Two technical questions about using this site

1. Does anyone have problems accessing the 'groups' page using the mobile app? I can access almost everything else except this! Wondering if it is there and I am still under a learning curve with everything, or if it isn't accessible on the mobile app.
2. I learned yesterday what the 'star' at the top means - bookmark! HOWEVER, I bookmarked a discussion from yesterday and it still isn't showing up under my bookmarks. All that shows up is under message board bookmarks, but NOT the ones I marked under 'groups'.

Anyone know about either of these? Thanks for helping the newbie :)) I really appreciate it!


  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited December 2014
    The group functions are not working in mobile apps yet, with the new format of MFP that was integrated in October. There is information about it under the MFP announcements ... at the bottom of the message board categories.

    I use a desk top computer, and groups have not been bookmarked for me either. If you join a group, it will show up under a separate heading on the groups page.
  • ladybug77707
    Thanks, NK1112! Wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something :)))) Appreciate it very much!