Paleo Reset, January 1st

SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
All who are interested; I am going to do a reset in January because it would be insane for me to try one a few weeks before the Holidays. This will give everyone who is interested in it the time to get psyched up for the task. Call it a Whole30, or anything you like but one month of clean eating is what I am after.

Anyone else interested?


  • mizpoke
    mizpoke Posts: 171 Member
    In. Will probably need it after the holidays.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    I'll join in with you. although I'm trying now, the holidays have caused me to be really liberal. I'll definitely need a reboot!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    SO are there rules? I definitely need some sort of reset as well, however I am not sure I can comply with all the Whole 30 rules that long.
  • redworkgirl
    redworkgirl Posts: 4 Member
    I'll be joining you for sure...
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    There are some good sites, here is just one of them I may tweak mine more towards the Primal Blueprint which I am reading currently. Most of these regiments are very similar but feel free to figure out what you can prepare for and work with. I did this back in March or April and 30 days flew by pretty fast and I would encourage people to try the whole program to see if they can make it. If you cannot then peel away the area that is kicking you butt.

    Most people can and will make their determinations up before they start and I would advise anyone doing this do the same i.e. figure out if you are going to do it with restricted dairy (a lot of people need their Half & Half in their coffee) or to drop it completely, I did it and had no issues, after I reintroduced Half and Half I found no issues but dropped it because I kind of like my coffee black now.

    Just so you do not worry too much, no one here is going to rip on you if you trip up, we all have and we all know what it is like to have someone tongue lash you when you do, we are here to support each other and help each other up if we trip.

    I am actually going to drop coffee altogether and go decaf Green Tea as a personal challenge for the whole month and I am on a mission currently to find a good tasting Green Tea before then.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited December 2014
    OK Then I am in. I will come up with my personal commitments here before then so you all can hold me accountable (to some degree). Whole 30 is just a bit too much for me right now! But I CAN commit to improving some areas. I think off the top of my head the big one is dairy.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    edited December 2014
    In with Primal Blueprint. Am actually working now to achieve 80/20 during the holidays. I will eat a piece or two of homemade fudge. We only make it the week of Christmas. Other than that, there aren't many holiday foods that are calling my name this year. Since we went gluten free a few years back I sort of lost my taste for Christmas cookies.

    Although... one of the dd bought an almond paste filled stollen, and I might have my usual slice for New Year's breakfast. Or I might just settle for pumpkin custard (or pie with coconut crust) instead. Sounds more inviting somehow, even though I haven't noticed any difference on the rare occasions I eat wheat. We went gluten free as a family to protect one dd who is celiac. (But her sisters buy gluten foods sometimes with their allowances. Maybe someday they'll choose differently.)
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    In with Primal Blueprint. Am actually working now to achieve 80/20 during the holidays. I will eat a piece or two of homemade fudge. We only make it the week of Christmas. Other than that, there aren't many holiday foods that are calling my name this year. Since we went gluten free a few years back I sort of lost my taste for Christmas cookies.

    Although... one of the dd bought an almond paste filled stollen, and I might have my usual slice for New Year's breakfast. Or I might just settle for pumpkin custard (or pie with coconut crust) instead. Sounds more inviting somehow, even though I haven't noticed any difference on the rare occasions I eat wheat. We went gluten free as a family to protect one dd who is celiac. (But her sisters buy gluten foods sometimes with their allowances. Maybe someday they'll choose differently.)

    As a fellow Celiac with your DD, I thank you for that! I wish my DH would, but he still eats plenty of it.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    Yeah, I'm in as well. I'm familiar with Primal Blueprint, so I'll dig that out of the kitchen library and read up & prepare. I'll be circling the wagons in the meantime, but I'm kidding myself to get started before the new year - too many office dinners, etc.

    One suggestion, Clutchbone: since January is 31 days long, let's start on Jan 2! That'll give us a day to recoup from New Years Eve and finish off the leftover crap while watching the Rose Bowl. ;)
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    OK, I have come up with my challenge for January. No dairy for 30 days, No Junk for 30 days (defined as prepackaged, processed, fast food, chips, or french fries). Low to Moderate carbs (Under 100g). If I am dying for something I may make a homemade treat, such as Paleo Chicken Nuggets and some type of alternative fry. January 31st, I can have a cheat meal if I like, but I am hoping I won't want it by then.
  • ElisaMicciulli
    ElisaMicciulli Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in as well! Clutchbone, you must've already tried it, but Bigelow Green Tea with Pomegranite is delicious :-)
  • Nayners21
    Nayners21 Posts: 76 Member
    I am in! I am still new at this PALEO eating, but I definitely going to check out the "WHole30" plan to see what that is about. I am already admitting that I will slip up (ie, soda drinker right here), but I will do my best!
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    Im in!!!!
  • Pr0crastinat0r
    Pr0crastinat0r Posts: 2 Member
    I am in.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I'm in too! I did a Whole 30 last year at the time too! They are tough, especially when doing hard workouts!
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Yeah, I'm in as well. I'm familiar with Primal Blueprint, so I'll dig that out of the kitchen library and read up & prepare. I'll be circling the wagons in the meantime, but I'm kidding myself to get started before the new year - too many office dinners, etc.

    One suggestion, Clutchbone: since January is 31 days long, let's start on Jan 2! That'll give us a day to recoup from New Years Eve and finish off the leftover crap while watching the Rose Bowl. ;)

    I like it! But people should do what works best for them so 1st or 2nd will work. I will also be dairy free, grain free (as always), legume free and sugarish free. I am not endorsing sugar but I have had a hard time finding bacon without it and I do not eat it everyday, I am dropping my dark chocolate that I have every day and anything else that may have some in it.

  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Welcome to all the new people posting here. I am sending out an invite to anyone in here if they are looking for support in any way, feel free to accept, I am not offended at declines either.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    ClutchBone wrote: »
    Yeah, I'm in as well. I'm familiar with Primal Blueprint, so I'll dig that out of the kitchen library and read up & prepare. I'll be circling the wagons in the meantime, but I'm kidding myself to get started before the new year - too many office dinners, etc.

    One suggestion, Clutchbone: since January is 31 days long, let's start on Jan 2! That'll give us a day to recoup from New Years Eve and finish off the leftover crap while watching the Rose Bowl. ;)

    I like it! But people should do what works best for them so 1st or 2nd will work. I will also be dairy free, grain free (as always), legume free and sugarish free. I am not endorsing sugar but I have had a hard time finding bacon without it and I do not eat it everyday, I am dropping my dark chocolate that I have every day and anything else that may have some in it.
    On Bacon, there is sugar listed in Oscar Mayer uncured but 0g on the nutrition label so I count that as OK-ish. I prefer to get it from local meat vendors but its double the price. There is a Stevia sweetened Dark Chocolate I really like on the rare occasion I need sweets...Lilly's.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    ClutchBone wrote: »
    I am not endorsing sugar but I have had a hard time finding bacon without it and I do not eat it everyday
    Here's where a little critical thinking comes in handy....

    The paleo/primal gurus decree that sugar is bad (it is). Zealous followers interpret that to mean every molecule of sugar is anathema. But, consider:

    - there are sugars in the vegetables we eat, the fruits, the wines, etc. Obviously sugar per se isn't verboten, but the use of copious amounts of it - whether natural or refined.

    Sodas, candy, desserts etc. are primarily sugar - obviously avoided. But the amount of sugar in the bacon cure is less than the residual sugar in a glass of wine, so isn't that a bit of tilting at windmills?

    My $.02US ;)

  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    cindytw, I was never a big chocolate fan until I started Paleo but I am now. I discovered dark chocolate and now will not touch anything below 85%, the sugar is minimal in the stuff I eat but I am dropping it because I did it before and I can do it again, I tend to be very disciplined with myself and look at it as a personal challenge, I am weird in this way.

    I agree monkeydharma, that is why I am not sweating it, I am lucky if I have it twice a week and I do spend extra for the higher end Whole Foods bacon to keep away from nitrites and such.