Pregnancy after lapband

Is there anyone on here thats had a pregnancy after surgery? Before surgery I weighed 350 pounds at my lowest I weighed 217. And then something amazing happened, I became pregnant! The highest I weighed during my pregnancy was 280. Somethings I realized during my pregnancy is that not many ob/gyn doctors know much about weight loss surgery. I was running daily and training for a half marathon before I found out I was pregnant. During the later stages I was basically told I needed to gain more weight because the lapband wouldn't let me retain all the nutrition I needed. I could not convince him otherwise. After a c-section and 4 months post pregnancy I now weigh 255. I've gotten back into running and love to take my son out for runs with me. I now have a new reason to stay healthy and fit. I would love to hear other mothers experience with pregnancy after surgery.


  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    Congratulations to you on the new baby! That is amazing! As a woman who had to lose 40 pounds in order to overcome infertility issues and get pregnant with my second child, I know how tremendous it is to get to the place where you can be a healthy, pregnant mom and deliver a healthy baby.

    I am glad to hear about your experience. I don't have any information to add to it in response, but it is good to know because I have a younger friend who had lapband, I will relate your story, to ensure that when the time comes for her, she makes sure that her OB is knowledgeable on the issues specially applicable to lapbanders.