- one day at a time. You can do this! Feel free to add me if it's helpful, and all the best to you in your journey!
  • the0th3rjen
    the0th3rjen Posts: 27 Member
    Hello, I'm 33 as well. No kids but I have an awesome man that is working to improve his health as well. Hope you don't mind me sending a friends request. Everything bit of support is good, right?