Weight loss stagnation

tedrapaige Posts: 24 Member
Hey all!

I'm currently 4 weeks post-op and had really steady weight loss all through the first three weeks. I weighed myself yesterday (Tuesday) for my weekly self-check in and I've not lost any weight at all.

I know, I know, it probably shouldn't be that big of a deal, but it's distressing me a little.

Any words of encouragement would be really appreciated!


  • readallday
    readallday Posts: 173 Member
    The 3-4 week stall is so common! Your body is getting used to this new normal and healing. Hang in there and you will see it start to drop again. Don't worry. Work your plan and it will break soon!
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    Yup, weight loss is not linear. You will stall and you will lose again. It's all part of the process, so don't stress yourself out.
  • tedrapaige
    tedrapaige Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks, guys. I was starting to panic that I was doing something wrong. I mean, how can I be doing it wrong?! Haha.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    Totally normal! It happened to me and still happens to me. I didn't lose weight the first couple of weeks post op. I have had 4-5 stalls since my surgery, of different durations, with periods in between of steady loss. I imagine that my body loses weight, adjusts to being smaller/stalls, loses weight, adjusts to being smaller/stalls... and so forth.

    For example, I am doing a weight loss challenge right now. I started on 11/6 at 179 lbs. I lost 4 lbs the first week, then was stuck at 175 until just now, nearly six weeks later, when I have suddenly lost another 3.5 lbs (all this week).

    My observations? When I pay attention to what I am eating and drinking, log it, push hydration, get my vitamins in, and actively try to reduce stress and be happy/calm, I tend to have that whoosh weight loss experience. When I lose my focus due to stress and feeling overwhelmed, I get stuck. For me, success is all about mindfulness.

    I would also note that my weight loss tends to slow and temporarily stop when I am exercising a lot.
  • Dannadl
    Dannadl Posts: 120 Member
    Super common. My best advise is to have a friend take your scale away for a month. Otherwise you'll drive yourself nuts. I speak from experience. My husband had to hide the scale from me 3 weeks post op, for a month. My weightloss stalled and I would weigh myself 10 times a day and get crazy frustrated and nuts about it.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    My observations? When I pay attention to what I am eating and drinking, log it, push hydration, get my vitamins in, and actively try to reduce stress and be happy/calm, I tend to have that whoosh weight loss experience. When I lose my focus due to stress and feeling overwhelmed, I get stuck. For me, success is all about mindfulness.

    Very well said, and this is all definitely true in my case.

  • tedrapaige
    tedrapaige Posts: 24 Member
    This is all really great and helpful. Thanks so much! I've always been telling myself to only weigh myself once a week, but that darn scale is there....staring at me. All the time. I've got it down to once a day or even once every two days.

    Based on this, I should probably stay away from it for quite some time, relax, get on with my days (tracking food, drinking, etc), and just stop worrying about it. All in good time.

    It's just so difficult to not think about it since it came off sooo fast right after the op!
  • talinaklocke
    talinaklocke Posts: 42 Member
    tedrapaige wrote: »
    Hey all!

    I'm currently 4 weeks post-op and had really steady weight loss all through the first three weeks. I weighed myself yesterday (Tuesday) for my weekly self-check in and I've not lost any weight at all.

    I know, I know, it probably shouldn't be that big of a deal, but it's distressing me a little.

    Any words of encouragement would be really appreciated!

    I totally feel your frustration here! I had a big drop right after surgery (20 lbs at my 2 week check up!) then it slowed WAY down. Over all I'm down 42 lbs in 3 months, but most of that was the first month, between my 6 week and 3 month appointments I'm only down 5 lbs. It was hard not to be discouraged after since a big start, but like others have said, stalls are normal, you will sometimes go weeks without losing anything and then suddenly lose a bunch again. I'm trying not to stress about it and know that I'm doing everything my doctors have told me, and know that the weight will come off. I've also noticed that while the scale isn't showing me much progress I tend to see it in measurements. The first month I didn't really see any inches lost even with such a big weight loss, but the past 2 months I've seen a lot of inches lost with little weight loss. It's funny how that works, but just keep on doing what you're doing. Remember you didn't gain the weight over night, you gained it over time, and we must lose it the same way. Try to stay positive and step away from the scale!
  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    Talinaklocke - same here! I had a big drop the first two/three weeks and then stalled and slowed. Over past two months, I have only dropped about 5 pounds so overall it looks decent but even my surgeon said it is "slow". Ugh...frustrating but I am seeing inches come down in my measurements so I know that I am toning up. Found some long-lost muscles too! :smiley:
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    Whenever I would feel overwhelmed in the beginning, and even now, 9 years later, I have to remind myself...I have the tools to help myself get through this stall! Its perfectly normal to feel that way. I know others have suggested it, but dont stress on the scale and remember you know what you are doing...push your protein & water...You got this :)
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    It seems like I lose for 3 weeks and stall for 1. I am almost 9 months out and I still do that, no matter how much exercise and water I drink, but it always is in a downward trend and my measurements really go down during the stall week. Be patient, know that we all are doing the same thing. You will soon see the results of your hard work. It is funny how you notice the little things, like seeing your knee cap, seeing the muscle tone. Good luck, you will be ok
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    i no longer own scales after becoming obsessed in the past.
    i get weighed once a month on the same scales at a local store
  • hershey45
    hershey45 Posts: 2 Member
    RNY 3/11/14. 63# down would love to lose at least 20 more. Having a little stall right now, but at least not gaining. 1 year surgerversary around the corner, so the New Year will be bringing new challenges.
  • msam_77048
    msam_77048 Posts: 3 Member
    Lap band 11/20/14 25lbs down and to be honest I think all the scales in my area has completely stopped I'm going into 6weeks post-op and have not lost anything since my first 2weeks post-op nor gain I've got a excercise routine going 3 days a week but this is just crazy ridiculous my first fill was 12/15 I got an appointment set up for another on 1/5 we'll see how it goes after that...the scale has been limit to once a month
  • tedrapaige
    tedrapaige Posts: 24 Member
    It's really helpful to hear from all of you, showing that every journey is different and everyone gets hung up every once in a while. I still haven't lost any since I posted three weeks ago....but....just keeping on and trying to remind myself not to panic.

    I haven't noticed any inch changes, either. Everything fits the same, tape measurer says the same. But it's alright. I'll just keep going.

    Thanks everyone :)
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I've been stalled since September, again. No inches lost either and even a slight bounce up. I am 3.5 years out from sleeve surgery now and the weight loss is very slow with long periods between losses. Like you tedrapaige, I am just continuing on because I'm just not ready to be done yet. You have a great attitide! No need to panic as stalls are normal and if you keep working the plan, you will eventually get off the stall and start losing again.
  • tedrapaige
    tedrapaige Posts: 24 Member
    Just out of curiosity...how many calories a day do you all get through? I don't know if I'm eating too much or too little...
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    What does your surgeon say? In the beginning you really should be eating by volume and measuring your portions. I probably ate 600 calories a day in the beginning and worked my way up to 1200-ish while I was losing. I eat 2000 now to maintain and cut back to 1500 when I need to lose, but we are all different.
  • tedrapaige
    tedrapaige Posts: 24 Member
    They say "don't worry about it". Which leaves me a bit deflated.
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    I try to stay between 600-800 calories per day, and I am just about 6 wks out from surgery. Some days I'm on the low end, some days I'm on the high end or on rare occasions go over. I have my next appt w/ther doctor at 3 mos, so I don't know if the calorie range gets adjusted then, or if this is where I stay until I reach my goal weight. I've had the stalls exactly like you are having. Part of me was freaking, the other part said stop worrying. Now I weigh myself each morning, but that is it. Some days there are strange fluctuations in weight (like gaining 3 lbs overnight?) but mostly I drop-- sometimes very little and then suddenly a couple pounds. We are each a work in progress, so don't worry. Your weight will come off.