SMART CARBERS (Smart Carbohydrates) and Calorie Counting/LCHF



  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,412 Member
    edited January 2015
    What brings you to the group?
    I want to get my sugar intake under control! I've been putting on weight and back up to where I started 3 years ago. I'm feeling pretty bad I let myself down (again!)
    Eating plan?
    I'm following Weight Watchers points and logging my food over there but I want to reduce any added sugars from my diet. I'm allowing complex carbs in the form of brown rice, veggies, fruits
    Are you doing Low carbs or low glycemic carbs?
    I guess more low carb, my main plan is just to eliminate sugars in simple carbs like cookies, milk chocolate, etc.
    What is your nutrition approach?
    Make sure I get in enough complex carbs, protein and fat. I've always had issues getting in enough fat and I need to aim for 2 tsps of olive oil a day (per ww's)
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    edited January 2015
    What brings you to the group?
    I was doing well in 2014 until I went to a cruise November 2014. I need to jump start my progress and lose the pounds I gained year end. It is an "epidemic" for me to go back to my bad eating habits year end.

    Eating plan?
    I am doing low carbs with no more than 45 grams. 15% Carbs, 55% Protein and 30% Fat. I am planning to do this until I reach my ideal weight of 140. I have approximately 16 pounds to go. It is a bit abrupt but to jump start this is what I need to do.

    What is your nutrition approach?
    In the beginning I will be using Premier Protein shakes, only 18 pieces or 36 uses. To "shock" my system. Jan 5 to 9, this is also our church fasting and prayer time.
    Breakfast for me is egg and egg white.
    Snack and lunch consist of Protein Shake.
    Dinner is protein and 1/4 cup of rice or 1 piece of bread.

    After which I will be doing LCHF until I reach my goal weight.

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,412 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Sorry I was absent over the weekend but it's hard to keep up with just my iPad so you'll find I'm more of a weekday poster then a weekend poster :)

    I got on the scale this morning and boy I was not happy. But I have my plan and even though I feel shaky I think I can do it. First step is to eliminate all simple carbs. So no more ice cream at night and I need to watch myself at work when I get stressed. It's too easy to get into the junk food here! I am doing Weight Watchers as I've been successful 2 times previously so I feel like I need to give it another shot. This time though they have coaches!

    So I think my main big problem is that I've been so lazy lately with my eating that as soon as I crave something I just go eat it and I've been doing that for months so now it's a very bad habit. I'm so scared that I won't be able to stop doing it!! I think if I can get through 3 days without sugar the cravings will start disappearing. My plan is to post daily on how I do in the morning. If I give into sugar I give you permission to slap my hand :)

    Today is day 1 of 3 with no added cookies, no ice cream, no chocolate. I can have fruit (2 servings only) and unlimited vegetables like lettuce, celery, etc.

    Here I go!!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Happy Monday everyone! Sorry I was absent over the weekend but it's hard to keep up with just my iPad so you'll find I'm more of a weekday poster then a weekend poster :)

    I got on the scale this morning and boy I was not happy. But I have my plan and even though I feel shaky I think I can do it. First step is to eliminate all simple carbs. So no more ice cream at night and I need to watch myself at work when I get stressed. It's too easy to get into the junk food here! I am doing Weight Watchers as I've been successful 2 times previously so I feel like I need to give it another shot. This time though they have coaches!

    So I think my main big problem is that I've been so lazy lately with my eating that as soon as I crave something I just go eat it and I've been doing that for months so now it's a very bad habit. I'm so scared that I won't be able to stop doing it!! I think if I can get through 3 days without sugar the cravings will start disappearing. My plan is to post daily on how I do in the morning. If I give into sugar I give you permission to slap my hand :)

    Today is day 1 of 3 with no added cookies, no ice cream, no chocolate. I can have fruit (2 servings only) and unlimited vegetables like lettuce, celery, etc.

    Here I go!!!

    I did weight watchers in 2012 and became a lifetime member. I am contemplating of doing it again. The company pays for our membership except $30. I think the next company sign up is February. I will keep you posted.
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »

    I need to eliminate simple sugars for the first week and really get a reset!


    I'm starting today...eliminating simple sugars! They are a killer for my waist line and need to get back on track!! :)

    5 days of no sugar for me. Woohoo. I eyed a cookie bar at work but didn't want to break my streak. I am so much happier to be able to say I did it right now!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    I also did weight watchers in the past and became a lifetime member. They have a lot of great information and ideas.

    Carl, do you ever pack healthy snacks to have with you so that you can have those and avoid the temptations at work? That is one of the things I learned at ww. Having a protein bar or nuts in my purse or bag has saved me from making a poor decision many times. (now it just needs to be every time!)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,412 Member
    Carl, do you ever pack healthy snacks to have with you so that you can have those and avoid the temptations at work? That is one of the things I learned at ww. Having a protein bar or nuts in my purse or bag has saved me from making a poor decision many times. (now it just needs to be every time!)

    Oh yes! I have yogurt with me every day, raw almonds in my desk drawer, fruit, etc. When I'm stressed my mind just goes blank and I reach for the worst thing possible. Bad habit likely that will take 21 days to break :)

  • 150ish
    150ish Posts: 6 Member
    What brings you to the group?
    To get ideas from others, support

    Eating plan?
    Low carb high protein. More veggies. Less sugar.

    Are you doing Low carbs or low glycemic carbs?
    Low glycemic seem like a better description.

    What is your nutrition approach?
    -Eat as clean as I can.
    -3 meals and 2 snacks
    -1 cheat day and hope that doesn't turn tun into a cheat weekend or week :D

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,412 Member
    Good morning all! Yesterday went very well! My only dessert type item I had yesterday was a yoplait light yogurt after dinner which is like 90 calories or 2 points. Today I'm starting off with a big bowl of oatmeal! I have a salad packed for lunch with extra chicken, fruit and yogurt for snacks. I remember back when I was very successful I used to bring plain greek yogurt with just a tiny bit of maple syrup in it (like 1/2 tsp). I really need to get back to doing that and away from artificial sweeteners but one step at a time! I'm slowly remembering what I used to do! Hope everyone has a very successful (and happy) day!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Good morning all! Yesterday went very well! My only dessert type item I had yesterday was a yoplait light yogurt after dinner which is like 90 calories or 2 points. Today I'm starting off with a big bowl of oatmeal! I have a salad packed for lunch with extra chicken, fruit and yogurt for snacks. I remember back when I was very successful I used to bring plain greek yogurt with just a tiny bit of maple syrup in it (like 1/2 tsp). I really need to get back to doing that and away from artificial sweeteners but one step at a time! I'm slowly remembering what I used to do! Hope everyone has a very successful (and happy) day!!

    WW at work will begin when we get back from SFO which I think is Feb 2015. I will join for accountability since I will weigh in and must aim for my lifetime membership again. I am doing well as far as Low Carb from Jan 2 my carbs has not even been above 45 grams. I am doing a lot of progress. I will stay low carbs until I get down to ideal weight - that is the goal plan of Ideal Protein. Good luck on your goals and REV UP THAT JUMP START!!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    150ish wrote: »
    What brings you to the group?
    To get ideas from others, support

    Eating plan?
    Low carb high protein. More veggies. Less sugar.

    Are you doing Low carbs or low glycemic carbs?
    Low glycemic seem like a better description.

    What is your nutrition approach?
    -Eat as clean as I can.
    -3 meals and 2 snacks
    -1 cheat day and hope that doesn't turn tun into a cheat weekend or week :D

    Welcome.... For now I am doing very low carb not more than 45 grams per day. High on protein. Prayer and fasting week is very encouraging for me as well. I do pray so hard when I am tempted to eat sugar or carbs. Good luck and we can do this!! Take care
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Good morning all! Yesterday went very well! My only dessert type item I had yesterday was a yoplait light yogurt after dinner which is like 90 calories or 2 points. Today I'm starting off with a big bowl of oatmeal! I have a salad packed for lunch with extra chicken, fruit and yogurt for snacks. I remember back when I was very successful I used to bring plain greek yogurt with just a tiny bit of maple syrup in it (like 1/2 tsp). I really need to get back to doing that and away from artificial sweeteners but one step at a time! I'm slowly remembering what I used to do! Hope everyone has a very successful (and happy) day!!

    Great job yesterday and planning ahead today!

    During the week I tend to do well- always pack up my salad, proteins, and two protein shakes. Need to make sure that I stay on track on the weekends to. Have an out of town soccer tournament this weekend, my son's ( which is more often than not in my house, though will have a break with the traveling part in Feb.).
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,412 Member
    Good morning all! Well yesterday was a bomb - I was just starving all day and by 3:00pm I had enough and gave in. Today however is a new day and I'm starting with a better breakfast (one with extra protein and some actual fat to keep me going). Yesterday I just had Quaker Weight Control Oatmeal and it didn't even last me 1 1/2 hours before I was starving again. I should treat it more of a snack rather than a meal. But I owe it, I logged it and today I move on!

    Today will be a busy one at work so hopefully it will keep me out of trouble :o

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Good morning all! Yesterday went very well! My only dessert type item I had yesterday was a yoplait light yogurt after dinner which is like 90 calories or 2 points. Today I'm starting off with a big bowl of oatmeal! I have a salad packed for lunch with extra chicken, fruit and yogurt for snacks. I remember back when I was very successful I used to bring plain greek yogurt with just a tiny bit of maple syrup in it (like 1/2 tsp). I really need to get back to doing that and away from artificial sweeteners but one step at a time! I'm slowly remembering what I used to do! Hope everyone has a very successful (and happy) day!!

    Great job yesterday and planning ahead today!

    During the week I tend to do well- always pack up my salad, proteins, and two protein shakes. Need to make sure that I stay on track on the weekends to. Have an out of town soccer tournament this weekend, my son's ( which is more often than not in my house, though will have a break with the traveling part in Feb.).

    Yesterday we had to go back home on our way to work, hubby worked remote. I was supposed to do protein shake until dinner but I ended up eating. Also the cold weather didnt help much. On the possitive side my carbs were still below 50 grams. Let us see how it goes today.

    Carl....I will join WW at work for accountability I like the fact that I have to weigh in
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Carl, I like that you figured out the problem and are making a change today. My oatmeal does not hold me till lunch either. I always have a portion shake around 10:30. Everyone in the office knows when it is 10:30- when they hear the shaking, shaking shaking of me mixing up my protein shake.
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    I did it. I actually did it. Seven whole days with no sugar :D
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Shame on me yesterday I gave in to greek cookies and we had dinner at our favorite steak house and I had dinner rolls. SHAME SHAME SHAME!!! :(

    Today is a brand new day!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,412 Member
    I did it. I actually did it. Seven whole days with no sugar :D

    YAY!! You are my inspiration!!!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,412 Member
    Shame on me yesterday I gave in to greek cookies and we had dinner at our favorite steak house and I had dinner rolls. SHAME SHAME SHAME!!! :(

    Today is a brand new day!

    I'm sorry - yes today is a brand new day!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,412 Member
    Yesterday wasn't a very good day again but I've made more changes today and we'll see where it leads me. :) For breakfast, although calorie dense, boy was it good and healthy. 1 egg + 1 egg white, 1/2 avocado, 2 slices ezekiel sesame toast. SO yummy! SO full of healthy carbs, healthy fat and protein! I read a blog and the lady often has egg with avocado on it which never occurred to me before. It sure is yummy! If this works, I'll need to start buying lots of avocados!

    Hope everyone has a great on plan day!!!