I'm back after partial thyroidectomy

CARoberts73 Posts: 71 Member
edited December 2014 in Social Groups
Hi Everyone,

You might (or might not) remember me, I was participating here a month or two ago, and was having some trouble with a thyroid nodule. I had the right lobe and nodule removed a little over a week ago (NO CANCER, YAY!) and am starting a low dose of synthroid today. Additionally, my endocrinologist recommended.....(wait for it)......that I lower my carbs! And I thought.....well I can do that. I have no problem with that! The only problem I've ever encountered with eating low carb was that I always had that little doubting Thomas in the back of my mind saying "are you sure this is the right choice"? And now my endo has effectively shut him right up. ;)

Before I was tracking carbs / sugar myself but what I'm wondering is, do any of you use anything other than MFP? Any sites, communities, plans, etc?? I'd like to get started again this week but I'm feeling rather unmotivated and wondering if something like that would help to psyche me up.

I hope you're all doing GREAT!



  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    You might (or might not) remember me, I was participating here a month or two ago, and was having some trouble with a thyroid nodule. I had the right lobe and nodule removed a little over a week ago (NO CANCER, YAY!) and am starting a low dose of synthroid today. Additionally, my endocrinologist recommended.....(wait for it)......that I lower my carbs! And I thought.....well I can do that. I have no problem with that! The only problem I've ever encountered with eating low carb was that I always had that little doubting Thomas in the back of my mind saying "are you sure this is the right choice"? And now my endo has effectively shut him right up. ;)

    Before I was tracking carbs / sugar myself but what I'm wondering is, do any of you use anything other than MFP? Any sites, communities, plans, etc?? I'd like to get started again this week but I'm feeling rather unmotivated and wondering if something like that would help to psyche me up.

    I hope you're all doing GREAT!


    WOW - GREAT NEWS!!!!

    I've tried (and used) a couple other tracking sites (and forums).

    For my money, MFP is as good (or bad) as any as far as tracking goes.

    As long as you IGNORE their "recommendations" and stupid azzz "you MUST eat more, you WILL weigh xx lbs by x/x/20xx....."

    Add the plugins (and "net" carb thingy if you want but it's really not necessary).

    The BIG difference is the Forums (well, actually, the THIS Group.

    It's not only supportive but contains a wealth of good info and research - not a bunch of (self-proclaimed) "registered dietitians" spouting outdated and oft-times flat out WRONG dietary dogma. Spark & LoseIT do, and the reason I left.

    Welcome back........we missed you (and thought of you often).

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Yes. Remember you, of course! So glad to hear it wasn't cancer, but sorry about the removal. :disappointed:

    Welcome back!
  • CARoberts73
    CARoberts73 Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you both!

    DeansDad I'll have to look into the plug ins, today. That was one of my main issues, I just wasn't sure how to effectively track carbs on here. Thanks!
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    Thank you both!

    DeansDad I'll have to look into the plug ins, today. That was one of my main issues, I just wasn't sure how to effectively track carbs on here. Thanks!

    Here you go:

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Cathy glad to hear your good report.

    I had the understanding until a few months ago that carbs were required to have good health. After I learned only protein and fats are required it helped me get serious about low carb eating knowing I would not die on <50 grams of carbs daily. :)

    Major pain relief was my first objective. Adding coconut oil as my main fat then cutting out sugar got my pain down about 5 points on a 1-10 scale so now I am working on learning to lose weight as my main objective.

    I do think the medical world is realizing Fat is good and high Sugar is the bad guy for many of us.