Dec 14-Dec 20 Challenge Thread



  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Heron - He came from Africa.

    Just wanted to pass along as well I enjoy the CN discussion going on. I find it clinically interesting, and for those of you able to stick with a program that I can not seem to work into my lifestyle, I have to say I admire what you are able to do.

    Carol - Another Great Podcast today! Looking forward to our session. and talking about Wellness.
  • leopardprintaholic
    I love this group!

    Heron, thank you SO MUCH for sharing, as I'm also following the CNS protocol :) Being a babe over 50, I've decided not to do my "Carb Nite" as frequently. Loving the "non-hunger effect of ULC right now, Hallelujah! Over the past 3.5 years I've lost over 100lbs eating ULC, so the thought of a full-blown Carb Nite kinda freaks me out, truth be told ;) ~DebSue
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Good morning everybody.

    Kris, today is a new day. I hope it's a better one for you.

    Heron, hello. :) I'm enjoying your posts.

    DebSue, awesometastic! Over 100lbs lost is amazing!!!!

    I'm enjoying the Carb Nite talk. I'm not really following any plan in particular, other than trying to get rid of some of the bad habits I've had for years (soda, artificial sweeteners, packaged foods). I feel so far I'm not doing too bad with it but I still have a long way to go for sure. It's very interesting seeing all of the different plans that people are on (and I'll admit, I have no idea what some of you are talking about - hehehe). I really like the fact that even though people are doing different things, there isn't the bashing of others because what they are doing is 'wrong'. We all need to do what works for ourselves.

    I hope everybody has a wonderful day.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Hoooah! Sort of Thursday Folks!

    Challenges of yesterday are behind us. Tighten your ruck straps, check your ammo, function check your No Thank You gun, check your battle buddies equipment, intel has it that the enemy is using multiple booby trap formats including chocolate and icing trip wires attached to custard bombs and mines, keep focused on the trail, immediate action in the event of a large formation carb encounter, treat the wounds with water, fix bayonets and and defend in place, cut those suckers from their gut to their jawbone, and above all keep MOVIN'! call for support on this frequency, The rest of us will cover you in your fight. Carol! TJ! You've got point, get out there and find the best trail through the mines and trip wires,
    All right everybody, focus on the trail ahead, remember we are the tip of the spear, our families, our friends, our country, are counting on us to lead the way and clear the path, up Wellness Ridge. We may take casualties in this fight, but we will leave no one behind, All right Scouts Out! Skirmish line formation on me extend right, Heron and Arturo! You've got the flanks. All right, Move out! Follow Me! I am the Infantry.
  • jeffreyschmitt34
    jeffreyschmitt34 Posts: 46 Member
    Day 18 let's go
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Thursday! AJ live Consultation day!!!

    Thanks for the presentation wishes everyone! Yesterday was a good day. Hit my Marcos nearly dead on to the assigned grams, and had a CarbNite that was enjoyable but one that I didn't feel like a bloated beached whale by end of night. Last minute switch from the cereal idea to a piece of cherry stollen. Honestly of all things cereal scares me a bit...I can start eating Frosted Mini Wheats or Frosted Flakes and just keep eating bowls until the box is gone. There's very few foods that trigger binges in my, but I'm afraid cereal is one. Probably gonna stay away from it.

    Back to the scale thing. I used to weigh daily, put in spreadsheet which calculated 7 day average, 30 day running average, trend lines, etc (yeah, yeah I'm a bit analytical and love fancy spreadsheets). Like others mentioned my weight could fluctuate 5 lbs a day or day over day. Once I cut out the processed carbs the wild flucuations stopped. Now I'm once per week. Morning of CarbNite (not morning after).

    Jennifer-baby steps are good. They are how I got to the lifestyle and habits I have today. Like you I started with cutting out sodas. Make a little change, stick with it until it's a habit or just normal, add another. Then another. For me trying to tackle everything at once was overwhelming...and lead to many"oh well, I screwed up XXX, so might as well eat YYY and ZZZ and skip walking, and and and"

    Been mulling over a blog post on that subject. My poor blog nothing new in well over a year. I used to be so good about it. I guess all these other new good habits have back burner end least for awhile.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Down .4 lbs
    Not much but I'll take it. I consider it holding steady in this crazy month !
    Happy Thursday all!!!
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    heronh wrote: »

    Has anybody tried these products?

    Heron, I've tried other protein chips and they scratch the "salty snack" itch. I haven't tried the quest ones, but their bars are fantastic. I didn't know they made these chips. You might want to try a GNC to see if they have single bags, because they are big on Quest products. Better to taste first if you can.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Heron, Thanks for sharing those cat gizmos. They cracked me up and are a great idea. Remind me of the dog compression vests that one of my friend uses during storms. It went fairly well. He is a tough 14-year old cat with attitude, but he doesn't scratch or bite me. Nips when I have brushed him too long and occasionally nips the back of my legs when they are bare. Think that is because he considers me "his woman"! haha That deep throated growl he gave while cleaning scared the heck out of the dog, but (Jen will appreciate this...) that is because as soon as the bath was over, he went over and did some boxing moves on the dog like "look what you made them do to me" I quickly said "You boys want your treats?" and all was forgiven. haha I just love those "kids"

    TJ, I DID make the dressing and it was delicious. We are excited about it. I would say that condiments are the worst things we use in terms of processed. This helps clean stuff up more. Thank you and Heron who shared the recipes! Also, I have been craving a BK egg and cheese biscuit for weeks now AND hash rounds. It is crazy!

    kc9ljo, I see those cookies are still calling you. Have you had any yet? I have a deal around the holidays that I can have a couple. Otherwise I am consumed by that unfulfilled desire. The key is for ME not to bake any. I had one this week and I am no longer craving those babies!

    Jeffrey, Congrats on the weight loss!!! Keep on rockin'!

    Kevin, Proud of you for making it a small one. Hope it was enjoyable. I will be back to post on the scale thing. I have a lot to say about that one. Surprise:)

    John, I would be a mix of the two. I wasn't thinking the right one was African. Instead, I thought that the left one would be the Polish & Romanian in me. Stocky, muscular build. The right would be the Finnish & Swedish side of me. Unfortunately that would only be the long core that USED TO BE lean!

    Kim, Congrats on killing the presentation! Woohoo:)

    Jen and DebSue, Your support and giggles on my feed are wonderful. Thank you!!! Feeling better this morning:)

    Chris, How are you feeling this morning??? As for the injury, I tore my ACL at a mud run on Sept. 6th. Yes, I remember the date! Surgery is happening next year. Has to. As for investing in proper running gear, DO IT! I was watching a documentary on the history of the NYC marathon and cracked up at the old-school, Rocky-style sweats people were wearing. I remember those and confess to owning some Walmart versions of them that I wear around the house. haha No really, I swear by running tights (never thought I would get my sausage legs in those), compression tops, running socks and most of Buffs. I have more than I care to admit. Love them! I scored some Under Armor wicking tops at the resale shop that still had the tags on them. Three bucks for UA is very cool.

    I think I have caught up with a few posts. I will be back later to hit any I missed and update you on the day from hell. Off to seize the day. Today is Country Western Day for Spirit Week. Think it will just look like I am wearing "clothes" since I can't stomach wearing my straw cowboy hat. Too many hats, for too long this week!

  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Half the cake is still sitting in the office kitchen... but it's coffee and almonds for me today for breakfast.

  • easmythcrna
    easmythcrna Posts: 47 Member
    So Happy It's Thursday... Long night last night and skipped dinner. Coffee... Good...
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Had a stressful day and even more stressful evening but managed to avoid the temptation to eat-for-comfort. Had a great weigh in this morning at Weight Watchers, but not sure how it happened. Only had 2 good days of good eating and tracking.
  • leopardprintaholic

    Who can relate? Lol :) At least at the moment I'm chewing on bacon! Sending cheers of encouragement out to all for a fab Thursday. We are empowered to succeed! Chomp, chomp, chomp. ~DebSue
  • angelaneale
    angelaneale Posts: 102 Member
    Just checking in...finally! Looks like you all are extremely consistent. Awesome!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Stacy, way to go! That is awesome! I think the great weigh in means that deep down you know what to eat if you are focus and conscious about it, even if you are not logging you were in that mindset? Just a thought..

    Carol, 4 lbs is no small feat, especially this time of the year and also the fact that you don't have much to lose (according to your goal, I think you look great! ;) )

    Kevin, continue to say no to the cake! You got this!

    Thank you to those who gave me input on those low carb products. It really helped

    John, alright I will follow you!

    Kim, great job on your carb nite. And yes your were wise to stay away from those cereal. Mine is English muffin. I will eat all 6 of them if I open a pack.

    Chris, good quality workout clothes are expensive!! But they are worth it, because they'll last longer and work better. The key to working out in the cold is like Kris mention wicking material. You want the sweat to evaporate ASAP so you won't feel cold. You want to wear tight stuff against your skin. For men when they wear compression pants, a lot of them would throw a pair of shorts over it. For the top you'd want a compression base layer and a light weight running jacket that allows moisture to evaporate out but also keep moisture out. Also performance underwear is very important, you don't want to be dry everywhere but have a damp ahem crotch. That will cause friction and just plain uncomfortable. I like Duluth's buck naked performance underwear, they have it in both men and women. Ladies, those panties are AWESOME they don't ride, they are so comfortable that you don't even feel that you are wearing underwear and they dry super fast. My Muay Thai session are intense, "I'm drenched in sweat" type of workout and by the time I got home, my panties that were still on me are dry.'panties&processor=content'
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    I am having a rough patch. I am not progressing in my training and weight loss in fact in both case I have regressed LOL But am I upset about it? Nope! The old me would have.
    I messed up on my diet by going crazy with the sweets and I learned a valuable lesson. I know these are just normal small bumps on my journey. :)
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    heronh wrote: »
    I am having a rough patch. I am not progressing in my training and weight loss in fact in both case I have regressed LOL But am I upset about it? Nope! The old me would have.
    I messed up on my diet by going crazy with the sweets and I learned a valuable lesson. I know these are just normal small bumps on my journey. :)

    You are so great, Heron!
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Hey, everyone.

    Kris, I'm glad you liked the ranch!
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    So... my day went from normal to nuts in a hurry. By 2:00 I was back at work after running all over town due to a problem with a gift we got my pastor. It all worked out fine but I got to work and hadn't eaten anything but a quarter cup of almonds for breakfast... the cake was still there.... BUT as I contemplated giving in.... the assistant manager informed me she had some summer sausage I could have.

    No cake for this guy!