Dec 7-Dec 13 Check In Challenge Thread



  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    I was sloppy in Muay thai training today. Just plain sloppy. I know I'm being sloppy and it's not that I'm not working and trying hard. I just cannot clean it up. Arggg
    I keep telling myself" keep it tight, keep it clean" and my punches still came out sloppy. Sigh. At least I didn't get frustrated and I was proud of myself for that. I did my best and it just so happen that my best today was sloppy. You guys know that feeling in baseball when you hit a ball at that sweet spot and everything connects? Well landing a punch correctly feels like that. I just didn't connect today.
    I'm going to put on Taylor Swift's " shake it off" ( yes I'm corny) and the next session is a brand new start!
    Oh my instructor did mention that my sore core is the culprit for my performance today. He also says I need to build my obliques.... I need more torque and stability.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    KC9 how fun. range day! What did you shoot today?
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Happy Birthday Arturo.

    Kevin, congrats on baby #

    Prayers still going out to your friend John.

    Jen, I want to try the Beyond Meat stuff. I signed up for updates when they were making their big debut, but it took forever. Good to hear they are tasty.

    Did 5.87 miles today. Let's just say that the area we started out in was rough. Told her next time we are taking the car up a few miles rather than walk past gangland park (not kidding about that). Was tough to say since she has lived there her entire life, but not my cup of tea. While we were out on our walk she said there was a shootout three streets over. I was not happy. Off to hit the weights.
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Well, Thursday night, I just felt like a burger, so I got Burger King. It immediately made me feel terrible, so it was a good reminder of what not to do, lol.

    Today has not been a great day either. We needed a Pringle's can for a gag gift for my wife's uncle, so you know I just HAAAAADDDD to eat them, lol. And we're about to go to a Christmas party, so poor decisions, ahoy!

    I really need to do something to jump start me, again. My wife mentioned a Whole 30 for January, so I'm thinking about doing that. Especially since it was her idea, because I know she'll be into it, then.
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    On my way to bed almost forgot to check in. Will respond more tomorrow!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    John, I am not using coconut oil for this pot pie crust. I have used it before but never got a chance to taste it