Clean Eating



  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Okay everyone... not sure how but I am on the wrong weigh in spreadsheet. Gee Whiz! I wondered why I couldn't see anyone else's numbers. :\
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    The community and challenge have been helpful incentives for staying on task. Having my family on board has also been huge. But, alas, a new ten day period begins.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Didn't sleep well Tuesday night. I knew I could potentially have some cravings as a result on Wednesday. Gave in to some processed foods/snacks. Today I was continuing to crave foods/snacks that I don't normally crave. It certainly wasn't worth it. Tomorrow, I have everything lined back up with my favorite REAL foods. Also slept better last night and have gone to some effort to do the same tonight. Should be back on target tomorrow. Moral of the story is to make sure that I have a better game plan for healthy foods when I occasionally have unhealthy cravings.
  • MsEye
    MsEye Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Congratulations Marcella, job well done. The past couple weeks have really been challenging due to out of town guests. They leave tomorrow and as much as I hate to see them leave I'm eager to rid my house of all the junk food.
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    edited January 2015
    Don't forget weigh ins are tomorrow! If you can't find the spreadsheet, send me a quick message and I can send you the link.

    I am afraid I have not done very well this week. Ugh! I am counting on the rest of you represent the Clean Eating team! You can do it!!!

    Keep on moving!
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    My bad... weigh ins are the 21st. Doh! I guess I am excited to see the results... and who gets excited about weighing in???? lol

    Have a great day!
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Just logged my weigh in on the spreadsheet! Let's go Team! We are a team of 4, the smallest group in the challenge. This really motivates me to push harder... I don't want to let you down! Keep on Moving!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Back slid a bit. Will be picking up the pace for the next weigh-in.
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi, Gals!
    As I'm sure you know I was out sick AGAIN. Boo. This time I was in bed for almost a week. Some sort of weird strep/flu/heart palpitations thing. I hope most of you saw my message when I first got sick. As always, if you have any questions, you can always message me.
    Thank you for holding down the fort, Coops...and everyone else!
    Julia, that's okay! It happens to almost everyone and the important thing is that you are still here! And a fresh round is upon us. :smiley:
    I agree...being the smallest team only gives us opportunity to show our SPUNK! You know it's the littlest ones that have the biggest hearts. Keep going, Team!!
    Are you participating in the fitness challenge?
    Unfortunately, this round I barely got in any exercise at all. I was on such a roll before I got sick! Nothing to be done about it :) and I got back on the horse today.
    We are going out of town for the weekend and there will probably be at least three restaurants involved. One of them Chinese. Definitely not clean eating! I will choose the best I can. I'm praying I have good willpower and make healthy choices.
    Have a great day! Weigh-in results posted soon...and remember-we start a new round now!!
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
    PS I'm planning on keeping up with the fitness side by taking advantage of the hotel gym.
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Why is it we have a weigh in, I log my weight, the next day i drop 2 pounds???? UGH! Oh well.. if I keep this off for this next weigh in I will be happy, happy, happy!

    I am sooo glad you are back kris! Keep working on getting healthier and stronger! When I have Chinese I always go for pure protein and veggies. Nothing fried, and no carbs, rice, noodles, wontons, etc....

    I just started back at being more consistent with my workouts so I am adding to the fitness sheet. I am not doing anything crazy, just nice easy paces. And I lost 3 pounds of water in 2 days... I'm taking it. LOL

    Keep on Moving!
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
    Ha, I know. It's so exciting to drop the weight, but WHY is the timing always that way?
    Thank you! I'm feeling worse today. Boo. Ah, well, vitamins and as much rest and good food as possible. Thanks for the advice. I was just sitting here concerned about that Chinese food. Rice and noodles are desperately my weakness... But in the end, it's just food, right?
    I'm focusing on meat and broccoli and whatever other veggies I can find!
    Good job with the fitness! Yep, doesn't always matter how intense. In the long run, we just need to move. Way to go on those 3 pounds!!
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Good Monday Morning everyone! I hope everyone did well over the weekend! I find by logging in on the weekends I am more conscious of what I am eating. I always used to blow off counting my calories on Sat/Sun... well now that I am logging every day no matter what day it is, it keeps me honest!

    A new challenge week has begun.... if you can remember 1 mile per every 15 minutes.. let's see how many miles we can clock on challenge 3!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
    Yes, weekends can be tough! Good job logging! Even if I end up eating a higher amount of calories but log it, I still feel better knowing I was accountable.

    Our weekend away was good. I didn't do too badly with the restaurant foods! I didn't lose any weight, but I didn't gain any, either. I did hit my head while we were away. (Always scary.) And the next day, guess what I did? Hit my head on the other side! So if you see a funny looking gal with matching bruises, that's me! I think I really need to slow down this week and just focus on rest and good nutrition.

    After being sick and then being out of town, I'm sooooo looking forward to getting back to exercising! I was going to workout in the hotel gym, but I didn't want to leave our pups in the hotel room alone. I did some basic exercise in the hotel room. It wasn't majorly intense, but I'm glad I got something in.

    Let's finish round 3 STRONG!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I have also started logging my foods on the weekends. It does seem to help. I just really, really have to do a better job of remembering to exercise during the day. I guess that's my new focus.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm looking forward to posting better numbers on the weigh-in spreadsheet next time. Just have to get moving!
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Kris: At least you got some kind of work out in! Anything is better than Nothing! I am laughing at the visual of your matching bruises. lol You sound like you just need to relax and no mindless munching! :)

    Julia: keep on moving! I like the saying... no matter how slow you go, you are still lapping the person sitting on the couch! Sometimes I feel like a walking bumper sticker. LOL

    I have been pretty darn proud of myself... well until last night... I have to admit... Bugles are NOT considered "clean eating" food. *face palm* :# But other than the one Binge Ho attack, I have been seriously nailing my calories!! Sweet!

    I am sooooo hoping to post a loss this week.. and I mean at least 2 pounds! And not the next day either. =) I have 3 days of biking in and I am going for 4 tonight! Toot toot! Who knows I might just go for 5 tomorrow! I know I am enjoying having the work out center all to myself after work. No one can hear or see me chuggin and puffin on the spinners! hee hee hee

    Keep on Moving Team! let's take the blue ribbon this week!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Yippee! Had a much better week. Back on target and planned ahead for when I was out and about. Continuing to work on getting the exercise in.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited February 2015
    Melissa: Great exercising! Hope your numbers are more to your liking this week.

    Kris: Hope you are continuing feel all better this week.
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Well... I blew the weigh in .... again. UGH! My scale goes up and down a matter of 2 pounds over night... so I know it is sodium issue related, but it is making me nuts! I am going to get more miles logged in this week! My miles look pretty good but they aren't good enough when I keep going up and down on the scale like this.

    Still not giving up! Just going to have to really pay attention to my salt intake! Last night with superbowl food was not as good as it could have been! I still don't understand what is so wrong about chicken wings!!! I don't like them breaded and I only go for the medium heat... but my neighbor says it is the skin on them that makes the wings so bad for us. I keep thinking, "Well it is white meat!". Um. No. I need to stop fooling myself and make better choices to get that scale to move down and keep moving down!