SMART CARBERS (Smart Carbohydrates) and Calorie Counting/LCHF



  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    I did it. I actually did it. Seven whole days with no sugar :D

    That's awesome Phoebe. Keep up the good work.

  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Today we had pizza day at work and guess what ZERO PIZZA!! No temptation either. Just had 2 pcs of wings and salad (barely any dressing)!! <3:D
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Yesterday wasn't a very good day again but I've made more changes today and we'll see where it leads me. :) For breakfast, although calorie dense, boy was it good and healthy. 1 egg + 1 egg white, 1/2 avocado, 2 slices ezekiel sesame toast. SO yummy! SO full of healthy carbs, healthy fat and protein! I read a blog and the lady often has egg with avocado on it which never occurred to me before. It sure is yummy! If this works, I'll need to start buying lots of avocados!

    Hope everyone has a great on plan day!!!

    I had eggs and avocado for dinner. Yum!

  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Today we had pizza day at work and guess what ZERO PIZZA!! No temptation either. Just had 2 pcs of wings and salad (barely any dressing)!! <3:D

    Woo hoo!! You are turning that ship around!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Today we had pizza day at work and guess what ZERO PIZZA!! No temptation either. Just had 2 pcs of wings and salad (barely any dressing)!! <3:D

    Great job!!!

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Yesterday wasn't a very good day again but I've made more changes today and we'll see where it leads me. :) For breakfast, although calorie dense, boy was it good and healthy. 1 egg + 1 egg white, 1/2 avocado, 2 slices ezekiel sesame toast. SO yummy! SO full of healthy carbs, healthy fat and protein! I read a blog and the lady often has egg with avocado on it which never occurred to me before. It sure is yummy! If this works, I'll need to start buying lots of avocados!

    Hope everyone has a great on plan day!!!

    I had eggs and avocado for dinner. Yum!

    It's good isn't it??!! I had it again for breakfast today as it kept me full until 11:00! It's messy to eat but oh so worth it!! Have a great Friday everyone!!

  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Hello everybody! Today I plan to do liquid protein and soup. I will eat dinner tonight. Hope all is well with everybody. Have a great TGIF!
  • LMS1230
    LMS1230 Posts: 30
    Today is going to be lots of water...lunch will be really light with a cheese stick and a kiwi. Dinner is going to be boneless skinless chicken strips that I marinated in a bit of buffalo sauce and I'm going to boil up some cabbage and a few strips of onion to go with it. sounds like a weird combination but cabbage is low carb and calorie! french fries would be a yummier choice but I dont want the carbs or calories so I'll stick to my cabbage lol. 2 more day until weigh in and I want to have the 2 pound loss! I already lost 1 and am working on the other
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Ok, I am going to plan out and pack up my food for the weekend. The hotel has breakfast, but I can bring oatmeal to eat in the room and skip the breakfast. I am going to bring my proteins and salad for lunch and snacks tomorrow. The whole team will be going to a restaurant for dinner. I will google it after this and figure out what I am going to have... and stick with it. Gonna see if there is a whole foods are something like that close for my lunch on Sunday. A little worried, but I know I just need to plan. I have had 9 awesome days and I don't want to mess it up!! Will weigh in early tomorrow am and post that weight since it doesn't work from the iPad.

    Go hard everyone! Let's put up some good weight loss numbers this week!!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    I am good today. I had a piece of bread but I won't be too concerned. I love avocado so I had a cobb salad. I am going to aim to get down to my pre-cruise weight in a few weeks. Working hard to get there.
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    I survived the weekend. I am happy to say that all of my planning paid off over the weekend and I ate as planned..... up until this evening when I guess I didn't have a plan. I did end up breaking my no sugar streak, but glad it was because I was celebrating with a group of friends and not a guilt driven episode. Back to the real world tomorrow..... So I will be back on my plan with my "regular" food.

    How are you all doing?

    This is the week when all the new year shine has worn off and we have to settle in for some real work. Let's have a strong and powerful week!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Good morning everyone! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

    I'm down a lb this morning and I wasn't even 100% good last week! But it's so motivation to see the scale more in the right direction! My day is all planned with good food:

    B: light english muffin, 1 egg, 1 egg white and 1/2 avocado (yummy!)
    S: 1/2 plain greek yogurt with some raspberries
    L: salad with chicken and a pear
    S: 90 calorie chocolate pudding and a banana
    D: salad with chicken
    D: Raspberry Yasso Yogurt Bar (80 calories)

    I'll also get in 10,000 steps today and some yoga tonight.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    This week is my last push push to the maximum week. I am leaving for SFO for our company convention. I have a general plan for my food and fitness. I hope I can get the fitness in.

    My dinner is the only item changing this week. I will keep you posted on what it would be.

    Breakfast: Egg, egg white with cream cheese and coffee
    Snack: Ideal Protein Shake
    Lunch: Sea weed soup
    Snack: Ideal Protein Shake
    Dinner: Red Pepper Omelette with beef

    Good luck to all of us

  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    I survived the weekend. I am happy to say that all of my planning paid off over the weekend and I ate as planned..... up until this evening when I guess I didn't have a plan. I did end up breaking my no sugar streak, but glad it was because I was celebrating with a group of friends and not a guilt driven episode. Back to the real world tomorrow..... So I will be back on my plan with my "regular" food.

    How are you all doing?

    This is the week when all the new year shine has worn off and we have to settle in for some real work. Let's have a strong and powerful week!


  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    I survived the weekend. I am happy to say that all of my planning paid off over the weekend and I ate as planned..... up until this evening when I guess I didn't have a plan. I did end up breaking my no sugar streak, but glad it was because I was celebrating with a group of friends and not a guilt driven episode. Back to the real world tomorrow..... So I will be back on my plan with my "regular" food.

    How are you all doing?

    This is the week when all the new year shine has worn off and we have to settle in for some real work. Let's have a strong and powerful week!


    Awesome job Phoebe!!!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Good morning everyone! Yesterday was a success! I even had two big salads and I'm still craving salad today! I'm doing a great job cutting back on useless carbs while bulking up on the good stuff. I did over the weekend make myself a treat which I promptly froze: 24 cupcakes. It's an old weight watcher recipe and not as bad for you as regular cake. Mine was a box of lemon cake mix with diet 7-up. Still high in sugars but at least they are small and if I need a treat it's just waiting for me! But what's interesting is I used to always need some sort of carb with rice and I've essentially cut it out. I'll have a vegetable and lean protein now. One small step at a time :)

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone! Yesterday was another successful day! I have noticed that my food choices have been much better - eating a ton of salads every day and I'm more consistent with exercise. It's taken a while to get to this point but I do feel some sort of shift happening! I've been bad for SO long, this feels nice to feel more in control! Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Good Morning ladies!! I would say I have been doing well except that my vegetable intake is low. I need to pump in those vegetables. The problem is I am not a fan of cold vegetables including salads so preparing vegetables can be too much work for me. I hope this day ends well. I hope to knock up another 1lb or 2 this week let us see how it goes.

    Carla, did you join WW? I will in February when I come back from SFO.
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Thanks Christine and Carla!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    I am not sure that I could trust myself with 24 cupcakes in the freezer! I guess I did pass up all the holiday candy that has been around. It just depends how my resolve is, which is good right now, but it is always day by day. Thankfully, I think my kids have finished off the candy about now.

    I agree with what you said about shifting. Years ago before weight watchers I used to love pasta with just a sauce, but then the idea of pasta without veggies didn't even sound good. Now, I look at pasta as a poison to my body (for me anyway, not necessarily everyone) and don't even want it! Wish I could do the same with pizza, but, alas, this is not the case. LOL.

    My typical lunch is a big salad with some type of protein- seitan, field roast, tofurkey, almonds. For dinner it is more veggies or salad to go with my protein. I just do better without eating the grains at lunch and dinner, without a desire to add any in on a usual basis. Christine, you don't like cold veggies and I can rarely find time to cook any, so it is usually cold for me! Sometime will cook some up with some eggs or when heating up a field roast sausage. Basically though, if it takes more than 5-10 min, it is just not gonna happen. That's what works for me.

    I wish we still had WW at work :-) So glad you two do!