Dec 4

ronercat Posts: 273 Member
I can't believe another week has pretty much already passed. It is nice because the weekends are always the best anyways haha. This weekend should be enjoyable for me. Tomorrow I am going to my friend's church to dress up as Santa for the kids there (I make a pretty darn good Santa). On Saturday I am going with my friends to celebrate the traditional Swedish event of Santa Lucia (My Dad was born in Sweden so it makes sense). It is always a lot of fun so we always look forward to it.

Does anyone else have some fun weekend plans or are you just looking forward to a chance to relax a little?


  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    This weekend is pretty much shot due to work events. Have to go to the airport around midnight to collect the survey team coming in from the USA who are with us this coming week. I think we are ready! Can't wait for the following weekend though! And only 11 more days til my vacation to go home! Yeah!!

    Zac your Swedish event sounds nice. Nice to celebrate different cultures/events. And I believe you would make a GREAT Santa....right down to the hohohoho!!!
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I'm going to spend the next week chained to my desk desperately pumping out christmas photoshoot retouches as fast as I can. It will be worth it when the invoices go out, but I desperately want a nice long bike ride.