How far along and what type of exercise are you doing?

AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
That's pretty much it. Just curious. How far along are y'all and what type of exercise are you doing at this point? Has it changed from earlier in the pregnancy?


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    edited December 2014
    33w5d and I swim 3x a week, anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour 45 mins (depends on how many aquatic classes I take). Sometimes I'll throw in a walk in there.

    I used to walk alot in early pregnancy, but I get out of breath quickly now. I also ran my first 5k 2 days after getting my BFP. Yeah... that's not happening, lol. Elliptical also takes my breath away. :(

    So yea... I'm mainly just focusing on getting in the pool for any amount of time 3 days a week.
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    Going on 35 weeks and all I do is walk.
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    edited December 2014
    I am 29weeks and I do Upper Body with weights, lower body just basic exercise(lunges, squats, etc with no weights) Minimum of 30min Cardio.... It has been helping me keep my figure to almost look like all stomach...

    How it has changed...I use to do heavier lifting with HIIT training alot....I find myself not able to go pass 45min of working out where as it use to be 60-75plus min 5 days....I know it is worth it and I am enjoying..As long as I get something in a min 3 days I am good at 45min.... Many don't do that while pregnant.. :)
  • fit_mama30
    fit_mama30 Posts: 178 Member
    I hit the gym 3-4x a week (or my home gym). I'll try to do at least 2x of weight lifting with 1x cardio. I really want to do 3x weight lifting with a 4th cardio workout but I'm still feeling tired once in a while and just don't feel like pushing myself too much.

    I'm 20 weeks. I'm pretty much doing what I was doing before (elliptical, cardio, zumba, weight lifting) but I've lowered the weight on some lifts (squats and deadliest, mostly). I was also training 5-6x a week and now 4x is my max as I need more recovery time.
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    I'm 33 weeks and still doing Crossfit 5x a week. My modifications have been:
    - Keep heart rate below 170, but still doing all the HIIT cardio, including jump squats, box jumps, etc. I have modified my box jump height to 12" since about 20 weeks.
    - Stopped squatting below parallel @ 28 weeks
    - All squat movements modified to power movements (power cleans & power snatches instead of squatting)
    - Still working up to 100% of pre-pregnancy weights for movements with no pelvic instability (eg: deadlifts, strict overhead presses)
    - Burpees no longer involve a push-up to the floor, more of a squat thrust movement with a jump since about 20 weeks
    - I now use weight plates to give more range of motion for push-ups

    I also have been swimming once or twice a week and cycling to commute to & from work daily.
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    I'm 28 weeks and I do a prenatal barre pilates workout 2-3 times a week, bike on the stationary bike 3 times a week, and am now trying to walk on the treadmill over my lunch break for 20 minutes 2 times a week. The pilates has a cardio sculpt section, but more so it's amazing what the toning has done for me. I look better pregnant than non pregnant because of all the workouts! I love all I've been doing. I miss running though. :(
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Thanks for all the replies! Great to see so many still exercising regularly. Y'all are great motivation to keep moving and keep healthy :). Do all of you feel as though the regular exercise is helping to keep your weight gain in a healthy range? I know the amount of gain depends more on diet, but I personally find that exercising helps me keep my diet on track.
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    I am 14 weeks and I run 20-30 miles per week and take a BodyPump class twice per week. I am looking into swimming and yoga once the belly starts growing.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    25 weeks tomorrow and lift at least 3x a week and throw in pilates at least twice a week.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    AlysonG2 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the replies! Great to see so many still exercising regularly. Y'all are great motivation to keep moving and keep healthy :). Do all of you feel as though the regular exercise is helping to keep your weight gain in a healthy range? I know the amount of gain depends more on diet, but I personally find that exercising helps me keep my diet on track.

    Absolutely. And if nothing else, I think it helps with delivery and bouncing back postpartum too.
  • mkivanoff
    mkivanoff Posts: 7 Member
    only 15 weeks here. I've been super ill the past 3 weeks (colds, sinus infections, fun!) and pretty much stopped working out until this week. I've been getting on our stationary bike 4-5 times a week for about 30 mins each time and walking our dog around the block 2-3 times a week (about 20 mins). I haven't gained any weight yet; in fact i've lost about 2 lbs total.
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    edited December 2014
    I'll be 31 weeks Wednesday, I try to lap swim 5 days a week (Usually 50 minutes a day). I missed last week because I got a fever after Thanksgiving but I went back this weekend. I had morning sickness 5-13 weeks so I was only walking then, but have swum most days since week 13.

    I try to at least go for a walk (20-60 minutes) on days I don't swim, I was doing elliptical on days I could not use the pool at first but I stopped that a while back.

    I was not comfortable enough with my strength training routine to continue it during pregnancy so I hope to get back to it once I've recovered.

    (I'm still down 8 lbs from my-pre pregnancy weight, I haven't been able to gain any but I've tried to stop worrying about that since the baby's heart and measurements have been on track.)
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    Wow, excellent work, ladies!!! I wish I liked lifting, but I really don't. I have a super active Rottweiler who requires a minimum 1 hour daily walk, so she's my gym on four paws. I would consider wrangling her resistance training since she weights 75lbs. LOL.

    The walking has definitely helped me keep the weight down during pregnancy. I'm up 20lbs and I'm hoping to gain another 5 before I have the baby. I've upped my calories slightly by adding a boost shake to my day. Hopefully it does the trick.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I am probably going to be sticking with the elliptical and kickboxing videos from . I used to do hiit and I have been doing stronglifts on and off for the past year but haven't been diligent with it since starting ttc.
  • fit_mama30
    fit_mama30 Posts: 178 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    AlysonG2 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the replies! Great to see so many still exercising regularly. Y'all are great motivation to keep moving and keep healthy :). Do all of you feel as though the regular exercise is helping to keep your weight gain in a healthy range? I know the amount of gain depends more on diet, but I personally find that exercising helps me keep my diet on track.

    Absolutely. And if nothing else, I think it helps with delivery and bouncing back postpartum too.

    Exactly! I feel it helps keeping the weight gain on track. Also, if I'm not in the gym after work, I'm sitting at home and will most likely eat more because I can be bored ;)

    And I know exercising is good for me and my baby, so it's a great motivation to keep moving as much as I can. When I don't feel like it, I think of my baby. I recently saw a documentary about women who worked out throughout their pregnancy and the positive effects on their newborn baby.

    Annnnd... I'm also hoping it's help with delivery and postpartum! It's making me a little more confident about delivery (I'm scared sh*tless). All great reasons to exercise :)
  • fit_mama30
    fit_mama30 Posts: 178 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    AlysonG2 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the replies! Great to see so many still exercising regularly. Y'all are great motivation to keep moving and keep healthy :). Do all of you feel as though the regular exercise is helping to keep your weight gain in a healthy range? I know the amount of gain depends more on diet, but I personally find that exercising helps me keep my diet on track.

    Absolutely. And if nothing else, I think it helps with delivery and bouncing back postpartum too.

    Exactly! I feel it helps keeping the weight gain on track. Also, if I'm not in the gym after work, I'm sitting at home and will most likely eat more because I can be bored ;)

    And I know exercising is good for me and my baby, so it's a great motivation to keep moving as much as I can. When I don't feel like it, I think of my baby. I recently saw a documentary about women who worked out throughout their pregnancy and the positive effects on their newborn baby.

    Annnnd... I'm also hoping it's help with delivery and postpartum! It's making me a little more confident about delivery (I'm scared sh*tless). All great reasons to exercise :)

  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    fit_mama30 wrote: »

    Annnnd... I'm also hoping it's help with delivery and postpartum! It's making me a little more confident about delivery (I'm scared sh*tless). All great reasons to exercise :)

    I am too :# , I've been trying not to focus on how she's going to come out. I'm looking forward to meeting my daughter but at the same time I am dreading the day of her arrival so much. So it's been helpful to keep myself occupied in the evenings with exercise.
  • xelor23
    xelor23 Posts: 44 Member
    I am scared too! But I am more scared of what happens after he is born. Will I know what to do? Will I love him? Will he love me? Sigh. Exercise this pregnancy has been good, then bad, and now it is OK. We ballroom dance 1-2x a week for an hour each time, I try to walk, and I go see my horse (clean the barn, groom, work with them) on the weekends. I was going to a prenatal aquatic/swim class that I loved but then I got busy with other things on those nights and haven't been in over a month :neutral_face:
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    I'm 27 weeks and still doing select workouts from bodybeast, P90x, P90x+ and one or two insanity. I'm careful with my heartrate, don't jump high, use a chair for pull up assist and my weights have been getting lower and lower just because I'm not pushing as hard. I also had to take two weeks easy early on when I was so tired and a bit sick, then with a week of vacation here and there and a head cold last week I lose some strength each time and am not getting it back. but I figure that as long as I am still exercising as much as I feel I can it will only be good for me and the baby. I'm hopeful that still having muscles will help with delivery and recover. Don't know if that's true, but i can hope!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I'm 36wks and all I do is walking and bouncing on my exercise ball lol. I was much more active in the beginning. I ran a 10k @6wks pregnant, did a 5k mud run @ 10wks pregnant and ran a 5k @ 17wks pregnant. I have so much pressure and backaches I can't do much more than walking in fears I will put myself in labor. Once I'm full term I want to go on the elliptical and do some dvds. I had a cervical check today and I was 2cm dilated and 80% effaced so I'm just sticking to the light stuff for another 2wks :)